view m-toolbox/test/MPipeline/ssmtest.lwb @ 36:5eb86f6881ef database-connection-manager

Remove commented-out code
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100
parents f0afece42f48
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LTPDAworkbench filepath="/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/software/m-toolbox/test/MPipeline/ssmtest.lwb" name="ssmtest.lwb*">
   <document name="SSM pipeline">
      <block bounds="0 0 110 100" inputs="1" name="DFACS" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Constructor" mclass="ssm" mname="ssm" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText>  SSM statespace model class constructor.
  DESCRIPTION: SSM statespace model class constructor.
  ** This class is written using the new OO structures of MATLAB R2008a and
  will not work with earlier MATLAB versions.
      Public properties (read-only):
      Public properties (read/write):
        name       - name of analysis object
      Possible constructors:
        s = ssm()            - creates an empty statespace model
        s = ssm('a1.xml')    - creates a new statespace model by loading the
                               object from disk.
        s = ssm('a1.mat')    - creates a new statespace model by loading the
                               object from disk.
        a = ssm(plist)       - creates a statespace model from the description
                               given in the parameter list
        a = ssm(struct)      - creates a statespace model from the
                               structure returned by struct(ssm).
  Parameter sets for plist constructor (in order of priority):
  From XML File
    Construct a statespace model by loading it from an XML file.
    'filename' - construct a statespace model from a filename.
                 Example: plist('filename', 'ss1.xml')
                 [default: empty string]
  From MAT File
    Construct a statespace model by loading it from a MAT file.
    'filename' - construct a statespace model from a filename.
                 Example: plist('filename', 'ss1.mat')
                 [default: empty string]
  From Built-in System
    Construct a statespace model by specifying one of the built-in system
    names. Built-in models are stored in directories specified by
    SSM_MODELS in ltpda_startup. You can list multiple directories. A
    built-in model m-file must follow the naming convention ssm_model_*.m.
    'Buit-in' - A system name.
                Example: plist('filename', 'model_LPF_Dynamics_noparams')
                Example: plist('Built-in', ' ')
                will show the names of all the existing systems
    'dim'     - Optional parameter to reduce the model to 1, 3, or 6
                dimension. [Default: empty [] - return full model]
  From Repository
    Construct a statespace model by retrieving it from an LTPDA repository.
    'Hostname' - the repository hostname. Only those objects which
                 are statespace models are returned.
                 [default: 'localhost'];
                 Additional parameters:
                 'Database'   - The database name [default: 'ltpda']
                 'ID'         - A vector of object IDs. [default: []]
                 'CID'        - Retrieve all SSM objects from a particular
  From a Miir
    Construct a statespace model out of a MIIR object.
      example :  sys = ssm(themiir);
  From PZ model
    Construct a statespace model by retrieving it from an LTPDA repository.
      example :  sys=ssm(thepzmodel);
  From Description
  Construct a statespace model from a full description of the system.
      'isADescription' &gt;&gt; special filed to tell the constructor which set to use
      compulsory fields:
                'name','ssnames', 'outputnames', 'inputnames', 'timestep', 'amats', ...
                'bmats', 'cmats', 'dmats', 'paramnames', 'paramvalues'
      optionnals fields :
                 'mmats' 'amats_handles' 'bmats_handles' 'cmats_handles' 'dmats_handles'...
                 'inputvarnames'  'ssvarnames' 'outputvarnames'  'paramsigmas'
      example :
                  name = 'sys';
                  ssnames = {'ss1' 'ss2' 'ss3'};
                  ssvarnames = {{'ssvar1'} {'ssvar2'} {'ssvar31' 'ssvar32'}};
                  inputnames = {'input1' 'input2' 'input3'};
                  inputvarnames = {{'inputvar1'} {'inputvar2'} {'inputvar31' 'inputvar32'}};
                  outputnames = {'output1' 'output2' 'output3'};
                  outputvarnames = {{'outputvar1'} {'outputvar2'} {'outputvar31' 'outputvar32'}};
                  timestep = 0;
                  paramnames = {};
                  paramvalues = [];
                  amats = cell(3,3);
                  bmats = cell(3,3);
                  cmats = cell(3,3);
                  dmats = cell(3,3);
                  amats{1,1} = -1;
                  amats{2,2} = -2;
                  amats{3,3} = -3*eye(2);
                  amats{3,1} = [-1;-3];
                  bmats{1,1} = 1;
                  bmats{2,2} = 2;
                  bmats{3,3} = 3*eye(2);
                  cmats{1,1} = 1;
                  cmats{2,2} = 1;
                  cmats{3,3} = eye(2);
                  dmats{1,3} = [6 6];
                  dmats{2,1} = 6;
                  dmats{3,2} = [6;6];
                  sys = ssm(plist('isADescription', '' ,'name', name , ...
