view m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/blockMatIndex.m @ 2:18e956c96a1b
Add LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager implementation. Matlab code
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Sun, 04 Dec 2011 21:23:09 +0100 (2011-12-04)
line source
+ − % adds corresponding matrices of same sizes or empty inside cell array
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: blockMatAdd adds corresponding matrices of same sizes or empty inside
+ − % cell array
+ − %
+ − % CALL: [cell3] = ssm.blockMatAdd(cell1,cell2)
+ − %
+ − % INPUTS:
+ − % cell1 - cell array of matrices representing a matrix by blocs.
+ − % blocs may be empty
+ − % cell2 - cell array of matrices representing a matrix by blocs.
+ − % blocs may be empty
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUTS:
+ − % cell3 - cell array of matrices representing a matrix by blocs.
+ − % blocs may be empty
+ − %
+ − % NOTE : function is private to the ssm class
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: '$Id: blockMatIndex.m,v 1.8 2011/02/02 19:25:30 adrien Exp $'
+ − %
+ − % TO DO :
+ − % check ME in case of mixed symbolic and double
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function a = blockMatIndex(amats, blockIndex1, portIndex1, blockIndex2, portIndex2 )
+ − %% filling binary array to check is location is empty
+ − isEmpty = cellfun(@isempty, amats);
+ −
+ − Nrow = size(amats,1);
+ − Ncol = size(amats,2);
+ −
+ − n1 = numel(blockIndex1);
+ − n2 = numel(blockIndex2);
+ − a = zeros(n1, n2);
+ −
+ − %% rebuilding input indexing vector
+ − [groupedBlockIndex1, groupedPortIndex1, groupSize1, nGroups1, globalPortIndex1] = ssmblock.groupIndexes(blockIndex1, portIndex1);
+ − [groupedBlockIndex2, groupedPortIndex2, groupSize2, nGroups2, globalPortIndex2] = ssmblock.groupIndexes(blockIndex2, portIndex2);
+ − %% Copying content
+ − for ii=1:nGroups1
+ − bi = groupedBlockIndex1(ii);
+ − pi = groupedPortIndex1{ii};
+ − for jj=1:nGroups2
+ − bj = groupedBlockIndex2(jj);
+ − if ~isEmpty(bi, bj) || min(bi,Nrow)==min(bj,Ncol)
+ − % if we have a non-empty cell or we are on the extended diagonal
+ − val = amats{bi, bj}(pi,groupedPortIndex2{jj});
+ − if isa(val, 'sym') && ~isa(a, 'sym')
+ − a = sym(a);
+ − end
+ − a(globalPortIndex1{ii},globalPortIndex2{jj}) = val;
+ −
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ −