% ADDHISTORY Add a history-object to the ltpda_uo object.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Add a history-object to the ltpda_uoh object.%% CALL: obj = addHistory(obj, minfo, h_pl, var_name, inhists, ...);% obj = addHistory(obj, minfo, h_pl, var_name, ismodifier, inhists, ...);%% VERSION: $Id: addHistory.m,v 1.32 2011/08/16 05:16:04 hewitson Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = addHistory(varargin) persistent lastProcTime; % The object to add history to obj = varargin{1}; %%% Decide on a deep copy or a modify obj = copy(obj, nargout); % Copy the history plist because we may modify it below if isa(varargin{3}, 'plist') pl = copy(varargin{3},1); else pl = varargin{3}; end %%% Add history to all objects for ii = 1:numel(obj) if ~isempty(pl) % 1. replace ltpda_uoh in pl with their history % 2. empty the description field of a parameter ('desc') % 3. remove the options N = pl.nparams; for jj=1:N p = pl.params(jj); if isa(p.getVal, 'ltpda_uoh') p.setVal([p.getVal.hist]); else p.setVal(p.getVal); end p.setDesc(''); end end % Remove Password from the history-plist if isa(pl, 'plist') && pl.isparam('password') pl = pl.remove('password'); end % Remove Username from the history-plist if isa(pl, 'plist') && pl.isparam('username') pl = pl.remove('username'); end % Remove the 'sets' and the corresponding 'plists' from the minfo % object. They are not important for the history step. varargin{2}.clearSets(); % handle processing time t0 = time(); proctime = t0.utc_epoch_milli; if isempty(lastProcTime) lastProcTime = proctime; else if proctime == lastProcTime proctime = proctime+1; end lastProcTime = proctime; end % set UUID uuid = char(java.util.UUID.randomUUID); obj(ii).UUID = uuid; h = history(proctime, varargin{2}, pl, varargin{4}, uuid, varargin{5:end}); h.setObjectClass(class(obj(ii))); obj(ii).setHist(h); end %%% Prepare output varargout{1} = obj;end