view m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/createTable.m @ 29:54f14716c721 database-connection-manager

Update Java code
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
parents f0afece42f48
line wrap: on
line source
function [mtable, buttons] = createTable(pnContainer,headers,data,buttonsFlag,varargin)
% createTable - create nice-looking table based on javax.swing.JTable
% Syntax:
%    [mtable, buttons] = createTable (pnContainer, headers, data, buttonsFlag, 'PropName',PropValue, ...)
% Input Parameters:
%    pnContainer - optional handle to container uipanel or figure. If empty/unsupplied then current figure will be used
%    headers     - optional cell array of column header strings. If unsupplied then = {'A','B','C'}
%    data        - optional vector/matrix (either scalar or cell array) of data values
%    buttonsFlag - optional flag indicating whether to create the table-manipulation buttons. Default = true
%    'PropName',PropValue - 
%                  optional list of property pairs (e.g., 'AutoResizeMode',4,'Editable',false,'Position',[.1,.1,.5,.5])
%                  Note: PropName must be either an mtable property ('Visible','Editable','Position','Units',
%                        'DataChangedCallback',...) or otherwise a Javax.swing.JTable property ('ShowGrid','Name',...).
%                        Abbreviated PropNames are unsupported for mtable properties (which are few) - only for JTable
% Output parameters:
%    mtable      - handle to mtable object (a Matlab object)
%    buttons     - handles to table manipulation buttons: [<appendRow> <insertRow> <deleteRow> <deleteAll> <printAll>]
% Examples:
%    [mtable, buttons] = createTable;
%    [mtable, buttons] = createTable(gcf,'column name');
%    mtable = createTable([],{'a','b','c','d'},{false,1.3,uint16(45),'ert'; true,pi,uint16(-4),'defrgt'})
%    mtable = createTable([],{'a','b','c','d'},magic(4),false,'AutoResizeMode',javax.swing.JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS)
%    mtable = createTable([],{'rads','sin','cos'},[pi,sin(pi),cos(pi)],'SelectionMode',javax.swing.ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION)
% Usage:
%    The table automatically resizes to fill the pnContainer (you may modify this via the 'Position' property).
%    The table automatically sets the columns' cell editor and renderer based on the supplied data. Logical values are
%       given a checkbox, strings are left-aligned (numbers are right-aligned). You can always override the defaults.
%    You can change column widths by dragging the column borders on the header row.
%    You can sort columns by clicking the column header (once to sort descending, once again to sort ascending and once
%       more for the unsorted view). Sorting multiple columns is done by control-clicking all relevant columns (the
%       sorting icon is decreased in size for each additional minor sort col).
%    You can copy/paste any consecutive region of table cells, just as in Excel. You can select entire rows or columns
%       by right-clicking their header. You can also paste Excel data directly, with Ctrl-Shift-V (or use the context
%       menu by right-clicking) at the target table cell.
%    For additional tips about how to set multiple aspects of the table, refer to:
%       <a href=""></a>
% Programming tips/cues/examples:
%    mtable = creatTable(...)
%    jtable = mtable.getTable;
%    mtable.setVisible(false);
%    mtable.setCheckBoxEditor(1);  % Set first column to a checkbox (see Note 2 below)
%    cb = javax.swing.JComboBox({'First','Last'}); cb.setEditable(true);  % prepare an editable drop-down CellEditor
%    editor = javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor(cb);
%    jtable.getColumnModel.getColumn(1).setCellEditor(editor);  % assign this editor to second column (see Note 2)
%    jtable.getColumnModel.getColumn(0).setMaxWidth(20);  % Limit width of first (checkbox) column (see Note 2)
