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<h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>Z-Domain Fit</h1>
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<tr valign="top">
<a href="#description">Description</a>
<td>Z-domain system identification in LTPDA.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<a href="#algorithm">Algorithm</a>
<td>Fit Algorithm.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<a href="#examples">Examples</a>
<td>Usage example of z-domain system identification tool.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<a href="#references">References</a>
<td>Bibliographic references.</td>
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<h2><a name="description">Z-domain system identification in LTPDA</a></h2>
System identification in z-domain is performed with the function
<a href="matlab:doc('ao/zDomainFit')">zDomainFit</a>.
It is based on a modeified version of the vector fitting algorithm that was
adapted to fit in z-domain. Details on the core agorithm can be found in [1 - 3].
If you provide more than one AO as input, they will be fitted
together with a common set of poles.
Only frequency domain (<a href="matlab:doc('fsdata')">fsdata</a>) data can be
fitted. Each non fsdata object is ignored. Input
objects must have the same number of elements.
<h2><a name="algorithm">Fit algorithm</a></h2>
The function performs a fitting loop to automatically identify model
order and parameters in z-domain. Output is a z-domain model expanded
in partial fractions:
<IMG src="images/zdomainfit_1.gif" border="0">
Each element of the partial fraction expansion can be seen as a
<a href="sigproc_iir.html">miir</a> filter. Therefore the complete expansion
is simply a parallel <a href="sigproc_filterbanks.html">filterbank</a> of
<a href="sigproc_iir.html">miir</a> filters.
Since the function can fit more than one input analysis object at a time
with a common set of poles, output filterbank are embedded in a
<a href="class_desc_matrix.html">matrix</a> (note that this characteristic
will be probably changed becausse of the introduction of the
<a href="class_desc_collection.html">collection</a> class).
Identification loop stops when the stop condition is reached.
Stop criterion is based on three different approaches:
<li> Mean Squared Error and variation <br>
Check if the normalized mean squared error is lower than the value specified in
<tt>FITTOL</tt> and if the relative variation of the mean squared error is lower
than the value specified in <tt>MSEVARTOL</tt>.
E.g. <tt>FITTOL = 1e-3</tt>, <tt>MSEVARTOL = 1e-2</tt> search for a fit with
normalized meam square error lower than <tt>1e-3</tt> and <tt>MSE</tt> relative
variation lower than <tt>1e-2</tt>.
<li> Log residuals difference and root mean squared error
<li> Log Residuals difference <br>
Check if the minimum of the logarithmic difference between data and
residuals is larger than a specified value. ie. if the conditioning
value is <tt>2</tt>, the function ensures that the difference between data and
residuals is at lest two order of magnitude lower than data itsleves.
<li> Root Mean Squared Error <br>
Check that the variation of the root mean squared error is lower than
<li> Residuals spectral flatness and root mean squared error
<li> Residuals Spectral Flatness <br>
In case of a fit on noisy data, the residuals from a good fit are
expected to be as much as possible similar to a white noise. This
property can be used to test the accuracy of a fit procedure. In
particular it can be tested that the spectral flatness coefficient of
the residuals is larger than a certain qiantity sf such that <tt>0 < sf < 1</tt>.
<li> Root Mean Squared Error <br>
Check that the variation of the root mean squared error is lower than
Fitting loop stops when the two stopping conditions are satisfied, in both cases.
The function can also perform a single loop without taking care of
the stop conditions. This happens when <span class="string">'AUTOSEARCH'</span> parameter is
set to <span class="string">'OFF'</span>.
<h2><a name="examples">Usage example of z-domain system identification tool</a></h2>
In this example we fit a given frequency response to get a stable <tt>miir</tt> filter.
For the meaning of any parameter please refer to
<a href="matlab:doc('ao')">ao</a> and
<a href="matlab:doc('ao/zDomainFit')">zDomainFit</a>
documentation pages.
<div class="fragment"><pre>
pl = plist(...
<span class="string">'fsfcn'</span>, <span class="string">'(1e-3./(2.*pi.*1i.*f).^2 + 1e3./(0.001+2.*pi.*1i.*f) + 1e5.*(2.*pi.*1i.*f).^2).*1e-10'</span>,...
<span class="string">'f1'</span>, 1e-6,...
<span class="string">'f2'</span>, 5,...
<span class="string">'nf'</span>, 100);
a = ao(pl);
<span class="comment">% Fit parameter list</span>
pl_fit = plist(<span class="string">'FS'</span>,10,...
<span class="string">'AutoSearch'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>,...
<span class="string">'StartPolesOpt'</span>,<span class="string">'clog'</span>,...
<span class="string">'maxiter'</span>,50,...
<span class="string">'minorder'</span>,15,...
<span class="string">'maxorder'</span>,30,...
<span class="string">'weightparam'</span>,<span class="string">'abs'</span>,...
<span class="string">'CONDTYPE'</span>,<span class="string">'MSE'</span>,...
