function values = getVector(node) shape = utils.xml.getShape(node); realValues = []; imagValues = []; for jj = 1:node.getLength() childNode = node.item(jj-1); if childNode.getNodeType == childNode.ELEMENT_NODE % Get node name dataType = utils.xml.mchar(childNode.getNodeName()); if strcmp(dataType, 'realData') % Get real data realValues = getValues(childNode); elseif strcmp(dataType, 'imagData') % Get imaginary data imagValues = getValues(childNode); else error('### Unexpected Node: %s', dataType); end end end % Combine the values to complex numbers if necessary if ~isempty(imagValues) values = complex(realValues, imagValues); else values = realValues; end % Reshape the values values = reshape(values, shape);endfunction values = getValues(node) values = []; % Collect all vectors for nn = 1:node.getLength() vectorNode = node.item(nn-1); if vectorNode.getNodeType == vectorNode.ELEMENT_NODE values = [values sscanf(utils.xml.mchar(vectorNode.getTextContent()), '%g ', [1,inf])]; type = utils.xml.getType(vectorNode); end end % cast to other number type (if necessary) values = cast(values, type);end