                    'timestep', timestep  ,    'paramnames', paramnames ,'paramvalues', paramvalues ,...
                    'inputnames', inputnames , 'outputnames',outputnames  ,'ssnames', ssnames,...
                    'inputvarnames', inputvarnames , 'outputvarnames',outputvarnames  ,'ssvarnames', ssvarnames,...
                    'amats', amats ,'bmats', bmats ,'cmats', cmats ,'dmats', dmats ));
               <set name="Default"/>
               <set name="From XML File"/>
               <set name="From MAT File"/>
               <set name="From Built-in Model"/>
               <set name="From Description"/>
               <set name="From Plist"/>
               <set name="From Repository"/>
               <set name="From Pzmodel"/>
               <set name="From Miir"/>
               <plist name="none"/>
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none"/>
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>none(fs=, ntaps=0.00, a=[], b=[])</val>
         <plist name="none">
         <port number="0" type="output">
               <pipe dstblock="set DFACS name" dstport="0" srcblock="DFACS"/>
      <block bounds="150 0 110 100" inputs="1" name="set DFACS name" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Helper" mclass="ltpda_uoh" mname="setName" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText>  SETNAME Set the property 'name'.
  DESCRIPTION: Set the property 'name'.
  CALL:        obj = obj.setName('new name');
               obj = obj.setName(plist('name', 'new name'));
               obj = setName(obj, 'new name');
               obj = setName();
  EXAMPLE:     obj.setName -&gt; Sets the name to the variable name.
                              In this case to 'obj'
  INPUTS:      obj - can be a vector, matrix, list, or a mix of them.
               pl  - to set the name with a plist specify only one plist with
                     only one key-word 'name'.
  M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('setName')
               Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('setName', 'set')
  VERSION:     $Id: ssmtest.lwb,v 1.1 2009/01/13 12:39:16 hewitson Exp $
  HISTORY:     27-05-2008 Diepholz
               <set name="Default"/>
               <plist name="none">
         <plist name="none">
         <port number="0" type="output">
               <pipe dstblock="simulate DFACS" dstport="0" srcblock="set DFACS name"/>
      <block bounds="250 100 110 100" inputs="2" name="simulate DFACS" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Statespace" mclass="ssm" mname="simulate" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText> simulate simulates a discrete ssm with given inputs
  DESCRIPTION: %simulate simulates a discrete ssm with given inputs
  CALL: [ao_out pl_out] = simulate(sys, plist_inputs)
          - sys, (array of) ssm object
          - plist_inputs contains 10 fields :
             - 2 noise fields
                - 'noise variable names' with a cell vector of strings of
                the desired input variable names
                - 'covariance' which gives the covariance of this noise between
                the different corresponding inputs given for the *TIME
                CONTINUOUS* noise model
             - 2 fields for input aos :
                - 'aos variable names' with a cell vector of strings of
                the desired input variable names
                - 'aos' which gives the aos for the different
                corresponding inputs
             - 2 fields to plug in constants :
                - 'constant variable names' with a cell vector of strings of
                the desired input variable names
                - 'constants' which gives the DC value for the different
                corresponding inputs
             - 2 arrays telling which blocks should be stored and returned
                - 'return states' : for blocks of the state space (ex [8])
                - 'return outputs' : for blocks of the output (ex [1 5])
             - 1 field 'Nsamples' telling max number of samples to use
                 (it is smaller if aos are shorter than Nsamples)
             - 1 field 'ssini' is a cell array of vectors that give the
                initial position for simulation. 0 is the default.
             - 1 field 'tini' for the initial time, a time object or a number 
                (in millisec).
             - 1 field 'displayTime' (0/1) to switch off/on the display.
