Remove LTPDARepositoryManager implementation. Java code
line source
+ − % SPSDSUBTRACTION makes a sPSD-weighted least-square iterative fit
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: SPSDSUBTRACTION makes a sPSD-weighted least-square iterative fit
+ − %
+ − % CALL: [MPest, plOut, aoResiduum, aoP, aoPini] = spsdSubtraction(ao_Y, [ao_U1, ao_U2, ao_U3 ...]);
+ − % [MPest, plOut, aoResiduum, aoP, aoPini] = spsdSubtraction(ao_Y, [ao_U1, ao_U2, ao_U3 ...], pl);
+ − %
+ − % The function finds the optimal M that minimizes the sum of the weighted sPSD of
+ − % (ao_Y - M * [ao_U1 ao_U2 ao_U3 ...] )
+ − % if ao_Y is a vector of aos, the use the matrix/spsdSubtraction is
+ − % advised
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUTS: - MPest: output PEST object with parameter estimates
+ − % - aoResiduum: residuum times series
+ − % - plOut: plist containing data like the parameter estimates
+ − % - aoP: last weight used in the optimization (fater last
+ − % Maximization/Expectation step)
+ − % - aoPini: initial weight used in the optimization (before first
+ − % Maximization/Expectation step)
+ − %
+ − % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'spsdSubtraction')">Parameters Description</a>
+ − %
+ − % VERSION : $Id: spsdSubtraction.m,v 1.6 2011/08/03 19:21:10 adrien Exp $
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = spsdSubtraction(varargin)
+ −
+ − % use the caller is method flag
+ − callerIsMethod = utils.helper.callerIsMethod;
+ −
+ − % Check if this is a call for parameters
+ − if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+ − varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Collect input variable names
+ − in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+ − for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+ −
+ − if ~nargin>1
+ − error('optSubtraction requires at least the two input aos as first and second entries')
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% retrieving the two input aos
+ − [aos_in, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names);
+ −
+ − aosY = varargin{1};
+ − aosU = varargin{2};
+ − if (~isa(aosY, 'ao')) || (~isa(aosU, 'ao'))
+ − error('first two inputs should be two ao-arrays involved in the subtraction')
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Collect plist
+ − pl = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
+ −
+ − % Get default parameters
+ − pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
+ −
+ − %% checking data sizes
+ − NY = numel(aosY);
+ − if NY==0
+ − error('Nothing to subtract to!')
+ − end
+ − NU = size(aosU,2);
+ − if NU==0
+ − error('Nothing to subtract!')
+ − end
+ − if ~(size(aosY,2)==1)
+ − error('The input ao Y array should be a column vector')
+ − end
+ − if ~(size(aosU,1)==NY)
+ − error('The fields ''subtracted'' should be an array of aos with the height of numel(initial)')
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% collecting history
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − % we don't need the history of the input
+ − else
+ − inhist = [aosY(:).hist aosU(:).hist];
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% retrieving general quantities
+ − ndata = numel(aosY(1).y);
+ − Ts = 1/aosY(1).fs;
+ − nFreqs = floor(ndata/2);
+ − freqs = 1/(2*Ts) * linspace(0,1,nFreqs);
+ −
+ − %% produce window
+ − Win = find(pl, 'Win');
+ − if isa(Win, 'plist')
+ − Win = ao( combine(plist( 'length', ndata), Win) );
+ − W = Win.y;
+ − elseif isa(Win, 'ao')
+ − if ~isa(, 'tsdata')
+ − error('An ao window should be a time series')
+ − end
+ − W = Win.y;
+ − if ~length(W)==ndata
+ − error('signals and windows don''t have the same length')
+ − end
+ − else
+ − error('input option Win is not acceptable (not a plist nor an ao)!')
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% get initial M coefficient matrix
+ − M = pl.find('coefs');
+ − if isempty(M)
+ − M = zeros(1,NU);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% get criterion thinness
+ − linCoef = pl.find('lincoef');
+ − logCoef = pl.find('logcoef');
+ −
+ − %% getting the input data Y and taking FFT
+ − Y = zeros(NY, nFreqs);
+ − YLocNorm = zeros(NY,1);
+ −
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − if isempty(aosY(ii).data)
+ − error('One ao for Y is empty!')
+ − end
+ − if ~(length(aosY(ii).y)==ndata)
+ − error('various Y vectors do not have the same length')
+ − end
+ − yLoc = fft(aosY(ii).y .* W, ndata);
+ − YLocNorm(ii) = norm(aosY(ii).y .* W)/sqrt(ndata);
+ − Y(ii,:) = yLoc(1:nFreqs)/YLocNorm(ii);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% getting the data U norm
+ − ULocNorm = zeros(NY,NU);
+ − for iU=1:NU
+ − for iY=1:NY
+ − if ~isempty(aosU(iY,iU).data)
+ − ULocNorm(iY,iU,:) = norm(aosU(iY,iU).y .* W)/sqrt(ndata);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − ULocNorm = max(ULocNorm,[],1);
+ −
+ − %% getting the input data U and taking FFT
+ − U = zeros(NY,NU, nFreqs);
+ − for iY=1:NY
+ − for iU=1:NU
+ − if ~isempty(aosU(iY,iU).data)
+ − if ~(length(aosU(iY,iU).y)==ndata)
+ − error('various U vectors do not have the same length as Y')
+ − end
+ − uLoc = fft(aosU(iY,iU).y .* W, ndata);
+ − U(iY,iU,:) = uLoc(1:nFreqs)/ (YLocNorm(iY) * ULocNorm(iU));
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% getting the weight powAvgWeight
+ − weightingMethod =pl.find('weightingMethod');
+ − switch lower(weightingMethod)
+ − case 'pzmodel'
+ − weightModel =pl.find('pzmodelWeight');
+ − if numel(weightModel)~=NY
+ − error('there should be as many pzmodels as weighted entries')
+ − end
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − weight = weightModel(ii).resp(freqs);
+ − weight = abs(weight).^2;
+ − pow = [0 ; weight.y(2:nFreqs)];
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgs, nFreqsAvg, nDofs, binningMatrix] = ltpda_spsd(freqs, pow, linCoef, logCoef);
+ − powAvgWeight(ii,:) = powAvgs; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − end
+ − case 'ao'
+ − weight = pl.find('aoWeight');
+ − if numel(weight)~=NY
+ − error('there should be as many AOs as weighted entries')
+ − end
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − if ~isa(weight(ii).data, 'fsdata')
+ − error('if weight is an ao, it should be a FSdata')
+ − elseif length(weight(ii).y)~=nFreqs
+ − error(['length of FS weight is not length of the FFT vector : ' num2str(length(weight(ii).y)) ' instead of ' num2str(nFreqs)])
+ − else
+ − pow = weight(ii).y;
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgs, nFreqsAvg, nDofs, binningMatrix] = ltpda_spsd(freqs, pow, linCoef, logCoef);
+ − powAvgWeight(ii,:) = powAvgs; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − %% add unit check here!!
+ − end
+ − end
+ − case 'residual'
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgWeight, nFreqsAvg, nDofs, binningMatrix] = computeWeight(Y, M, U, freqs, linCoef, logCoef);
+ − otherwise
+ − error('weighting method requested does not exist!')