<span class="string">'FITTOL'</span>,1e-2,...
<span class="string">'MSEVARTOL'</span>,1e-1,...
<span class="string">'Plot'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>,...
<span class="string">'ForceStability'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>);
<span class="comment">% Do fit</span>
mod = zDomainFit(a, pl_fit);
<tt>mod</tt> is a <tt>matrix</tt> object containing a <tt>filterbank</tt> object.
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> mod
---- matrix 1 ----
name: fit(a)
size: 1x1
01: filterbank | filterbank(fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.19e+005 0], b=[1 0.0223]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.67e+005 0], b=[1 0.137]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-5.41e+004 0], b=[1 0.348]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.15e+004 0], b=[1 0.603]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.69e+005 0], b=[1 0.639]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.6e+005 0], b=[1 0.64]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.99e-009 0], b=[1 -1]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-4.95e-010 0], b=[1 1]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.4e+003-i*3.7e+003 0], b=[1 -0.0528-i*0.0424]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.4e+003+i*3.7e+003 0], b=[1 -0.0528+i*0.0424]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.66e+003-i*1.45e+004 0], b=[1 0.0233-i*0.112]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.66e+003+i*1.45e+004 0], b=[1 0.0233+i*0.112]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.67e+004+i*432 0], b=[1 0.171-i*0.14]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.67e+004-i*432 0], b=[1 0.171+i*0.14]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[7.61e+003+i*7.36e+003 0], b=[1 0.378-i*0.112]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[7.61e+003-i*7.36e+003 0], b=[1 0.378+i*0.112]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[3.67e-015-i*4.61e-006 0], b=[1 -1-i*1.08e-010]), fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[3.67e-015+i*4.61e-006 0], b=[1 -1+i*1.08e-010]))
UUID: 9274455a-68e8-4bf1-b1ad-db81551f3cd6
The <tt>filterbank</tt> object contains a parallel bank of 18 filters.
<div class="fragment"><pre>
>> mod.objs
---- filterbank 1 ----
name: fit(a)
type: parallel
01: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.19e+005 0], b=[1 0.0223])
02: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.67e+005 0], b=[1 0.137])
03: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-5.41e+004 0], b=[1 0.348])
04: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.15e+004 0], b=[1 0.603])
05: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.69e+005 0], b=[1 0.639])
06: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.6e+005 0], b=[1 0.64])
07: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.99e-009 0], b=[1 -1])
08: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-4.95e-010 0], b=[1 1])
09: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.4e+003-i*3.7e+003 0], b=[1 -0.0528-i*0.0424])
10: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[9.4e+003+i*3.7e+003 0], b=[1 -0.0528+i*0.0424])
11: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.66e+003-i*1.45e+004 0], b=[1 0.0233-i*0.112])
12: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[1.66e+003+i*1.45e+004 0], b=[1 0.0233+i*0.112])
13: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.67e+004+i*432 0], b=[1 0.171-i*0.14])
14: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[-1.67e+004-i*432 0], b=[1 0.171+i*0.14])
15: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[7.61e+003+i*7.36e+003 0], b=[1 0.378-i*0.112])
16: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[7.61e+003-i*7.36e+003 0], b=[1 0.378+i*0.112])
17: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[3.67e-015-i*4.61e-006 0], b=[1 -1-i*1.08e-010])
18: fit(a)(fs=10.00, ntaps=2.00, a=[3.67e-015+i*4.61e-006 0], b=[1 -1+i*1.08e-010])
UUID: 21af6960-61a8-4351-b504-e6f2b5e55b06
Each object of the <tt>filterbank</tt> is a <tt>miir</tt> filter.
<div class="fragment"><pre>
filt = mod.objs.filters.index(3)
------ miir/1 -------
b: [1 0.348484501572296]
histin: 0
version: $Id: zdomainfit_content.html,v 1.6 2009/08/27 11:38:58 luigi Exp $
ntaps: 2
fs: 10
a: [-54055.7700068032 0]
histout: 0
iunits: [] [1x1 unit]
ounits: [] [1x1 unit]
hist: miir.hist [1x1 history]
procinfo: (empty-plist) [1x1 plist]
plotinfo: (empty-plist) [1x1 plist]
name: (fit(a)(3,1))(3)
UUID: 6e2a1cd8-f17d-4c9d-aea9-4d9a96e41e68
<h2><a name="references">References</a></h2>
<li> B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency
domain responses by Vector Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery
vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999.
<li> B. Gustavsen, "Improving the Pole Relocating Properties of Vector
Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery vol. 21, no. 3, pp.
1587-1592, July 2006.
<li> Y. S. Mekonnen and J. E. Schutt-Aine, "Fast broadband
macromodeling technique of sampled time/frequency data using
z-domain vector-fitting method", Electronic Components and
Technology Conference, 2008. ECTC 2008. 58th 27-30 May 2008 pp.
1231 - 1235.
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