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view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@models/makeBuiltInModel.m @ 25:79dc7091dbbc database-connection-manager
Update tests
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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% MAKEBUILTINMODEL prepares a new built-in model template % % DESCRIPTION: This utility creates a new built-in model file according to % the standard template. It also creates a unit-test directory inheriting % the standard built-in model tests. The tests are run at the end of the % creation process. % % % CALL: % utils.models.makeBuiltInModel(extension_dir, class, name) % % INPUTS: % extension_dir - the directory where the extension module resides % class - the LTPDA user-object class that this model belongs % to. % name - the name of the new model % % If you are making a new model in an existing extension module, then a % typical call would be: % % utils.models.makeBuiltInModel('path/to/extension', ... % 'ao', ... % 'myNewModel'); % % % VERSION: $Id: makeBuiltInModel.m,v 1.4 2011/05/16 06:55:51 hewitson Exp $ % function makeBuiltInModel(varargin) if nargin ~= 3 help('utils.models.makeBuiltInModel') error('Incorrect inputs'); end extDir = varargin{1}; mclass = varargin{2}; mname = varargin{3}; % check mclass is one of the known LTPDA uo classes if ~utils.helper.isSubclassOf(mclass, 'ltpda_uo') error('The specified class must be an LTPDA user-object subclass (i.e. a subclass of ltpda_uo).'); end % remove bad characters from the model name mname = genvarname(mname); % read the template file lines = readModelTemplateFile(mclass, mname); % write the lines back out to the destination file fullmname = [mclass '_model_' mname]; mdlfile = [fullmname '.m']; dstDir = fullfile(extDir, 'models', mclass); dstFile = fullfile(dstDir, mdlfile); fprintf('+ Writing model file %s...\n', dstFile); % Check if the destination file for the new model exists if exist(dstFile, 'file') == 2 r = input(sprintf('A file exists at the chosen location (%s). \nDo you want to overwrite it? (yes/no) ', dstFile), 's'); if ~strcmpi(r, 'yes') return; end end [success,message,messageid] = mkdir(dstDir); if ~success error('Failed to create model directory %s [%s]', dstDir, message); end addpath(dstDir); savepath; writeFile(dstFile, lines); % read test-class template file lines = readTestClassTemplateFile(mclass, mname); % write test class testClass = ['@test_' fullmname]; testName = ['test_' fullmname]; testConstructor = [testName '.m']; testClassPath = fullfile(extDir, 'tests', 'models', mclass); testClassDir = fullfile(testClassPath, testClass); [success,message,messageid] = mkdir(testClassDir); if ~success error('Failed to create unit-test directory %s [%s]', testClassDir, message); end addpath(testClassPath); savepath; testClassFilePath = fullfile(testClassDir, testConstructor); fprintf('+ Writing model test-class constructor file %s...\n', testClassFilePath); % Check if the destination test class file for the new model exists if exist(testClassFilePath, 'file') == 2 r = input(sprintf('A file exists at the chosen location (%s). \nDo you want to overwrite it? (yes/no) ', testClassFilePath), 's'); if ~strcmpi(r, 'yes') return; end end writeFile(testClassFilePath, lines); runner = ltpda_test_runner(); runner.run_tests(testName) if all([runner.results.passed]) fprintf('** successfully created model %s and test class %s\n', mname, testName); fprintf('** All tests passed. You can now edit your new model file.\n'); else fprintf(2, 'Created model file %s\n', dstFile); fprintf(2, 'Created model test class at %s\n', testClassFilePath); fprintf(2, 'One or more tests failed. Please review the written files.\n'); end edit(dstFile); end function writeFile(filename, lines) fd = fopen(filename, 'w+'); if fd < 0 error('Could not open destination file for writing: %s', filename); end for kk=1:numel(lines) l = lines{kk}; fprintf(fd, '%s\n', l); end fclose(fd); fprintf(' - wrote model file %s\n', filename); end function lines = readTestClassTemplateFile(mclass, mname) path = fileparts(which('utils.models.makeBuiltInModel')); templateFile = fullfile(path, 'built_in_model_unittest_template.m'); lines = readFile(templateFile, mclass, mname); end function lines = readModelTemplateFile(mclass, mname) path = fileparts(which('utils.models.makeBuiltInModel')); templateFile = fullfile(path, 'built_in_model_template.m'); lines = readFile(templateFile, mclass, mname); end function lines = readFile(filename, mclass, mname) fd = fopen(filename, 'r'); if fd < 0 error('Failed to read template file %s', filename); end lines = {}; while ~feof(fd) l = makeSubstitutions(fgetl(fd), mclass, mname); lines = [lines {l}]; end % close file fclose(fd); end function s = makeSubstitutions(s, mclass, mname) s = strrep(s, '<CLASS>', mclass); s = strrep(s, '<NAME>', mname); end % END