+ − end
+ − powAvgInv = (powAvgWeight.*(nFreqsAvg.')./(nDofs.')).^-1;
+ −
+ − %% get ME iterations termination conditions
+ − iterMax = pl.find('iterMax');
+ − normCoefs = pl.find('normCoefs');
+ − normCriterion = pl.find('normCriterion');
+ −
+ − %% Maximization Expectation iterations loop
+ − for i_iter = 1:iterMax
+ − utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC3, ['starting iteration ', num2str(i_iter)]);
+ −
+ − %% initializing history
+ − if i_iter==1 % storing intial weight
+ − Pini = powAvgWeight;
+ − MHist(1,:) = reshape(M, [1, numel(M)] );
+ − end
+ − fValIni = optimalCriterion(Y, M, U, powAvgInv, linCoef, logCoef);
+ −
+ − %% solving LSQ problem
+ − [M, hessian] = solveProblem(M, Y, U, powAvgInv, nFreqsAvg, binningMatrix);
+ − fval = optimalCriterion(Y, M, U, powAvgInv, linCoef, logCoef);
+ −
+ − %% store history
+ − fValHist(i_iter) = fval/fValIni; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − MHist(i_iter+1,:) = reshape(M, [1, numel(M)] ); %#ok<AGROW>
+ −
+ − %% updating weight, recomputing residuum power
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgWeight, nFreqsAvg, nDofs] = computeWeight(Y, M, U, freqs, linCoef, logCoef);
+ − powAvgInv = (powAvgWeight.*(nFreqsAvg.')./(nDofs.')).^-1;
+ −
+ − %% deciding whether to pursue or not ME iterations
+ − if strcmpi( weightingMethod, 'pzmodel')
+ − display('One iteration for Pzmodel weighting only')
+ − break
+ − elseif strcmpi( weightingMethod, 'ao')
+ − display('One iteration for ao weighting only')
+ − break
+ − elseif norm(fValHist(i_iter)-1) < normCriterion && norm(MHist(i_iter+1,:)-MHist(i_iter,:))<normCoefs
+ − display(['Iterations stopped at iteration ' num2str(i_iter) ' because not enough progress was made (see parameter "normCriterion" and "normCoefs")'])
+ − break
+ − elseif i_iter == iterMax
+ − display(['Iterations stopped at maximum number of iterations ' num2str(i_iter) ' (see parameter "iterMax")'])
+ − break
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% creating output pest
+ − MVals = M * diag( ULocNorm.^-1 );
+ − MStd = diag(diag(ULocNorm) * hessian * diag(ULocNorm)).^-0.5;
+ − MCov = diag(ULocNorm)^-1 * hessian^-1 * diag(ULocNorm)^-1;
+ −
+ − % prepare model, units, names
+ − model = [];
+ − for jj = 1:NU
+ − names{jj} = ['U' num2str(jj)]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − units{jj} = aosY(1).yunits / aosU(1,jj).yunits; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − xunits{jj} = aosU(1,jj).yunits; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − MNames{jj} = ['M' num2str(jj)]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − if jj == 1
+ − model = ['M' num2str(jj) '*U' num2str(jj)];
+ − else
+ − model = [model ' + M' num2str(jj) '*U' num2str(jj)]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − model = smodel(plist('expression', model, ...
+ − 'params', MNames, ...
+ − 'values', MVals.', ...
+ − 'xvar', names, ...
+ − 'xunits', xunits, ...
+ − 'yunits', aosY(1).yunits ...
+ − ));
+ −
+ − % collect inputs names
+ − argsname = aosY(1).name;
+ − for jj = 1:numel(NU)
+ − argsname = [argsname ',' aosU(jj).name];
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Build the output pest object
+ − MPest = pest;
+ − MPest.setY( MVals.' );
+ − MPest.setDy(MStd);
+ − MPest.setCov(MCov);
+ − MPest.setChi2(0);
+ − MPest.setNames(names{:});
+ − MPest.setYunits(units{:});
+ − MPest.setModels(model);
+ − = sprintf('optSubtraction(%s)', argsname);
+ −
+ − % Set procinfo object
+ − MPest.procinfo = plist('MPsdE', 0);
+ − % Propagate 'plotinfo'
+ − plotinfo = [aosY(:).plotinfo aosU(:).plotinfo];
+ − if ~isempty(plotinfo)
+ − MPest.plotinfo = combine(plotinfo);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% creating output plist
+ − plOut = plist;
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'criterion' , 'last value of the criterion in the last optimization'}, fval );
+ − plOut.append(p);
+ − p = param({ 'M' , 'Best fitting value'}, MVals );
+ − plOut.append(p);
+ − p = param({ 'Mhist' , 'History of the best fit, through iteration'}, MHist * diag( ULocNorm.^-1 ) );
