function newCell = str2cells(someString)% STR2CELLS Take a single string and separate out individual "elements" into a new cell array.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: STR2CELLS Take a single string and separate out individual% "elements" into a new cell array. Elements are defined as non-blank characters separated by% spaces.%% Similar to str2cell, except str2cell requires an array of strings.% str2cells requires only 1 string.%% CALL: newCell = str2cells(aString)%% INPUTS: aString - string%% OUTPUTS: newCell - cell array of strings%% EXAMPLE: Consider the following string in the workspace:%% aString = ' a b c d efgh ij klmnopqrs t u v w xyz '% newCell = 'a'% 'b'% 'c'% 'd'% 'efgh'% 'ij'% 'klmnopqrs'% 't'% 'u'% 'v'% 'w'% 'xyz'%% REMARK: This is copied from a file found on MathWorks File Exchange.%% VERSION: $Id: str2cells.m,v 1.1 2008/06/18 13:35:11 hewitson Exp $%% HISTORY: 26-01-2007 M Hewitson% Creation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If someString is empty then return an empty Cellif isempty(someString) newCell = {}; returnend% Trim off any leading & trailing blankssomeString=strtrim(someString);% Locate all the white-spacesspaces=isspace(someString);% Build the cell arrayidx=0;while sum(spaces)~=0 idx=idx+1; newCell{idx}=strtrim(someString(1:find(spaces==1,1,'first'))); someString=strtrim(someString(find(spaces==1,1,'first')+1:end)); spaces=isspace(someString);endnewCell{idx+1}=someString;