line source
% TEST_AO_SMOOTHER a test function the AO method smoother.
% M Hewitson 02-03-08
% $Id: test_ao_smoother.m,v 1.8 2009/02/02 15:20:38 hewitson Exp $
function test_ao_smoother
% ------------- Frequency data smoothing ---------------------------------
% Make some test data
nsecs = 5000;
fs = 10;
p1 = pz(0.01, 1);
z1 = pz(0.2);
gain =1;
pzm = pzmodel(gain, p1, z1);
% calling the noisegenerator
a1 = fngen(pzm, plist('Nsecs', nsecs));
a2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', '0.003.*sin(2*pi*0.65*t) + 0.001.*sin(2*pi*3*t)', 'fs',, 'nsecs', nsecs));
a3 = a1 + a2;
% parameter list for lpsd
pl = plist(...
'Kdes', 100, ...
'Kmin', 2, ...
'Jdes', 500, ...
'Win', specwin('Kaiser', 10, 150), ...
'Order', 1);
% Make spectrum
a3xx = psd(a3, plist('Nfft', 1000*fs));
% Median Smooth both
pl = plist('width', 100, 'hc', 0.7, 'method', 'median');
a3s = smoother(a3, pl);
pl = plist('width', 30, 'hc', 0.8, 'method', 'median');
a3xxs = smoother(a3xx, pl);
% Plot
pl = plist('Legends', {'', 'median'});
iplot(a3, a3s, pl)
iplot(a3xx, a3xxs, pl)
% Mean smooth
pl = plist('width', 100, 'hc', 0.7, 'method', 'mean');
a3s = smoother(a3, pl);
pl = plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8, 'method', 'mean');
a3xxs = smoother(a3xx, pl);
% Plot
pl = plist('Legends', {'', 'mean'});
iplot(a3, a3s, pl)
iplot(a3xx, a3xxs, pl)
% Max smooth
pl = plist('width', 1000, 'hc', 0.7, 'method', 'max');
a3s = smoother(a3, pl);
pl = plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8, 'method', 'max');
a3xxs = smoother(a3xx, pl);
% Plot
pl = plist('Legends', {'', 'max'});
iplot(a3, a3s, pl)
iplot(a3xx, a3xxs, pl)
% Min smooth
pl = plist('width', 1000, 'hc', 0.7, 'method', 'min');
a3s = smoother(a3, pl);
pl = plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8, 'method', 'min');
a3xxs = smoother(a3xx, pl);
% Plot
pl = plist('Legends', {'', 'min'});
iplot(a3, a3s, pl)
iplot(a3xx, a3xxs, pl)
% Mode smooth
pl = plist('width', 1000, 'hc', 0.7, 'method', 'mode');
a3s = smoother(a3, pl);
pl = plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8, 'method', 'mode');
a3xxs = smoother(a3xx, pl);
% Plot
pl = plist('Legends', {'', 'mode'});
iplot(a3, a3s, pl)
iplot(a3xx, a3xxs, pl)