+ − plOut.append(p);
+ − p = param({ 'fValHist' , 'History of the criterion value, through iteration'}, fValHist );
+ − plOut.append(p);
+ − p = param({ 'hessian' , 'fitting hessian'}, diag(ULocNorm) * hessian * diag(ULocNorm) );
+ − plOut.append(p);
+ − %add history and use Mdata/Pest instead
+ −
+ − %% creating aos for the weights used
+ − if nargout>2
+ − aoP = ao.initObjectWithSize(NY, 1);
+ − aoPini = ao.initObjectWithSize(NY, 1);
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − aoP(ii).setData(fsdata( freqsAvg, YLocNorm(ii)^2 * powAvgWeight(ii,:) ));
+ − aoP(ii).setName('final weight');
+ − aoP(ii).setXunits('Hz');
+ − aoP(ii).setYunits(aosY(ii).yunits^2 * unit('Hz^-1'));
+ − aoP(ii).setDescription(['final weight in the channel "' aosY(ii).name '"']);
+ − aoP(ii).setT0(aosY(ii).t0);
+ − aoPini(ii).setData(fsdata( freqsAvg, YLocNorm(ii)^2 * Pini(ii,:) ));
+ − aoPini(ii).setName('initial weight');
+ − aoPini(ii).setXunits('Hz');
+ − aoPini(ii).setYunits(aosY(ii).yunits^2 * unit('Hz^-1'));
+ − aoPini(ii).setDescription(['initial weight in the channel "' aosY(ii).name '"']);
+ − aoPini(ii).setT0(aosY(ii).t0);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% creating residuum time-series
+ − if nargout>2
+ − aoResiduum = ao.initObjectWithSize(NY,1);
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − aoResiduumValue = aosY(ii).y;
+ − for jj = 1:NU
+ − aoResiduumValue = aoResiduumValue - MVals(jj)*aosU(ii,jj).y;
+ − end
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setData(tsdata( aoResiduumValue, aosY(ii).fs ));
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setName(['residual in the channel "' aosY(ii).name '"' ]);
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setXunits('s');
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setYunits(aosY(ii).yunits);
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setDescription(['residual corresponding to "' aosY(ii).description '"' ]);
+ − aoResiduum(ii).setT0(aosY(ii).t0);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% adding history
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − % we don't need to set the history
+ − else
+ − MPest.addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, ao_invars, inhist);
+ − if nargout>2
+ − for ii=1:NY
+ − aoP(ii).addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, ao_invars, inhist);
+ − aoPini(ii).addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, ao_invars, inhist);
+ − aoResiduum(ii).addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, ao_invars, inhist);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% return coefficients and hessian and Jfinal and powAvgWeight
+ − if nargout>2
+ − varargout = {MPest, plOut, aoResiduum, aoP, aoPini};
+ − else
+ − varargout = {MPest, plOut};
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% weight for optimal criterion
+ − function [freqsAvg, powAvgWeight, nFreqsAvg, nDofs, binningMatrix] = computeWeight(Y, M, U, freqs, linCoef, logCoef)
+ − errDft = subtraction( Y, M, U);
+ − errPow = real(errDft).^2 + imag(errDft).^2;
+ − for ii=1:size(errDft,1)
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgs, nFreqsAvg, nDofs, binningMatrix] = ltpda_spsd(freqs, errPow, linCoef, logCoef);
+ − powAvgWeight(ii,:) = powAvgs; %#ok<AGROW>
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% optimal criterion
+ − function j = optimalCriterion(Y, M, U, powAvgInv, linCoef, logCoef)
+ − errDft = subtraction(Y, M, U);
+ − errPow = real(errDft).^2 + imag(errDft).^2;
+ − j = 0;
+ − for ii=1:size(errDft,1)
+ − [freqsAvg, powAvgs, nFreqsAvg, nDofs] = ltpda_spsd([], errPow, linCoef, logCoef); %#ok<ASGLU>
+ − powSum = powAvgs .* nDofs; % binning frequencies as in sPSD
+ − j = j + sum( powSum .* powAvgInv(:,ii) );
+ − % alpha = 4;
+ − % logProbaDensityFactor = - nFreqsAvg * log(2) - gammaln(nFreqsAvg);
+ − % normlzChi2Sum = ((alpha*2)*powSum) .* powAvgInv(:,ii); % divide the sum by the expected average of each terms, so the chi2 is normalized
+ − % logProbaDensities = logProbaDensityFactor + (nFreqsAvg-1).*log(normlzChi2Sum) - normlzChi2Sum/2 ; % here computing log of probability