%    mtable.setEditable(0,false);  % Disable editing first column (see note 2 below)
%    renderer = javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;  % or: renderer = jtable.getColumnModel.getColumn(1).getCellRenderer
%    renderer.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.RIGHT);  % useful for numbers rendered as strings e.g.: jtable.setValueAt(sprintf('%.1f',pi,rowIdx,colIdx))
%    jtable.getColumnModel.getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(renderer);  % right-align second column (see note 2)
%    data = cell(mtable.getData);  % a cell matrix (mtable.getData is a java.lang.Object[][] object, using base-1 indexing)
%    data = mtable.getTableModel.getDataVector;  % a java.util.Vector object ([[false, 1.3, 45, ert], [true, 3.14,...]])
%    jtable.setValueAt(value,rowIdx,colIdx);  % 0-based Idx - see Note 2 below
%    jtable.getModel.addRow({true, pi, int16(45), 'test'});  % appends a row to the bottom of the table
%    mtable.DataChangedCallback = [];  % used to temporarily disable data-change callbacks
%    mtable.DataChangedCallback = @myDataChange_Callback;  % myDataChange_Callback is a Matlab function
%    % Sample dataChange_Callback function
%    function dataChange_Callback(mtable, eventdata)
%       if ~ishandle(mtable),  return;  end
%          % Prevent re-entry here if the callback is not thread-safe - see Note 3 below
%       eventDetails = eventdata.getEvent;
%       modifiedColIdx = eventDetails.getColumn;
%       modifiedRowIdx = eventDetails.getFirstRow;
%       if modifiedColIdx>=0 && modifiedRowIdx>=0
%          data = mtable.getData;
%          newValue = data(modifiedRowIdx+1,modifiedColIdx+1);  % see Note 2 below
%          switch modifiedColIdx
%            case ...
%          end
%       end
% Notes:
%    1. Some (very few) JTable features are inconsistent or unavailable in different jave versions. Type 
%       '<a href="matlab:version -java">version -java</a>' at the command prompt to see your specific java version.
%    2. Note that java uses 0-based indexing, while Matlab is 1-based. The returned mtable parameter is a Matlab object
%       (so use 1-base), while mtable.getXXX returns java objects (0-based). jtable above is an example of a java object.
%    3. Modifying mtable.DataChangedCallback within the callback doesn't work - you need to use some global flag/mutex
%    4. The <Print> button uses Excel to parse and print the table
%    5. Due to Matlab limitations (specifically, of uitable/UitablePeer) the table is created as a direct child of
%       the container figure (although it is visually positioned within pnContainer)
%    6. To enable sorting functionality, the attached TableSorter.jar file must be located in the java classpath.
%       See the Matlab documentation for <a href="matlab:doc javaclasspath">javaclasspath</a>. Note that using 
%       javaaddpath(...) to set the path has a nasty side-effect (at least since Matlab 7.2) of clearing all globals!
%       An alternative is to place the pathname for TableSorter.jar in the <a href="matlab:which classpath.txt">classpath.txt</a> file
% Known issues/limitations:
%    - Column alignment not preserved during Print
%    - Print fails if Excel unavailable (maybe directly print tab-separated text data)
%    - Unable to add/delete rows or to print via context menu (right-click)
%    - Table is created as a direct child of figure, not pnContainer (see Note 5 above)
% Bugs and suggestions:
%    Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
% See also:
%    uitable, java, javaclasspath
% Release history:
%    1.0 2007-03-09: initial version
%    1.1 2007-03-22: fixed selected row# on deletion of bottom row, main comment, missing option; added header tooltip
% 25-02-08 Adapted and imported into LTPDA
%    M Hewitson
% $Id: createTable.m,v 1.1 2009/02/03 08:15:30 hewitson Exp $

