view m-toolbox/classes/@ao/update_struct.m @ 49:0bcdf74587d1
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:24:36 +0100 (2011-12-07)
line source
+ − % UPDATE_STRUCT update the input structure to the current ltpda version
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: update_struct
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: UPDATE_STRUCT update the input structure to the current
+ − % ltpda version
+ − %
+ − % CALL: obj_struct = update_struct(obj_struct, version_str);
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: update_struct.m,v 1.9 2009/08/31 17:09:46 ingo Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = update_struct(varargin)
+ −
+ − obj_struct = varargin{1};
+ − struct_ver = varargin{2};
+ −
+ − % get the version of the current toolbox
+ − tbx_ver = strtok(getappdata(0, 'ltpda_version'));
+ −
+ − % get only the version string without the MATLAB version
+ − struct_ver = strtok(struct_ver);
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '1.0 -> 1.9.1' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '1.0')
+ −
+ − try
+ −
+ − %%% procinfo
+ − if ~isfield(obj_struct, 'procinfo')
+ − obj_struct.procinfo = plist();
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% plotinfo
+ − if ~isfield(obj_struct, 'plotinfo')
+ − obj_struct.plotinfo = plist();
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% creator
+ − if isfield(obj_struct, 'provenance') && ~isfield(obj_struct, 'creator')
+ − obj_struct.creator = obj_struct.provenance;
+ − elseif ~isfield(obj_struct, 'creator')
+ − obj_struct.creator = provenance('Updater 1.0 -> 1.9.1');
+ − end
+ −
+ − catch ME
+ − disp(varargin{1});
+ − throw(addCause(ME, MException('MATLAB:LTPDA','### The struct (ao) above is not from version 1.0')));
+ − end
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '1.9.1';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '1.9.1' ->'1.9.2' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '1.9.1')
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '1.9.2';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '1.9.2' ->'1.9.3' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '1.9.2')
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '1.9.3';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '1.9.3' ->'1.9.4' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '1.9.3')
+ −
+ − %%% created
+ − if isfield(obj_struct, 'created')
+ − obj_struct = rmfield(obj_struct, 'created');
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% creator
+ − if isfield(obj_struct, 'creator')
+ − obj_struct = rmfield(obj_struct, 'creator');
+ − end
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '1.9.4';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '1.9.4' ->'2.0' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '1.9.4')
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '2.0';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '2.0' ->'2.0.1' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '2.0')
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '2.0.1';
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update version '2.0.1' ->'2.1' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − if utils.helper.ver2num(struct_ver) < utils.helper.ver2num(tbx_ver) && ...
+ − strcmp(struct_ver, '2.0.1')
+ −
+ − for ii = 1:numel(obj_struct)
+ − if isfield(obj_struct(ii), 'mfilename') && ~isempty(obj_struct(ii).mfilename)
+ − warning('!!! The field ''mfilename'' of the AO is not longer supported');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isfield(obj_struct(ii), 'mfile') && ~isempty(obj_struct(ii).mfile)
+ − warning('!!! The field ''mfile'' of the AO is not longer supported');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isfield(obj_struct(ii), 'mdlfilename') && ~isempty(obj_struct(ii).mdlfilename)
+ − warning('!!! The field ''mdlfilename'' of the AO is not longer supported');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isfield(obj_struct(ii), 'mdlfile') && ~isempty(obj_struct(ii).mdlfile)
+ − obj_struct(ii).mdlfile = '';
+ − warning('!!! The field ''mdlfile'' have a new definition. Empty field.');
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − struct_ver = '2.1';
+ − end
+ −
+ − varargout{1} = obj_struct;
+ − end
+ −