% A built-in model of class <CLASS> called <NAME>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: A built-in model of class <CLASS> called <NAME>%% CALL:% mdl = <CLASS>(plist('built-in', '<NAME>'));%% INPUTS:%%% OUTPUTS:% mdl - an object of class <CLASS>%%% INFO:% <a href="matlab:utils.models.displayModelOverview('<CLASS>_model_<NAME>')">Model Information</a>%%% REFERENCES:%%% VERSION: $Id: built_in_model_template.m,v 1.1 2011/04/29 07:05:54 hewitson Exp $%% HISTORY:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS MAIN FUNCTIONfunction varargout = <CLASS>_model_<NAME>(varargin) varargout = utils.models.mainFnc(varargin(:), ... mfilename, ... @getModelDescription, ... @getModelDocumentation, ... @getVersion, ... @versionTable);end%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% AUTHORS EDIT THIS PART%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function desc = getModelDescription desc = 'A built-in model that ...';endfunction doc = getModelDocumentation doc = sprintf([... 'Some information about this model. You can write html code here.\n'... ]);end% default version is always the first onefunction vt = versionTable() vt = {... 'Version 1', @version1, ... };end% This version is ...%function varargout = version1(varargin) if nargin == 1 && ischar(varargin{1}) switch varargin{1} case 'plist' % The plist for this version of this model pl = plist(); % parameter 'My Parameter' p = param({'My Parameter', ['A Parameter which configures the model in some way.']}, ... paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); pl.append(p); % set output varargout{1} = pl; case 'description' varargout{1} = 'This version is ...'; case 'info' % Add info calls for any other models that you use to build this % model. For example: % varargout{1} = [ ... % ao_model_SubModel1('info', 'Some Version') ... % ao_model_SubModel2('info', 'Another Version') ... % ]; % varargout{1} = []; otherwise error('unknown inputs'); end return; end % build model pl = varargin{1}; % Get parameters p = pl.find('My Parameter'); % Build the model object the way you want obj = <CLASS>(); varargout{1} = obj;end%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% AUTHORS SHOULD NOT NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE%--------------------------------------------------------------------------%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% Get Version%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function v = getVersion v = '$Id: built_in_model_template.m,v 1.1 2011/04/29 07:05:54 hewitson Exp $';end