view m-toolbox/classes/@matrix/fromValues.m @ 8:2f5c9bd7d95d
Clarify ltpda_uo.retrieve parameters handling
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − % Construct a matrix object with multiple AOs built from input values.
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: fromValues
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Construct a matrix object with multiple AOs built from input
+ − % values.
+ − %
+ − % CALL: matrix = matrix.fromValues(obj, pli)
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: fromValues.m,v 1.4 2011/03/24 19:53:52 ingo Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function obj = fromValues(obj, pli, callerIsMethod)
+ −
+ − import utils.const.*
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC2, 'Constructing an matrix object with multiple AOs built from input values.');
+ −
+ − % get AO info
+ − ii = matrix.getInfo('matrix', 'From Values');
+ −
+ − pl = combine(pli, ii.plists);
+ − values = pl.find('values');
+ − yunits = pl.find('yunits');
+ − names = pl.find('names');
+ −
+ − % Some plausibility checks
+ − if ~isnumeric(values)
+ − error('### The values must be from the type double');
+ − end
+ − nvals = numel(values);
+ −
+ − if ischar(yunits)
+ − yunits = cellstr(yunits);
+ − end
+ − if numel(yunits) > 1 && numel(yunits) ~= nvals
+ − error('### The number of yunits must be the same as the numer of values %d <-> %d', numel(yunits), nvals);
+ − end
+ − if numel(yunits) == 1
+ − % Replicate the single unit for all AOs
+ − yunits = repmat(yunits, 1, nvals);
+ − end
+ −
+ − if ischar(names)
+ − names = cellstr(names);
+ − end
+ − if numel(names) > 1 && numel(names) ~= nvals
+ − error('### The number of names must be the same as the numer of values %d <-> %d', numel(names), nvals);
+ − end
+ − if numel(names) == 1
+ − % Replicate the single name for all AOs
+ − names = repmat(names, 1, nvals);
+ − end
+ −
+ − for nn = 1:numel(values)
+ −
+ − % Create the AO
+ − a = ao(values(nn));
+ −
+ − % Set the name
+ − if ~isempty(names)
+ − a.setName(names{nn});
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Set the y-units
+ − if ~isempty(yunits)
+ − a.setYunits(yunits{nn});
+ − end
+ −
+ − obj.objs = [obj.objs a];
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Reshape the inside objects
+ − obj.objs = reshape(obj.objs, size(values));
+ −
+ − % Add history
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − % do nothing
+ − else
+ − obj.addHistory(ii, pl, [], []);
+ − end
+ −
+ − warning('off', utils.const.warnings.METHOD_NOT_FOUND);
+ − % remove parameters we already used
+ − pl_set = copy(pl,1);
+ − obj.setProperties(pl_set);
+ − warning('on', utils.const.warnings.METHOD_NOT_FOUND);
+ − end