% License to use and modify this code is granted freely to all interested, as long as the original author is
% referenced and attributed as such. The original author maintains the right to be solely associated with this work.

% Programmed and Copyright by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)
% $Revision: 1.1 $  $Date: 2009/02/03 08:15:30 $

      % Ensure that java swing is enabled...
      if ~usejava('swing')
          error('createTable:NeedSwing','Java tables require Java Swing.');

      % Create a panel spanning entire figure area, if panel handle was not supplied
      if (nargin < 1) || isempty(pnContainer) || ~ishandle(pnContainer)
          pnContainer = uipanel('parent',gcf,'tag','TablePanel');
      pnContainerPos = getpixelposition(pnContainer,1);
      if isa(handle(pnContainer), 'figure')
          pnContainerPos(1:2) = 0;

      % Get handle to parent figure
      hFig = ancestor(pnContainer,'figure');

      % Determine whether table manipulation buttons are requested
      if nargin < 4 || isempty(buttonsFlag) || ~(isnumeric(buttonsFlag) || islogical(buttonsFlag))
          if nargin >= 4,  varargin = {buttonsFlag, varargin{:}};  end
          buttonsFlag = true;
      if buttonsFlag
          margins = [1,30,0,-30];  % With buttons
          margins = [1,1,0,0];   % No buttons

      % Get the uitable's required position within pnContainer
      tablePosition = pnContainerPos + margins;    % Relative to the figure

      % Set default header names, if not supplied
      if nargin < 2
          headers = {'A','B','C'};  % 3 columns by default
      elseif isempty(headers)
          headers = cell(1,size(data,2));
      elseif ischar(headers)
          headers = {headers};

      % Start with dummy data, just so that uitable can be initialized (or use supplied data, if available)
      if nargin < 3 || isempty(data)
          numRows = 0;
          numCols = length(headers);
          data = zeros(1,numCols);
          numRows = size(data,1);
          numCols = size(data,2);
      % Convert to cell-format (if not so already)
      if ~iscell(data)
          data = mat2cell(data,ones(1,size(data,1)),ones(1,numCols));

      % Create a sortable uitable within pnHandle
      mtable = uitable(hFig, 'position',tablePosition, 'Data',data, 'ColumnNames',headers);
      set(mtable,'units','normalized');  % this will resize the table whenever its container is resized

      % jtable is the underlying java JTable - access to lots more functionality...
      % Note: actually, jtable is a com.mathworks.hg.peer.UitablePeer$PeerSpreadsheetTable object, but this extends
      % ^^^^  javax.swing.JTable, so for all practical purposes you may use it as a JTable
      jtable = mtable.getTable;

      % Fix for JTable focus bug : see;:WuuT?bug_id=4709394
      % Taken from:
      jtable.putClientProperty('terminateEditOnFocusLost', java.lang.Boolean.TRUE);

      % We want to use sorter, not data model...
      % unfortunately, UitablePeer expects DefaultTableModel (not TableSorter) so we need a modified UitablePeer class
      % however, UitablePeer is a Matlab class, so instead let's use a modified TableSorter and attach it to the Model
      %sorter = com.mathworks.toolbox.dasstudio.util.TableSorter;  % Failed attempt...
      %sorter = com.mathworks.mwswing.DefaultSortableTable;        % ...another failed attempt...
      if ~isempty(which('TableSorter'))
          % Add TableSorter as TableModel listener
          sorter = TableSorter(jtable.getModel());  %(table.getTableModel);
          %tablePeer = UitablePeer(sorter);  % This is not accepted by UitablePeer... - see comment above

          % Set the header tooltip (with sorting instructions)
          jtable.getTableHeader.setToolTipText('<html>&nbsp;<b>Click</b> to sort up; <b>Shift-click</b> to sort down<br>&nbsp;<b>Ctrl-click</b> (or <b>Ctrl-Shift-click</b>) to sort secondary&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;<b>Click again</b> to change sort direction<br>&nbsp;<b>Click a third time</b> to return to unsorted view<br>&nbsp;<b>Right-click</b> to select entire column</html>');
          % Set the header tooltip (no sorting instructions...)
          jtable.getTableHeader.setToolTipText('<html>&nbsp;<b>Click</b> to select entire column<br>&nbsp;<b>Ctrl-click</b> (or <b>Shift-click</b>) to select multiple columns&nbsp;</html>');

      % Store the uitable's handle within the pnContainer's userdata, for later use
      set(pnContainer,'userdata',[get(pnContainer,'userdata'), mtable]);  % add to parent userdata, so we have a handle for deletion

