% GETDEFAULTVALUE Returns the default value of a class property.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Returns the default value of a class property if any default% value is defined.%% CALL: dv = getDefaultValue(obj, prop);%% INPUTS: obj: LTPDA object or a class string% prop: Property name of the class%% OUTPUTS: dv: Default value of the property.%% VERSION: $Id: getDefaultValue.m,v 1.1 2011/04/11 19:47:36 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function dv = getDefaultValue(obj, prop) % Get the default value of the property from the meta data if ischar(obj) m = meta.class.fromName('smodel'); elseif isa(obj, 'ltpda_obj') m = metaclass(obj); else error('### Unknown input. Please use: getDefaultValue(obj, prop)'); end p = [m.Properties{:}]; idx = strcmp({p(:).Name}, prop) & [p.HasDefault]; if any(idx) dv = p(idx).DefaultValue; else error('### Can not find any default value for the [%s] property of the [%s] class', prop, m.Name); endend