% APPLYOPERATOR to the analysis object%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: APPLYOPERATOR to the analysis object% Private AO function that applies the given operator to% the given AOs. This is called by all the simple methods like% plus, minus, mtimes etc.%% CALL: as = applyoperator(callerIsMethod, as, ao_invars, op, opsym, pl, info)%% VERSION: $Id: applyoperator.m,v 1.27 2011/02/25 15:46:22 ingo Exp $%% HISTORY: 11-06-2008 Hewitson% Creation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function res = applyoperator(as, callerIsMethod, ao_invars, op, opsym, pl, info) %% Initialise the result to the first input object res = as(1); %% go through the remaining analysis objects for jj = 2:numel(as) % Message utils.helper.msg(2, 'applying %s to %s and %s', op, res.name, as(jj).name); % Compute operator of data yu1 = res.data.yunits; yu2 = as(jj).data.yunits; res.data = applyoperator(res.data, as(jj).data, op); if callerIsMethod % do nothing else % append history res.addHistory(info, pl, [{res.name} ao_invars(jj)], [res.hist as(jj).hist]); % Set new AO name if (length(opsym) == 2 && opsym(1) == '.') || ... (length(opsym) == 1) res.name = ['(' res.name ')' opsym '(' ao_invars{jj} ')']; else res.name = [opsym '(' res.name ',' ao_invars{jj} ')']; end end if any(strcmp(op, {'plus', 'minus'})) % Do nothing elseif ismethod('unit', op) % Set units if any(strcmp(op, {'mpower', 'power'})) if numel(as(jj).data.getY) == 1 res.data.setYunits(feval(op, yu1, as(jj).data.getY)); else end else res.data.setYunits(feval(op, yu1, yu2)); end else warning('LTPDA:INFO', '### This method doesn''t exist in the units class. Please set the units yourself.'); end endend