% UNINSTALLEXTENSIONSFORDIR uninstalls the toolbox extensions found under the% given directory.% % CALL: utils.helper.uninstallExtensionsForDir(dir)% % M Hewitson 29-10-10% % $Id: uninstallExtensionsForDir.m,v 1.3 2010/12/03 10:00:05 hewitson Exp $% function uninstallExtensionsForDir(varargin) extdir = varargin{1}; if ~ischar(extdir) error('input a path to a directory of LTPDA extensions'); end fprintf('* uninstalling extensions under %s ...\n', extdir); % toolbox path aopath = fileparts(which('ao')); parts = regexp(aopath, '@', 'split'); classpath = parts{1}; % for each user class, look for a corresponding directory and copy any % extension methods in. userclasses = utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses; for ucl = userclasses extsdir = fullfile(extdir, ucl{1}); if exist(extsdir, 'dir')==7 fprintf(' uninstalling extensions for class %s ...\n', ucl{1}); files = utils.prog.filescan(extsdir, '.m'); dstdir = fullfile(classpath, ['@' ucl{1}]); for kk=1:numel(files) f = files{kk}; [path, name, ext] = fileparts(f); dstfile = fullfile(dstdir, [name ext]); fprintf(' uninstalling extension %s/%s ...\n', ucl{1}, [name ext]); delete(dstfile); end end end % Remove any packages from the MATLAB path dirs = utils.prog.dirscan(extdir, '+'); for kk=1:numel(dirs) d = dirs{kk}; disp([' uninstalling package ' d]); fcnpaths = genpath(fullfile(extdir, d)); rmpath(fcnpaths); end rmpath(genpath(extdir));end