                0 (Off) is the default value
           _ pl_out contains 'lastX', the last state position
     ***     the plist CANNOT be arrays anymore.    ***
     Because of the very large number of output it is not desirable to have
     more than 1 simulation per function run.
  M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
               &gt;&gt; ssm.getInfo('simulate')
               Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
               &gt;&gt; ssm.getInfo('simulate', 'Default')
  VERSION: $Id: ssmtest.lwb,v 1.1 2009/01/13 12:39:16 hewitson Exp $
  04-08-2008 A Grynagier : new multiple state spaces, independant variables
  in aos...
  12-06-2008 M Weyrich : change for multiple outputs, bug fixes
  17-04-2008 A Grynagier
  19-02-2008 A Grynagier
  17-02-2008 A Grynagier
  Creation 30-01-2008 M Weyrich
  TO DO: Check input aos for the timestep, tsdata, and ssm.timestep
  options to be defined (NL case)
  add check if one input mach no ssm input variable
  allow use of other LTPDA functions to generate white noise
               <set name="Default"/>
               <plist name="none">
                     <key>NOISE VARIABLE NAMES</key>
                     <key>AOS VARIABLE NAMES</key>
                     <key>CONSTANT VARIABLE NAMES</key>
                     <key>RETURN STATES</key>
                     <key>RETURN OUTPUTS</key>
         <plist name="none">
               <key>AOS VARIABLE NAMES</key>
               <key>RETURN OUTPUTS</key>
         <port number="0" type="output">
               <pipe dstblock="tf" dstport="0" srcblock="simulate DFACS"/>
      <block bounds="0 200 110 100" inputs="1" name="noise AO" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Constructor" mclass="ao" mname="ao" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText>  AO analysis object class constructor.
  DESCRIPTION: AO analysis object class constructor.
               Create an analysis object.
      Possible constructors:
        a = ao()            - creates an empty analysis object
        a = ao('a1.xml')    - creates a new analysis object by loading the
                              analysis object from disk.
        a = ao('a1.mat')    - creates a new analysis object by loading the
                              analysis object from disk.
        a = ao('a1.mat')    - creates a new analysis object by loading the
                              2-column data set stored in the .MAT file.
        a = ao('file.txt')  - creates a new analysis object by loading the
        a = ao('file.dat')    data in 'file.txt'. The ascii file is assumed
                              to be an equally sampled two-column file of
                              time and amplitude. By default, the amplitude
                              units are taken to be Volts ('V') and the
                              time samples are assumed to be in seconds.
        a = ao('file',pl)   - creates a new analysis object by loading the
                              data in 'file'. The parameter list decide how the
                              analysis object is created. The valid key values
                              of the parameter list are:
                              'type'        'tsdata','fsdata','xydata'
                                             [default: 'tsdata']
                              'use_fs'       if this value is set, the
                                             x-axes is computed by the fs value.
                                             [default: empty array]
                              'columns'      [1 2 1 4]
                                             Each pair represented the x- and y-axes.
                                             (Each column pair creates an analysis object)
                                             Is the value 'use_fs' is used then
                                             represent each column the y-axes.
                                             (Each column creates an analysis object)
                                             [default: [1 2] ]
                              'comment_char' The comment character in the file
                                             [default: '']
                              'description'  To set the description in the analysis object
                              '...'          every property where exist a public
                                             set-function in the AO class e.g.
                                             setName, setT0, setYunits, ...
                              If the constructor creates multiple ao's it is
                              possible to give each data class its own e.g.
                              'name'. In this case the parameter list with the
                              key 'name' must have cell of the different values
                              as the name of the different data objects. e.g.
                              pl = plist('columns', [1 2 1 3],        ...
                                         'name',   {'name1' 'name2'}, ...
                                         'xunits', unit('s'),             ...
                                         'yunits', {unit('V') unit('Hz'}));
                              This parameter list creates two ao's with tsdata.
                              'Robust'  - set this to 'yes' to use (slow)
                                          robust data reading. Useful for
                                          complicated file formats.
