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view m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uoh/report.m @ 27:29276498ebdb database-connection-manager
Remove LTPDARepositoryManager implementation
* * *
Remove GUI helper
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05) |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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% REPORT generates an HTML report about the input objects. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DESCRIPTION: REPORT generates an HTML report about the input objects. % % CALL: report(objs); % report(objs, options); % % INPUTS: objs - LTPDA objects % options - a plist of options % % PARAMETERS: % 'dir' - report dir [default: <temp dir>/ltpda_report/<date><time>] % 'extras' - true [default] or false: plot data and diagrams % for objects, output mfile, and type() output. % 'desc' - give a description to appear on the main report % page. % 'save' - include saved versions of the objects in the % report directory. Objects are saved as XML. % Specify with true or false [default] % 'zip' - compress the report directory to a ZIP file % 'plots' - specify a cell-array of objects to build % plots on the main page. Each cell gets its % own plot. Example: {[a1, a3], {a5}}. % 'overwrite' - overwrite the report directory if it exists. % Specify true or false [default]. % % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ltpda_uoh', 'report')">Parameters Description</a> % % VERSION: $Id: report.m,v 1.20 2011/04/08 08:56:30 hewitson Exp $ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function varargout = report(varargin) % starting initial checks utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.MNAME, ['running ', mfilename]); % Check if this is a call for parameters if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:}) varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3}); return end % Collect input variable names in_names = cell(size(varargin)); for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end % Collect all objs and plists objs = {}; objnames = {}; classes = utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses; for jj=1:numel(classes) try % can I create this type of class? feval(classes{jj}); [oos, obj_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), classes{jj}, in_names); if ~isempty(oos) && ~isa(oos, 'plist') objs = [objs {oos}]; objnames = [objnames obj_invars]; end end end % get plist pl = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist'); pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist('Default')); % Get options outdir = find(pl, 'dir'); plotOn = find(pl, 'extras'); saveXML = find(pl, 'save'); compress = find(pl, 'zip'); groupPlot = find(pl, 'plots'); % Create output dir if isempty(outdir) outdir = fullfile(tempdir, 'ltpda_report', datestr(now, 30)); elseif (outdir == '.') outdir = fullfile('ltpda_report', datestr(now, 30)); end % Does the directory exist? if find(pl, 'overwrite') if exist(outdir, 'dir') ~= 0 [success, msg, msgid] = rmdir(outdir, 's'); if ~success, disp(msg), return, end end else % check with the user if exist(outdir, 'dir') == 7 disp('The requested report directory already exists.') r = input('Do you want to overwrite it? [y/n] ', 's'); if strcmpi(r, 'y') [success, msg, msgid] = rmdir(outdir, 's'); if ~success, disp(msg), return, end else return end end end mkdir(outdir); mkdir(fullfile(outdir, 'images')); % Write .html file indexFile = fullfile(outdir, 'index.html'); fd = fopen(indexFile, 'w+'); header = getHeader(); footer = getFooter(); % write header fprintf(fd, header); % write description desc = find(pl, 'desc'); if ~iscell(desc), desc = {desc}; end for kk=1:numel(desc) fprintf(fd, '<p>%s</p>\n', desc{kk}); end % write index entry fprintf(fd, '<br><h2><a name="toc">Table of Contents</a></h2>\n'); [s, htmlfiles] = writeTableOfContents(objs, objnames); fprintf(fd, s); % Group plot? if ~isempty(groupPlot) % go through each cell - one plot per cell for kk=1:numel(groupPlot) % get objects group = groupPlot{kk}; fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Plot %d</h2>', kk); if isa(group, 'ao') imname = 'images/groupplot_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/groupplot_%03d.png', n); end % make a plot hfig = iplot(group); % make image saveas(hfig, fullfile(outdir, imname)); % make link fprintf(fd, '<img