% GETDEFAULTAXISPLIST returns the default plist for the axis key based on% the input set.% % CALL:% pl = plist.getDefaultAxisPlist(set)% % Supported sets: '1D', '2D', '3D'% % VERSION $Id: getDefaultAxisPlist.m,v 1.2 2011/04/19 16:20:21 ingo Exp $% function plout = getDefaultAxisPlist(varargin) if nargin == 0 set = ''; else set = varargin{1}; if ~ischar(varargin{1}) error('Incorrect usage: the set needs to be a string.'); end end% persistent pl;% persistent lastset;% if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl) || ~strcmp(lastset, set) pl = buildplist(set);% lastset = set;% end plout = pl;endfunction pl = buildplist(set) switch set case '1D' pl = plist.AXIS_1D_PLIST; case '2D' pl = plist.AXIS_2D_PLIST; case '3D' pl = plist.AXIS_3D_PLIST; case '' pl = plist.AXIS_3D_PLIST; otherwise error('Unsupported set for default axis plist [%s]', set); endend