                                          [default: 'yes']
        NOTE: Data files with comments at the end of the lines can only be
        read if there are no lines with only comments. In this case, do not
        specify a comment character. If you really want to load a file like
        this, specify the 'Robust' option; this will be very slow for large
        a = ao(data)        - creates an analysis object with a data
                              object. Data object can be one of tsdata,
                              fsdata, cdata, xydata, xyzdata.
        a = ao(data, hist)  - creates an analysis object with a data
                              object and a history object
        a = ao(specwin)     - creates an analysis object from a specwin
        a = ao(plist)       - creates an analysis object from the description
                              given in the parameter list
  Parameter sets for plist constructor (in order of priority):
  From XML File
    Construct an AO by loading it from an XML file.
    'filename' - construct an AO from a filename.
                 Example: plist('filename', 'a1.xml')
                 [default: empty string]
  From MAT File
    Construct an AO by loading it from a MAT file.
    'filename' - construct an AO from a filename.
                 Example: plist('filename', 'a1.mat')
                 [default: empty string]
  From ASCII File
    Construct an AO by loading it from an ASCII text file.
    'filename' - construct an AO from a filename.
                 Example: plist('filename', 'a1.txt')
                 [default: empty string]
    For additional parameters, see constructor ao(file, pl) above.
  From Function
    Construct an AO from the description of any valid MATLAB function.
    'fcn'      - any valid MATLAB function.
                 Example: plist('fcn', 'randn(100,1)')
                 You can pass additional parameters to the fcn as extra
                 parameters in the parameter list:
                 plist('fcn', 'a*b', 'a', 2, 'b', 1:20);
                 ** Note: case is ignored in the function specification
                 such the following:
                   plist('fcn', 'a*A/b', 'a', 2, 'B', 1:20);
                 results in:
                 [default: 'randn(100,1)']
  From Values
    Construct an AO from a set of values.
    'vals'     - a set of values.
                 Example: plist('vals', [1 2 3])
                 optional parameter: repeat 'N' times
                 Example: plist('vals', [1 2 3], 'N', 10)
                 [default: vals: [1], N: [1] ]
    To produce a tsdata AO
    'xvals'     - a set of x values.
    'yvals'     - a set of y values.
  From Time-series Function
    Construct an AO from a function of time, t.
    'tsfcn'    - a function of time.
                 You can also specify optional parameters
                 'fs'      - sampling frequency [default: 10 Hz]
                 'nsecs'   - length in seconds [default: 10 s]
                 You can also specify the initial time (t0) associated with
                 the time-series by passing a parameter 't0' with a value
                 that is a time object [default: time(0)]
                 plist('fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10, ...
                 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*1.4*t) + 0.1*randn(size(t))', ...
                 't0', time('1980-12-01 12:43:12'));
  From Frequency-series Function
    Construct an AO from a function of frequency, f.
    'fsfcn'    - a function of frequency, f.   [default: 'f']
                 You can also specify optional parameters:
                    'f1'    - the initial frequency  [default: 1e-9]
                    'f2'    - the final frequency    [default: 5]
                    'nf'    - the number of frequency samples [default: 1000]
                    'scale' - 'log' or 'lin' frequency spacing [default: 'log']
                 or provide a frequency vector:
                    'f' - a vector of frequencies on which to evaluate the
                          function [default: [] ]
  From Window
    Construct an AO from a spectral window object.
    'win'      - A specwin object.
                 This creates a cdata type AO containing the window values.
                 Example: plist('win', specwin('Hannning', 100))
                 [default: specwin('Hanning', 100)]
  From Waveform
    Construct an AO from a waveform description.
    'waveform' - a waveform description (see options below).
                 You can also specify additional parameters:
                 'fs'      - sampling frequency [default: 10 Hz]
                 'nsecs'   - length in seconds [default: 10 s]
                 't0'      - time-stamp of the first data sample [default time(0)]
                 and, for the following waveform types:
                 'sine wave'      - 'A', 'f', 'phi', 'nsecs', 'toff'
                                    (can be vectors for sum of sine waves)
                        'A'       - Amplitude of the wave
                        'f'       - Frequency of the wave
                        'phi'     - Phase of the eave
                        'nsecs'   - Number of seconds  (in seconds)
                        'toff'    - Offset of the wave (in seconds)
                 'noise'          - 'type' (can be 'Normal' or 'Uniform')
                                    'sigma' specify the standard deviation
                 'chirp'          - 'f0', 'f1', 't1'      (help chirp)
                 'Gaussian pulse' - 'f0', 'bw'            (help gauspuls)
                 'Square wave'    - 'f', 'duty'           (help square)
                 'Sawtooth'       - 'f', 'width'          (help sawtooth)
                 You can also specify the initial time (t0) associated with
                 the time-series by passing a parameter 't0' with a value
                 that is a time object.