src="%s" alt="Plot" width="800px" border="3">\n', imname); close(hfig); else end end end % write individual html files writeObjFiles(fd, objs, htmlfiles, header, footer, outdir, plotOn, saveXML); % reportee info fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<br><h2>report created by:</h2>\n'); s = obj2table(provenance, outdir); fprintf(fd, s); fprintf(fd, '\n'); fprintf(fd, '\n'); % write footer fprintf(fd, footer); % Close fclose(fd); % copy stylesheet dp = which('docstyle.css'); copyfile(dp, outdir); copyfile(dp, fullfile(outdir, 'html')); % zip ? if compress zip([outdir '.zip'], outdir); end % open report if isempty(pl.find('dir')) web(fullfile('file:///', outdir, 'index.html')) else web(fullfile('file:///', pwd, outdir, 'index.html')) end utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'report written to %s', outdir); if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = outdir; end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write provenance info % function s = obj2table(obj, reportDir) % prepare table s = sprintf('<p>\n\t'); s = [s sprintf(' <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="1%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <td align="center" valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <colgroup>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <col width="1%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <col width="1%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </colgroup>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">%s</font></td></tr>\n', upper(class(obj)))]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr bgcolor="#B2B2B2"valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <th>Property</th>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <th>Value</th>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tbody>\n')]; props = properties(obj); cols = {'#E9E9E9', '#FFFFFF'}; for jj=1:numel(props) prop = props{jj}; val = obj.(prop); s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top" bgcolor="%s">\n', cols{mod(jj,2)+1})]; s = [s sprintf(' <td><h4><font color="#890022"><i>%s</i></font></h4></td>\n', props{jj})]; %---- EXCEPTIONS -------% if isempty(val) valstr = '<font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font>'; else if strcmp(prop, 'mfile') valstr = '<i>see above</i>'; elseif strcmp(prop, 'mdlfile') valstr = '<i>SIMULINK model file</i>'; else valstr = val2html(val, reportDir); end end s = [s sprintf(' <td>%s</td>\n', valstr)]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; end s = [s sprintf(' </tbody>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </table>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </td>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </table>\n')]; s = [s sprintf('</p>\n')]; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Convert a MATLAB type to an html string % function s = val2html(val, reportDir) MAX_STR_LENGTH = 50; MAX_NUM_LENGTH = 10; if ischar(val) % String s = ['<font color="#49B64B">' strtrunc(val, MAX_STR_LENGTH) '</font>']; elseif iscell(val) % Symbol cs = size(val); if numel(val) == 1 s = val2html(val{1}); else s = '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">\n'; s = [s sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#8BCEC3"></th>')]; for jj=1:cs(2) % loop over columns s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#8BCEC3">%d</th>', jj)]; end s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; for jj=1:cs(1) s = [s '<tr>\n']; s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#8BCEC3">%d</th>', jj)]; for kk=1:cs(2) s = [s '<td align="center" valign="middle" >\n']; s = [s val2html(val{jj,kk})]; s = [s '</td>\n']; end s = [s '</tr>\n']; end s = [s '</table>\n']; end %%%%%%%% SYMBOLS elseif isa(val, 'sym') if numel(val) == 1 s = strtrunc(char(sym), 50); else cs = size(val); s = '<table border="1" width="600px" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">\n'; s = [s sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#B2B2B2"></th>')]; for jj=1:cs(2) % loop over columns s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">%d</th>', jj)]; end s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; for jj=1:cs(1) % loop over rows s = [s '<tr>\n']; s = [s sprintf('<th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">%d</th>', jj)]; for kk=1:cs(2) % loop over columns s = [s '<td align="center" valign="middle" >\n']; s = [s '<font