function test_ao(varargin)% A test function to submit an AO to the repository. The AO is then% retrieved and compared to the original one.% % Usage: test_ao() - connects to Hannover repository% test_ao(conn) - connects to the repository specified by% the database conn object.% % M Hewitson 24-02-08% % $Id: test_ao.m,v 1.13 2008/11/14 09:51:55 hewitson Exp $% if nargin == 0% conn = utils.mysql.connect('', 'test1'); conn = utils.mysql.connect('', 'ltpda_test');else conn = varargin{1};end%% Submit a mfirticp = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 1, 'phi', 0, 'nsecs', 1000, 'fs', 1));sinfo.conn = conn;sinfo.experiment_title = 'submit ao';sinfo.experiment_description = 'this is just a test of the whole thing';sinfo.analysis_description = 'just submitting';sinfo.quantity = 'none';sinfo.keywords = 'none';sinfo.reference_ids = '';sinfo.additional_comments = 'none';sinfo.additional_authors = 'no one';tic[ids, cid] = submit(p, sinfo);toc%% Retrieve the objectticq = ao(plist('conn', conn, 'binary', 'yes', 'id', ids ));% q = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);% q = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);toc%% Close connectionif nargin == 0 close(conn);end%% Testif ne(p,q(1), 'hist') error('### ao objects are not the same.')end