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author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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function create_methods_desc(fid, meta_obj, html_filename, indentation_in) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Go throught the methods of the meta class %%% %%% and collect all public methods %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% public_fcn = struct; static_fcn = struct; for ii = length(meta_obj.Methods):-1:1 method = meta_obj.Methods{ii}; %%% Display only public and not handle methods if strcmp(method.Access, 'public') && ~strcmp(method.DefiningClass.Name, 'handle') %%% Devide the methods into 'normal' and 'static' methods if ~method.Static public_fcn.(method.Name) = method.DefiningClass.Name; else static_fcn.(method.Name) = method.DefiningClass.Name; end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Create a struct which fields represent the categories %%% %%% and devide the methods into this fields %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% The struct have the following fields: %%% Operator: %%% Trigonometry: %%% Constructor: method_names = fieldnames(public_fcn); category_struct = struct(); for ii = 1:length(method_names) try %%% Get minfo-object info = feval(sprintf('%s.getInfo',meta_obj.Name), method_names{ii}); fcn_name = sprintf('%s/%s',public_fcn.(method_names{ii}), method_names{ii}); category = strrep(info.mcategory, ' ', '_'); %%% Add the new category to the struct if ~ismember(category, fieldnames(category_struct)) category_struct.(category) = {fcn_name}; else category_struct.(category){end+1} = fcn_name; end %%% Order the fiels of the structure. category_struct = orderfields(category_struct); catch end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Remove from the default link_box in the class not used categories %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% def_link_box = default_link_box(html_filename); fcn_link_box = {}; fcn_categories = sort(fieldnames(category_struct)); rr = 1; for ii = 1:numel(fcn_categories) idx = strcmpi(fcn_categories{ii}, strrep(def_link_box(:,1), ' ', '_')); if any(idx) fcn_link_box{rr,1} = def_link_box{idx,1}; fcn_link_box{rr,2} = def_link_box{idx,2}; fcn_link_box{rr,3} = def_link_box{idx,3}; else fcn_link_box{rr,1} = fcn_categories{ii}; fcn_link_box{rr,2} = sprintf('%s#%s', html_filename, lower(strrep(fcn_categories{ii}, ' ', '_'))); fcn_link_box{rr,3} = sprintf('%s methods', fcn_categories{ii}); end rr = rr + 1; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Append to the fid the Information of the methods %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% indentation(1:indentation_in) = ' '; %%% Headline fprintf(fid, '%s<h2 class="title"><a name="top_methods"/>Methods</h2>\n', indentation); %%% Link box create_link_box(fid, indentation_in, fcn_link_box, 'subcategorylist') %%% Top of page link create_top_of_page(fid, indentation_in); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Create a table for each category %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% categories = fieldnames(category_struct); for ii = 1:length(categories) category = categories{ii}; category_struct.(category) = sort(category_struct.(category)); %%% table predefinitions %%% fprintf(fid, '%s<!-- ===== Methods Category: %s ===== -->\n', indentation, category); fprintf(fid, '%s<h3 class="title"><a name="%s"/>%s</h3>\n', indentation, lower(category), strrep(category, '_', ' ')); fprintf(fid, '%s<p>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="80%%">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <colgroup>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="15%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="73%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="12%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </colgroup>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <thead>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <tr valign="top">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Methods</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Description</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Defined in class</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </tr>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </thead>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <tbody>\n', indentation); for jj = 1:length(category_struct.(category)) fcn_name = category_struct.(category){jj}; %%%%%%%%%% Read the methods file to get the H1 line %%%%%%%%%% fid_open = fopen(which(fcn_name)); f_line = fgetl(fid_open); fcn_desc = 'No description'; while f_line ~= -1 f_line = strtrim(f_line); if f_line(1) == '%' fcn_desc = f_line(2:end); fcn_desc = strtrim(fcn_desc); break end f_line = fgetl(fid_open); end fclose(fid_open); %%% define the color for each row %%% if mod(jj,2) == 0 bgcolor = ''; else bgcolor = ' bgcolor="#f3f4f5"'; end %%% table body %%% fprintf(fid, '%s <!-- %s -->\n', indentation, fcn_name); fprintf(fid, '%s <tr valign="top">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); %%% Create a special entry for a constructor [t, r] = strtok(fcn_name, '/'); if strcmp(t, r(2:end)) fprintf(fid, '%s <p><a href="matlab:doc(''%s'')">%s</a></p>\n', indentation, t, fcn_name(length(strtok(fcn_name, '/'))+2:end)); else name = fcn_name(length(strtok(fcn_name, '/'))+2:end); fprintf(fid, '%s <p><a href="matlab:doc(''%s'')">%s</a></p>\n', indentation, [meta_obj.Name, '/', name], name); end fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); fprintf(fid, '%s <p>%s</p>\n', indentation, fcn_desc); fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); fprintf(fid, '%s <p>%s</p>\n', indentation, strtok(fcn_name, '/')); fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </tr>\n', indentation); end %%% table end %%% fprintf(fid, '%s </tbody>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </table>\n', indentation); %%% Back to top of the methods %%% back2m = 'Back to Top of Section'; fprintf(fid, '%s <!-- ===== Back to Top of Methods ===== -->\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <a href="#top_methods">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <img src="doc_to_top_up.gif" border="0" align="bottom" alt="%s"/>\n', indentation, back2m); fprintf(fid, '%s %s\n', indentation, back2m); fprintf(fid, '%s </a>\n\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s</p>\n\n', indentation); end end function fcn_link_box = default_link_box(html_filename) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Define the link box for the methods %%% %%% link_box{:,1} --> Link name %%% %%% link_box{:,2} --> URL %%% %%% link_box{:,3} --> Link description %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% i = 1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Arithmetic Operator'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#arithmetic_operator']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Arithmetic Operator'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Constructor'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#constructor']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Constructor of this class'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Converter'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#converter']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Convertor methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'GUI function'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#gui_function']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'GUI function methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Helper'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#helper']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Helper methods only for internal usage'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Internal'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#internal']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Internal methods only for internal usage'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Input'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#input']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Input methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'MDC1'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#mdc1']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Mock data challenge 1'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Operator'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#operator']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Operator methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Output'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#output']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Output methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Relational Operator'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#relational_operator']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Relational operator methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Signal Processing'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#signal_processing']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Signal processing methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Statespace'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#statespace']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Statespace methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'Trigonometry'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#trigonometry']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'Trigometry methods'; i = i+1; fcn_link_box{i,1} = 'User defined'; fcn_link_box{i,2} = [html_filename, '#user_defined']; fcn_link_box{i,3} = 'User defined methods'; end