% COPY makes a (deep) copy of the input history objects.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: COPY makes a deep copy of the input history objects.%% CALL: b = copy(a, flag)%% INPUTS: a - input history object% flag - 1: make a deep copy, 0: return copies of handles%% OUTPUTS: b - copy of inputs%% This is a transparent function and adds no history.%% VERSION: $Id: copy.m,v 1.15 2010/06/25 15:11:47 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = copy(old, deepcopy) if deepcopy % Loop over input history objects new = history.newarray(size(old));% new = copy@ltpda_nuo(new, old, 1); for kk=1:numel(old) new(kk).methodInfo = old(kk).methodInfo; new(kk).plistUsed = old(kk).plistUsed; new(kk).methodInvars = old(kk).methodInvars; new(kk).inhists = old(kk).inhists; new(kk).proctime = old(kk).proctime; new(kk).UUID = old(kk).UUID; end else new = old; end varargout{1} = new;end