% MAT2STR overloads the mat2str operator to set the precision at a central place.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: MAT2STR overloads the mat2str operator to set the% precision at a central place.%% CALL: str = mat2str(number);% str = mat2str(matrix);%% VERSION: $Id: mat2str.m,v 1.4 2011/04/05 12:51:45 mauro Exp $%% HISTORY: 26-07-2007 Diepholz% Creation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function str = mat2str(number) if isempty(number) str = '[]'; return end if isvector(number) && isreal(number) s = size(number); % For vectors it is faster to use sprintf directly if s(1) ~= s(2) str = '['; else str = ''; end if s(1) > s(2) str = [str sprintf('%.17g;', number)]; else str = [str sprintf('%.17g ', number)]; end if s(1) ~= s(2) str = [str(1:end-1) ']']; else str = str(1:end-1); end else str = mat2str(number, 20); endend