% RP2IIR Return a,b coefficients for a real pole designed using the bilinear transform.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: RP2IIR Return a,b coefficients for a real pole designed using% the bilinear transform.%% CALL: filt = rpole(p, fs)%% REMARK: This is just a helper function. This function should only be% called from class functions.%% INPUT: p - pole object% fs - the sample rate for the filter%% VERSION: $Id: rp2iir.m,v 1.7 2011/02/18 16:48:54 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = rp2iir(varargin) p = varargin{1}; fs = varargin{2}; f0 = p.f; w0 = f0*2*pi; a(1) = w0 / (2*fs + w0); a(2) = a(1); b(1) = 1; b(2) = (w0-2*fs) / (w0+2*fs); varargout{1} = a; varargout{2} = b;end