% ALLGRID Set all the grids to 'state'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: ALLGRID Set all the grids to 'state'%% CALL: allgrid('state')%% VERSION: $Id: allgrid.m,v 1.1 2008/08/05 17:51:32 ingo Exp $%% HISTORY: 17-11-2002 M Hewitson% Creation.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function allgrid(state) if (strcmp(state,'on') || strcmp(state,'off')) c = get(gcf, 'children'); for k=1:length(c) t = get(c(k), 'Tag'); if t=='' set(c(k), 'XGrid', state); set(c(k), 'YGrid', state); end end else error('state must be on or off'); endend