color="#6969B6">' strtrunc(char(val(jj,kk)),50) '</font>']; s = [s '</td>\n']; end s = [s '</tr>\n']; end s = [s '</table>\n']; end elseif isa(val, 'ltpda_obj') % LTPDA object if isa(val, 'history') % make image imname = 'images/hist_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(reportDir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/hist_img_%03d.png', n); end % make image dotview(val, plist('filename', fullfile(reportDir, imname), 'view', false, 'format', 'png')); % make link s = sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="History Plot" border="3">\n', imname); elseif isa(val, 'unit') || isa(val, 'time') || isa(val, 'plist') s = mask_special_char(char(val)); else s = obj2table(val, reportDir); end elseif islogical(val) if val s = '<i>true</i>'; else s = '<i>false</i>'; end elseif isnumeric(val) % Numbers if isempty(val) s = '<font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font>'; else if numel(val) > 1 s = [sprintf('<font color="#0003B6"><tt><font color="#000000">[%dx%d]</font>', size(val,1), size(val,2)) mat2str(val(1:min(numel(val), MAX_NUM_LENGTH)), 4)]; else s = ['<font color="#0003B6"><tt>' mat2str(val(1:min(numel(val), MAX_NUM_LENGTH)), 4)]; end if numel(val) > MAX_NUM_LENGTH s = [s '...']; end s = [s '</tt></font>']; end else s = strtrunc(char(val), MAX_STR_LENGTH); end end function txt = Cell2String(c) % recursive code to print the content of cell arrays if iscell(c) % for a cell txt = '';%; for i=1:size(c,1) if i==1 txti = '{'; else txti = ' '; end for j=1:size(c,2) txti = [txti ' ' Cell2String(c{i,j})]; end if i==size(c,1) txti = [txti, ' }']; end txt = strvcat(txt, txti); end elseif isa(c, 'sym') txt = char(c); elseif islogical(c) % for a logical txt = mat2str(c); elseif isnumeric(c)||isa(c,'sym') % for a numerical array, only size is displayed if size(c,1)+size(c,2)==0 % for 0x0 array txt = ' [] '; elseif isa(c,'double') && (norm(c)==0) % for zero array (test dos not carsh for sym) txt = ' [] '; else % for non empty array if size(c,1)>9 txt1 = ['[',num2str(size(c,1))]; else txt1 = [' [',num2str(size(c,1))]; end if size(c,2)>9 txt2 = [num2str(size(c,2)),']']; else txt2 = [num2str(size(c,2)),'] ']; end txt = [txt1,'x',txt2 ]; end % txt = mat2str(c); % old display elseif ischar(c) txt = ['''' c '''']; else txt = char(c); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Truncate a string % function s = strtrunc(s, n) sl = length(s); s = s(1:min(sl, n)); if sl > n s = [s '...']; end s = mask_special_char(s); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mask the special characters '<', '>' and & % % '<' with '<' % '>' with '>' % '&' with '&' % function s = mask_special_char(s) s = strrep(s, '&' ,'&'); s = strrep(s, '<', '<'); s = strrep(s, '>' ,'>'); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write a table of contents for the input objects % function [s, filenames] = writeTableOfContents(objs, objnames) filenames = {}; % start table s = sprintf('<p>\n\t'); s = [s sprintf(' <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="20%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <td valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <colgroup>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <col width="1%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <col width="1%%%%">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </colgroup>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">obj #</th>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">link</th>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <tbody>\n')]; cols = {'#E9E9E9', '#FFFFFF'}; nn = 1; for jj=1:numel(objs) for kk=1:numel(objs{jj}) obj = objs{jj}(kk); % make filename filenames{nn} = sprintf('obj_%03d', nn); % write table entry s = [s sprintf(' <tr valign="top" bgcolor="%s">\n', cols{mod(nn,2)+1})]; s = [s sprintf(' <td><font color="#890022">%03d</font></td>\n', nn)]; s = [s sprintf(' <td><a href="index.html#%s">%s [%s]</a></td>\n', filenames{nn}, strtrunc(objnames{nn}, 30), class(obj))]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; nn = nn + 1; end end s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </tbody>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </table>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </td>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' </table>\n')]; s = [s sprintf('</p>\n')]; end function s = getFooter() s = '</body>\n</html>\n'; end function s = getHeader() s = ''; % write HTML header s = [s sprintf('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"\n')]; s = [s sprintf('"">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<html lang="en">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<head>\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('\n')]; s = [s sprintf('\n')]; % Page Title pageTitle = ['LTPDA Report from ' datestr(now)]; s = [s sprintf('<title>%s</title>\n', pageTitle)]; s = [s sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" href="docstyle.css" type="text/css">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.52.2">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<meta name="description" content="Presents details of an LTPDA object.">\n')]; s = [s sprintf('</head>\n')]; s = [s sprintf('\n')]; s = [s sprintf('\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<body>\n')]; s = [s sprintf('<a name="top"><table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%%%%" bgcolor="#F9E767"><tr><td>\n')]; s = [s sprintf(' <h1 class="title">%s</h1></td></tr></table>\n\n', pageTitle)]; s = [s sprintf('<hr><br></a>\n\n')]; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write html file for each object % function writeObjFiles(fd, objs, filenames, header, footer, outdir, plotOn, saveXML) % Loop over objects nn = 1; for jj=1:numel(objs) for kk=1:numel(objs{jj}) % get object obj = objs{jj}(kk); % Object name fprintf(fd, '<table width="100%%%%" bgcolor="#F9F19B" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h1><a name="%s">Name: %s</a></h1>\n', filenames{nn}, mask_special_char(; fprintf(fd, '</td></tr></table>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<p><h3><a href="index.html#top">Back to Top</a></h3></p>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Class: %s</h2>\n', class(obj)); % Description if isprop(obj, 'description') fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Description</h2>\n'); if isempty(obj.description) fprintf(fd, '<i>none</i>\n'); else fprintf(fd, '<p>%s</p>\n', mask_special_char(obj.description)); end end % Additional stuff if plotOn if isa(obj, 'ao') writeAOextras(obj, fd, outdir); elseif isa(obj, 'miir') writeMIIRextras(obj, fd, outdir); elseif isa(obj, 'mfir') writeMFIRextras(obj, fd, outdir); elseif isa(obj, 'pzmodel') writePZMODELextras(obj, fd, outdir); elseif isa(obj, 'ssm') writeSSMextras(obj, fd, outdir) else % no extras for this type end end % write object table fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Object Table View</h2>\n'); s = obj2table(obj, outdir); fprintf(fd, s); fprintf(fd, '<p><h3><a href="index.html#top">Back to Top</a></h3></p>\n'); % save XML ? if saveXML [path, name, ext] = fileparts(filenames{nn}); xmldir = fullfile(outdir, 'xml'); mkdir(xmldir); xmlfile = fullfile(xmldir, [name '.xml']); save(obj, xmlfile); end nn = nn + 1; end % End loop over objects end % Loop over object types end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write extra bits for SSM % function writeSSMextras(obj, fd, outdir) %----------------------------------------------- % make dot view % make image fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Block Diagram</h2>\n'); imname = 'images/ssm_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/ssm_img_%03d.png', n); end % make image dotview(obj, plist('filename', fullfile(outdir, imname), 'view', false, 'format', 'png')); % make link fprintf(fd, '<p><img src="%s" alt="SSM Diagram" border="3"></p>\n', imname); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write extra bits for MIIR % function writeMIIRextras(obj, fd, outdir) %----------------------------------------------- % plot response % make image fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Response</h2>\n'); imname = 'images/resp_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/resp_img_%03d.png', n); end % make a plot r = resp(obj); hfig = iplot(r); % make image if ~isempty(hfig) saveas(hfig, fullfile(outdir, imname)); % make link fprintf(fd, '<p><img src="%s" alt="MIIR Response" width="800px" border="3"></p>\n', imname); close(hfig); else fprintf(fd, '<p><font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font></p>\n'); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write extra bits for MFIR % function writeMFIRextras(obj, fd, outdir) %----------------------------------------------- % plot response % make image fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Response</h2>\n'); imname = 'images/resp_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/resp_img_%03d.png', n); end % make a plot hfig = iplot(resp(obj)); % make image if ~isempty(hfig) saveas(hfig, fullfile(outdir, imname)); % make link fprintf(fd, '<p><img src="%s" alt="MFIR Response" width="800px" border="3"></p>\n', imname); close(hfig); else fprintf(fd, '<p><font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font></p>\n'); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write extra bits for pzmodels % function writePZMODELextras(obj, fd, outdir) %----------------------------------------------- % plot response % make image fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Response</h2>\n'); imname = 'images/resp_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/resp_img_%03d.png', n); end % make a plot hfig = iplot(resp(obj)); % make image if ~isempty(hfig) saveas(hfig, fullfile(outdir, imname)); % make link fprintf(fd, '<p><img src="%s" alt="PZMODEL Response" width="800px" border="3"></p>\n', imname); close(hfig); else fprintf(fd, '<p><font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font></p>\n'); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Write extra bits for AOs % function writeAOextras(obj, fd, outdir) %------------------------------------------- % PLOT fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>Plot</h2>\n'); imname = 'images/ao_img_001.png'; n = 1; while exist(fullfile(outdir, imname),'file') n = n + 1; imname = sprintf('images/ao_img_%03d.png', n); end % make a plot hfig = iplot(obj); % make image if ~isempty(hfig) saveas(hfig, fullfile(outdir, imname)); % make link fprintf(fd, '<p><img src="%s" alt="AO Plot" width="800px" border="3"></p>\n', imname); close(hfig); else fprintf(fd, '<p><font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font></p>\n'); end %------------------------- % Output of type if ~isempty(obj.hist) cmds = hist2m(obj.hist, plist('stop_option', 'full')); txt = mfile2html(cmds(end:-1:1)); else txt = '<p><font color="#0003B6"><i>empty</i></font></p>'; end fprintf(fd, '<hr>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<h2>History dump</h2>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<br><p>This is the output of <tt>type(<i>object</i>)</tt></p>\n'); fprintf(fd, '<p><div class="fragment"><pre>\n'); fprintf(fd, '\n%s', txt); fprintf(fd, '</pre></div></p>\n'); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Reformat an mfile contained in a cell array to be output as html function txt = mfile2html(mfile) % add format tags for kk=1:numel(mfile) % make strings % Mask '&' in the strings mfile{kk} = regexprep(mfile{kk}, '(''[^'']*'')', '${strrep($1, ''&'', ''&'')}'); % Mask '>' in the strings mfile{kk} = regexprep(mfile{kk}, '(''[^'']*'')', '${strrep($1, ''>'', ''>'')}'); % Mask '<' in the strings mfile{kk} = regexprep(mfile{kk}, '(''[^'']*'')', '${strrep($1, ''<'', ''<'')}'); mfile{kk} = regexprep(mfile{kk}, '''([^''\\]*(\\.[^''\\]*)*)''', '<span class="string">''$1''</span>'); % make comments idx = strfind(mfile{kk}, '%'); if ~isempty(idx) mfile{kk} = [mfile{kk}(1:idx(1)-1) '<span class="comment">' mfile{kk}(idx(1):end) '</span>']; end end % reformat into a big string txt = sprintf([repmat('%s\t',1,size(mfile,1)),'\n'],mfile{:}); txt = strrep(txt, '`', ''''); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get Info % function ii = getInfo(varargin) if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None') sets = {}; pls = []; elseif nargin == 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1}) sets{1} = varargin{1}; pls = getDefaultPlist(sets{1}); else sets = {'Default'}; pls = []; for kk=1:numel(sets) pls = [pls getDefaultPlist(sets{kk})]; end end % Build info object ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ltpda_uoh', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.output, '$Id: ', sets, pls); ii.setModifier(false); ii.setOutmin(0); end function plout = getDefaultPlist(set) persistent pl; persistent lastset; if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl) || ~strcmp(lastset, set) pl = buildplist(set); lastset = set; end plout = pl; end function plo = buildplist(set) switch lower(set) case 'default' plo = plist('dir', '', 'extras', true, 'desc', '', ... 'save', false, 'zip', false, 'plots', {}, ... 'overwrite', false); otherwise error('### Unknown parameter set [%s].', set); end end