      % Enable multiple row selection, auto-column resize, and auto-scrollbars
      scroll = mtable.TableScrollPane;

      % Set the jtable name based on the containing panel's tag
      basicTagName = get(pnContainer,'tag');
      jtable.setName([basicTagName 'Table']);

      % Move the selection to first table cell (if any data available)
      if (jtable.getRowCount > 0)

      % Process optional args
      for argIdx = 1 : 2 : length(varargin)
          if argIdx<2
              % We need this pause to let java complete all table rendering
              % TODO: We should really use calls to awtinvoke() instead, though...
          if (length(varargin) > argIdx)   % ensure the arg value is there...
              varargin{argIdx}(1) = upper(varargin{argIdx}(1));  % property names always start with capital letters...
              propMethodName = ['set' varargin{argIdx}];
              if ismethod(mtable,propMethodName)
                  %javaMethod(propMethodName, jtable, varargin{argIdx+1});
      end  % for argIdx

      % Create table manipulation buttons
      if buttonsFlag
          buttons = createManipulationButtons(pnContainer,mtable);
          buttons = [];
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btInsert.
function buttons = createManipulationButtons(pnContainer, mtable)
% pnContainer  handle to container uipanel
% mtable       handle to mtable (Matlab) object
      btAppendRow = uicontrol('tag','btTableAppendRow', 'callback',@btTableAppendRow_Callback, 'position',  [10,5,60,20], 'string','Append',     'parent',pnContainer, 'userdata',mtable);
      btInsertRow = uicontrol('tag','btTableInsertRow', 'callback',@btTableInsertRow_Callback, 'position',  [80,5,60,20], 'string','Insert',     'parent',pnContainer, 'userdata',mtable);
      btDeleteRow = uicontrol('tag','btTableDeleteRow', 'callback',@btTableDeleteRow_Callback, 'position', [150,5,60,20], 'string','Delete',     'parent',pnContainer, 'userdata',mtable);
      btDeleteAll = uicontrol('tag','btTableDeleteAll', 'callback',@btTableDeleteAll_Callback, 'position', [220,5,60,20], 'string','Delete All', 'parent',pnContainer, 'userdata',mtable);
      btPrintAll  = uicontrol('tag','btTablePrintAll',  'callback',@btTablePrintAll_Callback,  'position', [290,5,60,20], 'string','Print',      'parent',pnContainer, 'userdata',mtable);
      buttons = [btInsertRow btAppendRow btDeleteRow btDeleteAll btPrintAll];
      if mtable.getNumRows < 1
          setVisibility(pnContainer, 'off');
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btInsert.
% Insert a new row immediately before the current row
function btTableInsertRow_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)  %#ok
% hObject    handle to btTableInsertRow (see GCBO)
% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
      mtable = get(hObject,'userdata');
      jtable = mtable.getTable;

      % Stop any current editing

      % Insert the new row immediately before the current row
      newRowData = cell(1,mtable.getNumColumns);  % empty data
      mtable.getTableModel.insertRow(max(0,jtable.getSelectedRow), newRowData);
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btAppend.
% Insert a new row as the last row in the table
function btTableAppendRow_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)  %#ok
% hObject    handle to btTableAppendRow (see GCBO)
% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
      mtable = get(hObject,'userdata');
      jtable = mtable.getTable;

      % Stop any current editing

      % Add a new row at the bottom of the data table
      newRowData = cell(1,mtable.getNumColumns);  % empty data

      % Move the selection to Column A of this new row

      % There must be at least one table row now, so display the table in any case
      setVisibility(hObject, 'on');
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btDelete.
% If there are any rows displayed, then delete the currently-selected row
function btTableDeleteRow_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)  %#ok
% hObject    handle to btTableDeleteRow (see GCBO)
% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
      mtable = get(hObject,'userdata');
      jtable = mtable.getTable;