                 [defaults: waveform: 'sine wave', A: 1, f: 1.23, phi: 0,
                            fs: 10, nsecs: 10, t0: time(0) ]
  From Repository
    Construct an AO by retrieving it from an LTPDA repository.
    'Hostname' - the repository hostname. Only those objects which
                 are AOs are returned.
                 [default: 'localhost'];
                 Additional parameters:
                 'Database'   - The database name [default: 'ltpda']
                 'ID'         - A vector of object IDs. [default: []]
                 'CID'        - Retrieve all AO objects from a particular
                 'Binary'     - Set to 'yes' to retrieve from stored binary
                                representation (not always available).
  From Polynomial
    Construct an AO from a set of polynomial coefficients.
    'polyval'  - a set of polynomial coefficients.
                 [default: [-0.0001 0.02 -1 -1] ]
                 Additional parameters:
                    'Nsecs' and 'fs'  - number of seconds, and sample rate
                                        [defaults: nsecs: 10, fs: 10]
                 or 't'               - vector of time vertices
                                        [default: [] ]
                 Example:  a = ao(plist('polyval', [1 2 3], 'Nsecs', 10, 'fs', 10));
  From Pzmodel
   Generates an ao with a timeseries with a prescribed spectrum.
   p = [pz(f1,q1) pz(f2,q2)]
   z = [pz(f3,q3)]
   pzm = pzmodel(gain, p, z)
   The constructor also needs: fs    - sampling frequency
                               nsecs - number of seconds to be generated
   a = ao(plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'Nsecs', nsecs, 'Fs', fs))
  From Model
  A collection of built-in models which construct data series and return
  them in AOs.
    'Model'  - give the model name. To get a list of models:
               ao(plist('Model', ''))
  Each model has additional parameters that need to be passed. To see the
     &gt;&gt; help ao.&lt;model_name&gt;
  for example, 
     &gt;&gt; help ao.mdc1_fd_dynamics
  From Plist
    'Plist'    - construct from a plist. The value passed should be a plist
                 [default: empty plist]
    1) Normally distributed random noise time-series
       p     = plist('waveform', 'noise', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 1000);
       rd10  = ao(p);
        b = a(1)            % where a is an array of analysis objects
        d =;         % get the data object
        h = a.hist;         % get the history object
        d =; % get a matrix of data values x;
   2) Timeseries with a prescribed spectrum
        p = plist('pzmodel',pzm, 'fs',10, 'nsecs', 120, 'ndigits',50)
        a = ao(p) 
        fs      - sampling frequency
        nsecs   - number of seconds in time series
        ndigits - number of digits for symbolic math toolbox (default: 32)
  From pzmodel
   Generates an ao with a timeseries with a prescribed spectrum.
