view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@prog/find_in_models.m @ 14:6d43f39633b8
Remove unused functions from utils.jmysql
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − function out = find_in_models(modelname,varargin)
+ − %FIND_IN_MODELS Search full block diagram hierarchy
+ − % Wrapper for find_system which searches the full block diagram hierarchy,
+ − % following library links and model references. The contents of masked systems
+ − % will be searched only if the LookUnderMasks option is supplied.
+ − %
+ − % out = find_in_models(modelname,varargin);
+ − % out = find_in_models(modelhandle,varargin);
+ − %
+ − % The first input must be the name or numeric handle of a block diagram.
+ − % Additional arguments are the same as those for find_system. If a SearchDepth
+ − % is specified, this will be applied when searching each model in the hierarchy.
+ − %
+ − % The return value will be a cell array of strings if:
+ − % 1) the first input (modelname) is a string
+ − % 2) the "FindAll" option is absent or "off".
+ − % Otherwise the return value will be a numeric array.
+ − %
+ − % However, note that if strings are returned, any block diagrams which are loaded
+ − % during the search will be closed again to save memory.
+ − % If numeric handles are returned then the block diagrams will be retained in
+ − % memory, though they may not be visible. Use:
+ − % find_system('SearchDepth',0)
+ − % to find the list of block diagrams which are in memory.
+ − %
+ − % Examples:
+ − % To find all Gain blocks involved in the simulation:
+ − % names = find_in_models('mymodel','BlockType','Gain');
+ − %
+ − % To find all lines with name "voltage":
+ − % handles = find_in_models('mymodel','FindAll','on','Type','line','Name','voltage')
+ − %
+ − % To find all models in the simulation which have buffer reuse turned off:
+ − % names = find_in_models('mymodel','SearchDepth',0,'BufferReuse','off')
+ − %
+ − % $Id: find_in_models.m,v 1.1 2008/06/18 13:35:11 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ −
+ − if ~ischar(modelname) && ( ~isnumeric(modelname) || numel(modelname)~=1 )
+ − error('Simulink:find_in_models:BadModelSpecifier',...
+ − 'First input must be single model name or handle');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % First guess at whether we need to close any block diagrams we load
+ − close_after_search = ischar(modelname);
+ −
+ − % The list of names of block diagrams currently in memory
+ − loaded_mdls = find_system('SearchDepth',0);
+ −
+ − % The list of block diagrams we've searched already, to avoid duplication
+ − % of effort where a block diagram appears in multiple locations in the hierarchy.
+ − searched_mdls = {};
+ −
+ − % Run the search.
+ − out = i_search(modelname,varargin{:});
+ −
+ − if close_after_search
+ − % Close any block diagrams which are now open but weren't open to
+ − % start with. Since we closed models after we searched them, this will
+ − % only include libraries.
+ − now_loaded = find_system('SearchDepth',0);
+ − for k=1:numel(now_loaded)
+ − if ~ismember(now_loaded{k},loaded_mdls)
+ − close_system(now_loaded{k},0);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %-----------------------------------------------
+ − % Peforms the search on the specified model and any models it references.
+ − function out = i_search(thismodel,varargin)
+ −
+ − % Check whether we need to load this model.
+ − if ischar(thismodel)
+ − isloaded = ismember(thismodel,loaded_mdls);
+ − if ~isloaded
+ − load_system(thismodel);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − % Perform the search.
+ − out = find_system(thismodel,'FollowLinks','on',varargin{:});
+ − if close_after_search && isnumeric(out)
+ − % We supplied a name but got numeric handles back. The caller must
+ − % have specified the "FindAll" option. We can't close models after
+ − % searching them now, because that would make the handles invalid.
+ − close_after_search = false;
+ − end
+ − % Look for any Model References
+ − mdlrefs = find_mdlref_blocks(thismodel);
+ − if ~isempty(mdlrefs)
+ − % Find the names of the referenced models
+ − mdls = get_param(mdlrefs,'ModelName');
+ − others = cell(size(mdls));
+ − for i=1:numel(mdls)
+ − submodel = mdls{i};
+ − submodelname = submodel; % keep a copy of the name
+ − if ~ismember(submodelname,searched_mdls)
+ − % We haven't searched this model already.
+ − if ~ischar(thismodel)
+ − % We need to supply numeric handles to find_system. First
+ − % make sure that this model is loaded.
+ − if ~ismember(submodel,loaded_mdls)
+ − load_system(submodel);
+ − loaded_mdls{end+1} = submodel; %#ok (growing in a loop, but hard to avoid)
+ − end
+ − % Now get the handle.
+ − submodel = get_param(submodel,'Handle');
+ − end
+ − % Now search the model.
+ − others{i} = i_search(submodel,varargin{:});
+ − % Record the fact that we've already searched this model,
+ − % so that we don't search it again.
+ − searched_mdls{end+1} = submodelname; %#ok (growing in a loop, but hard to avoid)
+ − end
+ − end
+ − % Combine results for this model and all the models it references.
+ − out = vertcat(out,others{:});
+ − end
+ − % If we're returning strings, close this model to free the memory.
+ − % This may leave libraries in memory, but that will save us loading them
+ − % again if they're used by another model, and we'll close them at the end.
+ − if close_after_search
+ − if ~isloaded
+ − close_system(thismodel,0);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ −