view m-toolbox/sltpda/sltpda.mdl @ 48:16aa66670d74 database-connection-manager

Fix LTPDA Preferences tooltip
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:07:27 +0100
parents f0afece42f48
line wrap: on
line source

Library {
  Name			  "sltpda"
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  InitFcn		  "disp('Welcome to sLTPDA');"
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  SubSystem
	  Name			  "get"
	  Tag			  "get"
	  Description		  "Get the propery of an analysis object."
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	  Position		  [30, 88, 75, 122]
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	      BlockType		      Outport
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  SubSystem
	  Name			  "split"
	  Tag			  "split"
	  Description		  "Splits an AO into many sub-AOs."
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	  Position		  [95, 87, 150, 123]
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	      Name		      "Out1"
	      Position		      [80, 28, 110, 42]
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	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
	Annotation {
	  Name			  "These are blocks that map to functions\nin "
"the AO class of LTPDA."
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	      BlockType		      SubSystem
	      Name		      "ltpda_pwelch"
	      Tag		      "ltpda_pwelch"
	      Description	      "Makes a spectral density estimate by ca"
"lling ltpda_pwlech."
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"abel('input', 1, 'AOs')\nport_label('input', 2, 'pl')\n"
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	      Name		      "ltpda_tfe"
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	      MaskType		      "ltpda_tfe"
	      MaskDescription	      "Computes a transfer function estimate g"
"iven the input and output of the system. This calls ltpda_tfe() which in turn"
" calls tfestimate()."
	      MaskHelp		      "Connect the input and output of a syste"
"m to this block to compute a transfer function estimate. "
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"abel('input', 1, 'sys out')\nport_label('input', 2, 'sys in')\nport_label('in"
"put', 3, 'pl')\n"
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	  Name			  "ltpda_timedomainfit"
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	  Description		  "Performs a time-domain fit of the input AOs"
" using ltpda_timedomainfit."
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	  Name			  "These are signal processing blocks which\na"
"re supported by sLTPDA. They mask equivalent\nfunctions which are in LTPDA."
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" if ~strcmp(fname, '0')\n%   % Pop-up dialog box to choose model file\n%   [f"
"ilename, pathname] = uiputfile({'*.xml', 'LTPDA XML File';...\n%             "
"                      '*.txt', 'ASCII File'}, 'Save AO to file')\n% end      "
"                      \n% \n% if filename ~= 0\n%   infile = fullfile(pathnam"
"e, filename);\n[path, fname, ext, vers] = fileparts(char(fname));\n%   set_pa"
"ram(gcb, 'MaskValues', cellstr(infile));\nset(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name"
"', fname);\n% end\n"
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"ff';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'on';'off'}),\n  case 'Sawtooth'\n    set_p"
"ff';'off';'on'}),\n    \nend||||||||||"
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" [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.txt', 'ASCII File';...\n%              "
"           '*.xml', 'LTPDA XML File'}, 'Load AO from file');\n% \n%          "
"             \n% if filename ~= 0\n%   infile = fullfile(pathname, filename);"
"\n%   [path, fname, ext, vers] = fileparts(infile);\n%   set_param(gcb, 'Mask"
"Values', cellstr(infile));\n%   set(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name', fname);"
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"ileparts(char(fname));\ntry\n  set(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name', fname);"
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