   p = [pz(f1,q1) pz(f2,q2)]
   z = [pz(f3,q3)]
   pzm = pzmodel(gain, p, z)
   The constructor also needs: fs    - sampling frequency
                               nsecs - number of seconds to be generated
   a = ao(pzm, nsecs, fs)
  The following call returns an minfo object that contains information
  about the AO constructor:
  &gt;&gt; info = ao.getInfo
  You can get information about class methods by calling:
  &gt;&gt; info = ao.getInfo(method)
  e.g. info = ao.getInfo('pwelch')
  You can also restrict the sets of parameters contained in the minfo
  object by calling:
  &gt;&gt; info = ao.getInfo(method, set)
  e.g., info = ao.getInfo('ao', 'From Vals')
  See also tsdata, fsdata, xydata, cdata, xyzdata
  M Hewitson 30-01-07
               <set name="Default"/>
               <set name="From XML File"/>
               <set name="From MAT File"/>
               <set name="From ASCII File"/>
               <set name="From Function"/>
               <set name="From Values"/>
               <set name="From Time-series Function"/>
               <set name="From Frequency-series Function"/>
               <set name="From Window"/>
               <set name="From Waveform"/>
               <set name="From Polynomial"/>
               <set name="From Repository"/>
               <set name="From Plist"/>
               <set name="From Pzmodel"/>
               <set name="From Model"/>
               <plist name="none"/>
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>[1 2]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' s ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
                     <val>time([plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 0)]) </val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>time([plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 0)]) </val>
                     <val>[ unit(' s ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>[ unit(' Hz ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val> specwin('Hanning', 100)</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' I ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>sine wave</val>
                     <val>time([plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 0)]) </val>
                     <val>[ unit(' s ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>[-0.0001 0.02 -1 -1]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' s ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>[ unit(' s ') ]</val>
                     <val>[ unit(' V ') ]</val>
               <plist name="none">
         <plist name="none">
         <port number="0" type="output">
               <pipe dstblock="simulate DFACS" dstport="1" srcblock="noise AO"/>
               <pipe dstblock="tf" dstport="1" srcblock="noise AO"/>
      <block bounds="400 100 110 100" inputs="2" name="tf" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Signal Processing" mclass="ao" mname="ltfe" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText>  LTFE implement transfer-function estimation computed on a log frequency axis.
  DESCRIPTION: LTFE implement transfer-function estimation computed on a
               log frequency axis.
  CALL:        tfs = ltfe(as)
               tfs = ltfe(as, pl)
  INPUTS:      as  - array of analysis objects
               pl  - parameter list (see below)
  OUTPUTS:     bs  - array of analysis objects, one for each input
               Kdes  - desired number of averages   [default: 100]
               Lmin  - minimum segment length   [default: 0]
               Jdes  - number of spectral frequencies to compute [default: fs/4]
               Win   - a specwin window object
                       Only the design parameters of the window object are used; the
                       window is recomputed for each DFT length inside the ltpda_dft
              algorithm. [default: Kaiser with -200dB PSLL]
               Olap  - desired overlap [default: taken from window]
               Order - order of detrending.
                       -1 - no detrending
                        0 - subtract mean
                        1 - subtract linear fit
                        N - subtract fit of polynomial, order N
  M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('ltfe')
               Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('ltfe', 'None')
  VERSION:     $Id: ssmtest.lwb,v 1.1 2009/01/13 12:39:16 hewitson Exp $
  HISTORY:     02-02-2007 M Hewitson
               <set name="Default"/>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val> specwin('BH92', 10)</val>
         <plist name="none">
               <val> specwin('BH92', 10)</val>
         <port number="0" type="output">
               <pipe dstblock="view" dstport="0" srcblock="tf"/>
      <block bounds="500 100 110 100" inputs="1" name="view" outputs="1">
         <LTPDAalgorithm mcategory="Output" mclass="ao" mname="iplot" mpackage="" mversion="" portdims="1 10 1 10">
            <HelpText>  IPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA.
  DESCRIPTION: IPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA.
  CALL:               hfig = iplot (a,pl)
               [hfig, hax] = iplot (a,pl)
          [hfig, hax, hli] = iplot (a,pl)
  INPUTS:      pl   - a parameter list
               a    - input analysis object
  OUTPUTS:     hfig - handles to figures
               hax  - handles to axes
               hli  - handles to lines
  Plot parameters:
              'Arrangement' - select the plot layout:
                            'single'   - plots all AOs on individual figures
                            'stacked'  - plots all AOs on the same axes [default]
                            'subplots' - plots all AOs on subplots
              'Function'    - specify the plot function:
                              'plot', 'stairs', 'stem'
                              [default: 'plot']
                              *** doesn't work for xyzdata AOs
  Line parameters:
         The following properties take cell array values. If the length of
         the cell array is shorter than the number of lines to plot, the
         remaining lines will be plotted with the default options. If the
         cell array is of length 2 and the first cell contains the string
         'all', then the second cell is used to set the propery of all
              'LineColors' - a cell array of color definitions for each line.
              'LineStyles' - a cell array of line styles.
              'Markers'    - a cell array of markers.
              'LineWidths' - a cell array of line widths. If the length of the
                             cell array is shorter than the number of lines to
                             plot, the remaining lines will be plotted with
                             the default line width.
  Axes parameters:
              'Legends' - specify a cell array of strings to be used for
                          the plot legends. If a cell contains an empty
                          string, the default legend string is built.
                          If a single string 'off' is given instead of a
                          cell array, then the legends are all switched
              'XLabels' - Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The
                          units are added from the data object 'xunits'
              'YLabels' - Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The
                          units are added from the data object 'yunits'
                          property. If the object contains complex data,
                          you should specify two y-labels for that object.
     The following axis properties also work with the 'all' keyword as
     described above in the line properties section.
              'XScales' - Specify the scales to be used on the x-axes.
              'YScales' - Specify the scales to the used on the y-axes. If
                          an object contains complex data, you should
                          specify two y-labels for that object.
              'XRanges' - Specify the ranges to be displayed on the x-axes.
              'YRanges' - Specify the ranges to the displayed on the
  Error parameters: If you give more than one input AO then you must
                    specify the following parameter values in a cell-array,
                    one cell for each input AO. Leave the cell empty to
                    plot no errors. Each error can be a value or a vector
                    the same length as the data vector. If you give and
                    upper limit but not lower limit, then the errors are
                    assumed to be symmetric (and vice versa)
                   'XerrL' - lower bound error values for the X data points.
                   'XerrU' - upper bound error values for the X data points.
                   'YerrL' - lower bound error values for the Y data points.
                   'YerrU' - upper bound error values for the Y data points.
  Math operations: You can specify rudimentary math operations to be
                   performed on the X and Y data prior to plotting. The
                   'all' keyword is also supported by these parameters.
                   'Xmaths'  - specify math operations to perform on the
                               data vector 'x'. For example,
                               plist('Xmaths', 'abs(x)').
                   'Ymaths'  - specify math operations to perform on the
                               data vector 'y'. For example,
                               plist('Ymaths', 'sqrt(y)').
  Time-series parameters: in addition to the general options, time-series
                          objects have the following additional parameters.
               'Xunits'  - specify the units on the x-axis as 
                           'us'        - microseconds
                           'ms'        - milliseconds
                           's'         - seconds [default]
                           'm'         - minutes
                           'h'         - hours
                           'D'         - days
                           'M'         - months
                           'HH:MM:SS'  - using a date/time format
                                             recognized by datetic (help datetic)
  Frequency-series parameters: 
                'complexPlotType' - specify how to plot complex data.
                                    Choose from:
                                     - 'realimag'
                                     - 'absdeg'
                                     - 'absrad'
  1) Plot two time-series AOs with different colors, line styles, and widths
    pl = plist('Linecolors', {'g', 'k'}, 'LineStyles', {'', '--'}, 'LineWidths', {1, 4});
    iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);
  2) Plot two time-series AOs in subplots. Also override the second legend
     text and the first line style.
    pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
    iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);
  3) Plot two time-series AOs taking the square of the y-values of the
     first AO and the log of the x-values of the second AO.
    pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YMaths', 'y.^2', 'XMaths', {'', 'log(x)'});
    iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);
  4) Plot two frequency-series AOs on subplots with the same Y-scales and
    pl1 = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
    pl2 = plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {'All', [1e-6 100]});
    iplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl1, pl2)
  M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('iplot')
               Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
               &gt;&gt; ao.getInfo('iplot', 'None')
  VERSION:     $Id: ssmtest.lwb,v 1.1 2009/01/13 12:39:16 hewitson Exp $
  HISTORY:     22-12-07 M Hewitson
               <set name="Time-series plot"/>
               <set name="Frequency-series plot"/>
               <set name="Y data plot"/>
               <set name="X-Y data plot"/>
               <set name="3D plot"/>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
               <plist name="none">
                     <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
         <plist name="none">
               <val>{[0.80000000000000004 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001],[0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.80000000000000004],[0.20000000000000001 0.90000000000000002 0.20000000000000001],[0.37 0.90000000000000002 0.82999999999999996],[0.88800000000000001 0.16300000000000001 0.90000000000000002],[0 0 0],[0 0.81176470588235294 1],[1 0.50196078431372548 0],[0.5607843137254902 0 0],[1 0.81176470588235294 0],[0.90000000000000002 0.26600000000000001 0.59299999999999997]}</val>
         <port number="0" type="output"/>