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<h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>Building a model</h1>
Poles and zeros can be combined together to create a pole/zero model. In addition to a list of poles
and zeros, a gain factor and a delay can be specified such that the resulting model is of the form:
<div align="center">
<img src="images/pzmodel_tf_eqn.png" alt="Pole/zero model TF" border="3">
The following sections introduce how to produce and use pole/zero models in the LTPDA environment.
<li><a href="#direct">Direct form</a></li>
<li><a href="#plist">Creating from a <tt>plist</tt></a></li>
<li><a href="#resp">Computing the response of the model</a></li>
<h2><a name="direct">Direct form</a></h2>
The following code fragment creates a pole/zero model consisting of 2 poles and 2 zeros with a gain
factor of 10 and a 10ms delay:
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> pzm = pzmodel(10, {[1 2], 3}, {5, 10}, 0.01)
---- pzmodel 1 ----
name: None
gain: 10
delay: 0.01
iunits: []
ounits: []
pole 001: (f=1 Hz,Q=2)
pole 002: (f=3 Hz,Q=NaN)
zero 001: (f=5 Hz,Q=NaN)
zero 002: (f=10 Hz,Q=NaN)
Notice, you can also pass arrays of <tt>pz</tt> objects to the <tt>pzmodel</tt> constructor, but this
should rarely be necessary.
<h2><a name="plist">Creating from a <tt>plist</tt></a></h2>
You can also create a <tt>pzmodel</tt> by passing a parameter list. The following example shows
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> pl = plist(<span class="string">'name'</span>, <span class="string">'test model'</span>, ...
<span class="string">'gain'</span>, 10, ...
<span class="string">'poles'</span>, {[1 2], 3}, ...
<span class="string">'zeros'</span>, {5, 10}, ...
<span class="string">'delay'</span>, 0.01, ...
<span class="string">'iunits'</span>, 'm', ...
<span class="string">'ounits'</span>, 'V^2');
>> pzm = pzmodel(pl)
---- pzmodel 1 ----
name: test model
gain: 10
delay: 0.01
iunits: [m]
ounits: [V^2]
pole 001: (f=1 Hz,Q=2)
pole 002: (f=3 Hz,Q=NaN)
zero 001: (f=5 Hz,Q=NaN)
zero 002: (f=10 Hz,Q=NaN)
Here we also specified the input units of the transfer function ('iunits') and the
output units, ('ounits'). In this case, the model represents a transfer function
from metres to Volts squared.
<h2><a name="resp">Computing the response of the model</a></h2>
The frequency response of the model can generated using the <tt>resp</tt> method of the
<tt>pzmodel</tt> class. To compute the response of the model created above:
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> resp(pzm)
Since no output was specified, this command produces the following plot:
<img src="images/pzmodel_resp.png" alt="Pole/zero model resp" border="3" width="600">
You can also specify the frequency band over which to compute the response by passing a <tt>plist</tt>
to the <tt>resp</tt> method, as follows:
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> rpl = plist(<span class="string">'f1'</span>, 0.1, ...
<span class="string">'f2'</span>, 1000, ...
<span class="string">'nf'</span>, 10000);
>> a = resp(pzm, rpl)
----------- ao 01: resp(test model) -----------
name: resp(test model)
data: (0.1,10.0668830776529-i*0.605439551995965) (0.100092155051679,10.067006787497-i*0.606014805088671) (0.100184395028894,10.0671307268392-i*0.606590636924472) (0.100276720009908,10.0672548961078-i*0.607167048174596) (0.100369130073055,10.0673792957318-i*0.607744039511284) ...
----------- fsdata 01 -----------
fs: NaN
x: [1 10000], double
y: [1 10000], double
xunits: [Hz]
yunits: [V^(2)][m^(-1)]
t0: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000
navs: NaN
hist: pzmodel / resp / $Id: pzmodel_model_content.html,v 1.5 2009/02/24 09:44:39 miquel Exp $
In this case, the response is returned as an Analysis Object containing <tt>fsdata</tt>. You can now
plot the AO using the <tt>iplot</tt> function.
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<td align="left" width="20"><a href="pzmodel.html"><img src=
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"Pole/Zero representation"></a> </td>
<td align="left">Pole/Zero representation</td>
<td> </td>
<td align="right">Model helper GUI</td>
<td align="right" width="20"><a href=
"pzmodel_gui.html"><img src="b_next.gif" border="0" align=
"bottom" alt="Model helper GUI"></a></td>
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