      % Stop any current editing

      % If there are any rows displayed, then delete the currently-selected row
      rowCount = jtable.getRowCount;
      if (rowCount > 0)  % might be==0 during slow processing & user double-click
          currentRow = max(0,jtable.getSelectedRow);
          currentCol = max(0,jtable.getSelectedColumn);
          if currentRow >= rowCount-1
              jtable.changeSelection(currentRow-1, currentCol, false, false);
      if (jtable.getRowCount <= 0)
          setVisibility(hObject, 'off');
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btDeleteAll.
% Deletes all table rows
function btTableDeleteAll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)  %#ok
% hObject    handle to btTableDeleteAll (see GCBO)
% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
      mtable = get(hObject,'userdata');
      jtable = mtable.getTable;

      % Stop any current editing

      % Delete all table rows

      % Hide irrelevant controls
      setVisibility(hObject, 'off');
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Executes on button press in btPrint.
% Prints the table via Excel
function btTablePrintAll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)  %#ok
% hObject    handle to btTablePrintAll (see GCBO)
% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
  persistent hExcel
      mtable = get(hObject,'userdata');

      % Try to open an Excel COM server
      % Note:
          % try to reuse an existing (pre-opened) COM server
          % If we can't access the ActiveX parent, it means it's closed
          parent = hExcel.parent;  %#ok
          hExcel = actxserver('excel.application');

      % Try to open the requested document

      % Format field headers
      headers = cell(mtable.getColumnNames)';
      if ~isempty(headers)
          hExcel.Range(['A1:' n2a(length(headers)) '1']).Select;
          hExcel.Selection.Value = headers;
          hExcel.Selection.Font.Bold = true;                   % bold
          hExcel.Selection.Font.Color = hex2dec('0000FF');     % Red
          hExcel.Selection.Border.Item(4).Weight = 3;          % underline
          hExcel.Selection.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = -4108;  % =xlCenter

      % Set the data from the table
      data = cell(;
      if ~isempty(headers)
          hExcel.Range(['A2:' n2a(size(data,2)) num2str(1+size(data,1))]).Select;
          hExcel.Selection.Value = data;

      % TODO: Change checkbox fields to boolean (TRUE/empty)

      % Other formats
      %hExcel.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = -4108;  % =xlCenter  % TODO: preserve original jtable column alignment
      hExcel.ActiveSheet.DisplayRightToLeft = false;
      set(hExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup, 'LeftMargin',  hExcel.InchesToPoints(0.1), ...
                                        'RightMargin', hExcel.InchesToPoints(0.1), ...
                                        'HeaderMargin',hExcel.InchesToPoints(0), ...
                                        'FooterMargin',hExcel.InchesToPoints(0.1), ...
                                        'TopMargin',120, ...
                                        'FitToPagesWide',1, ...
                                        'FitToPagesTall',1, ...
                                        'Orientation','xlPortrait', ...
                                        'LeftHeader','&D  &T', ...
                                        'CenterHeader',char(mtable.getTable.getName), ...

      % Send to printer

      % Close the workbook
      % Insert your code here
      err = lasterror;
      try  invoke(hExcel.ActiveWindow,'close',false);  catch  end;  % just in case of a printing error

%% --- Convert col # format to 'A','B','C','AA',... format
% Thanks Brett Shoelson, via CSSM
function colStr = n2a(c)
  t = [floor((c-1)/26)+64, rem(c-1,26)+65];
  if (t(1)<65), t(1) = []; end
  colStr = char(t);

%% --- Executes on button press in btInsert.
function stopEditing(jtable)
      component = jtable.getEditorComponent;
      if ~isempty(component)
          event = javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent(component);
      % Insert your code here

%% --- Utility function to set visibility of row manipulation buttons
function setVisibility(hObject, enableStr)
% hObject    handle to some element within the figure
% enableStr  'on' or 'off'
      hParent = ancestor(hObject,'figure');
      set(findall(hParent,'tag','btTablePrintAll'), 'enable',enableStr);
      % Insert your code here