% CONNECT Connects to an LTPDA repository and returns the connection object.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Connects to an LTPDA repository and returns the connection% object. The provided credentials are stored in a persistent utility, and% reused when a connection to the same database and server is requested.%% If credentials for the requested database and server are not given, and are% not in the utility, the user is prompted for the missing informations.% Credentials are set to expire and to be entered again after a time defined% in the LTPDA user preferences.%% CALL: conn = connect(hostname)% conn = connect(hostname, database)% conn = connect(hostname, database, username, password)%% VERSION: $Id: connect.m,v 1.13 2011/04/01 08:36:49 hewitson Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function conn = connect(varargin) conn = LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager().connect(varargin{:});end