function w3db = kaiser_w3db(alpha)% KAISER_W3DB returns the 3dB bandwidth in bins of a kaiser window with% parameter alpha.% % Taken from C code of Gerhard Heinzel:% % Compute the 3dB bandwidth (W3db) [bins]% of Kaiser windows from the parameter alpha.% Best-fit polynomial was obtained from 180 data % points between alpha=1 and alpha=9.95.% Maximum error is 0.006 bins.% % M Hewitson 19-05-07% % $Id: kaiser_w3db.m,v 1.2 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $% a0 = 0.757185;a1 = 0.377847;a2 = -0.0238342;a3 = 0.00086012;x = alpha;w3db = (((((a3 * x) + a2) * x) + a1) * x + a0);% END