+ − % j = j - sum(logProbaDensities); % better than taking product of probabilities
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% time-series subtraction function
+ − function Y = subtraction( Y, M, U)
+ − ndata = size(Y,2);
+ − for ii=1:size(Y,1)
+ − for j=1:numel(M)
+ − Y(ii,:) = Y(ii,:) - reshape( M(j)*U(ii,j,:) , [1,ndata] );
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% Direct solver
+ − function [M, hessian] = solveProblem(M, Y, U, powAvgInv, nFreqsAvg, binningMatrix)
+ − errDft = subtraction(Y, M, U);
+ − NU = size(U,2);
+ − NFreqs = size(binningMatrix,2);
+ − ATB = zeros(NU,1);
+ − ATA = zeros(NU,NU);
+ − % matrix for frequency binning & Weighting & Summing :
+ − matBSW = powAvgInv * binningMatrix;
+ − for iiParam = 1:NU
+ − Uii = reshape(U(1,iiParam,:), [1 NFreqs]);
+ − ATB(iiParam) = 2 * ( matBSW * real( Uii .* conj(errDft) ).' );
+ − for jjParam = 1:NU
+ − Ujj = reshape(U(1,jjParam,:), [1 NFreqs]);
+ − ATA(iiParam,jjParam) = 2 * ( matBSW * real( Uii .* conj(Ujj) ).' );
+ − end
+ − end
+ − try
+ − MUpdate = ATA^-1 * ATB;
+ − M = M + MUpdate.';
+ − catch
+ − warning('Numerical accuracy limited the number of iterations')
+ − end
+ − hessian = ATA;
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Info Object
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+ − if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+ − sets = {};
+ − pl = [];
+ − else
+ − sets = {'Default'};
+ − pl = getDefaultPlist;
+ − end
+ − % Build info object
+ − ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.op, '$Id: spsdSubtraction.m,v 1.6 2011/08/03 19:21:10 adrien Exp $', sets, pl);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Default Plist
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+ − persistent pl;
+ − if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
+ − pl = buildplist();
+ − end
+ − plout = pl;
+ − end
+ −
+ − function pl = buildplist()
+ − pl = plist;
+ −
+ − % initial coefficients for subtraction initialization
+ − p = param({ 'coefs' , 'initial subtracted coefficients, must be a nY*nU double array. If not provided zeros are assumed'}, [] );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % weighting scheme
+ − p = param({ 'weightingMethod' , 'choose to define a frequency weighting scheme'}, {1, {'residual', 'ao', 'pzmodel'}, paramValue.SINGLE} );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'aoWeight' , 'ao to define a frequency weighting scheme (if chosen in ''weightingMethod'')'}, ao.initObjectWithSize(0,0) );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'pzmodelWeight' , 'pzmodel to define a frequency weighting scheme (if chosen in ''weightingMethod'')'}, pzmodel.initObjectWithSize(0,0) );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'lincoef' , 'linear coefficient for scaling frequencies in chi2'}, 5 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'logcoef' , 'logarithmic coefficient for scaling frequencies in chi2'}, 0.3 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % iterations convergence stop criterion
+ − p = param({ 'iterMax' , 'max number of Mex/Exp iterations'}, 20 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'normCoefs' , 'tolerance on inf norm of coefficient update (used depending on ''CVCriterion'')'}, 1e-15 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({ 'normCriterion' , 'tolerance on norm of criterion variation (used depending on ''CVCriterion'')'}, 1e-15 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % windowing options
+ − p = param({ 'win' , 'window to operate FFT, may be a plist/ao'}, plist('win', 'levelledHanning', 'PSLL', 200, 'levelOrder', 4 ) );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % display
+ − p = param({ 'display' , 'choose how much to display of the optimizer output'}, {1, {'off', 'iter', 'final'}, paramValue.SINGLE} );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % optimizer options
+ − p = param({ 'maxcall' , 'maximum number of calls to the criterion function'}, 5000 );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ −