line source
% function test_ao_firwhiten
% A test script for ao/firwhiten
% M Hewitson 21-04-08
% $Id: test_ao_firwhiten.m,v 1.5 2009/08/26 18:27:06 luigi Exp $
%% Make an AO
fs = 10;
nsecs = 1e3;
% pole zero model
pzm = pzmodel(2, [pz(0.1, 2) pz(0.5, 1)] , [pz(0.8) pz(1, 2)]);
% parameter list for ltpda_noisegen
pl = plist();
pl = append(pl, param('nsecs', nsecs));
pl = append(pl, param('fs', fs));
% calling the noisegenerator
a = fngen(pzm, pl);
% a = set(a, 'yunits', 'V');
% Make series of sine waves
% s = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine wave', ...
% 'A', [0.1 1 0.1], ...
% 'f', [3.3 0.42 1.23], ...
% 'phi', [0 0 0], ...
% 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
s = ao(plist('tsfcn', '0.05*sin(2*pi*1.23*t)', ...
'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
% s = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine wave', ...
% 'A', [0.05], ...
% 'f', [1.23], ...
% 'phi', [0], ...
% 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
% Add signal and noise
a = a + s;
%% Whiten
Nfft = fs*100;
[aw, ffs, nfs] = firwhiten(a, plist('Ntaps', 1024, 'Nfft', Nfft));
% plot filter response
%% Remove end effects
spl = plist('split_type', 'times', 'times', [10 -20]);
a = timeshift(split(a, spl));
aw = timeshift(split(aw, spl));
%% Compare time-series
iplot(a,aw, plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XRanges', {'All', [0 10]}))
%% Compare spectra
pxx = pwelch(a, aw, plist('Nfft', fs*100));
%% Help test
fs = 1;
a = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 1e5, 'yunits','m'));
% filter
pl = plist('type','bandpass', ...
'order',3, ...
'gain',1, ...
'fc',[0.03 0.1], ...
ft = miir(pl);
% coloring white noise
af = filter(a, ft);
% firwhiten
[aw, ffs, nfs] = firwhiten(af, plist('Ntaps', 5000, 'Nfft', 1e5, 'BW', 5));
awxx = aw.psd;
afxx = af.psd;