% SETDEFAULTOPTION Sets the default option of the a param object.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: SETDEFAULTOPTION Sets the default option of the a param% object. If the option doesn't exist in the options of the% param object then this method throws an error.%% CALL: obj = obj.setDefaultOption(option);%% INPUTS: obj - A single param object% option - An option which should to be set.%% VERSION: $Id: setDefaultOption.m,v 1.7 2011/04/22 21:14:57 mauro Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function p = setDefaultOption(p, option) % Check input if numel(p) ~= 1 error('### This method works only with one input parameter object.'); end if ~ischar(option) && isa(option, 'paramValue') && numel(option) ~= 1 error('### This method works only with one input option.'); end if ~isa(p.val, 'paramValue') p.val = option; return; end % Make a copy if the user doesn't use the modifier command p = copy(p, nargout); found = false; for ii = 1:numel(p.val.options) % Use different compare methods for the different types of 'option' switch class(option) case 'char' % CHAR if strcmpi(p.val.options{ii}, option) p.val.setValIndex(ii); found = true; break; end case 'specwin' % SPECWIN if strcmpi(p.val.options{ii}, option.type) p.val.setValIndex(ii); found = true; break; end case 'paramValue' if isequal(p.val.options{ii}, option.options{option.valIndex}) p.val.setValIndex(ii); found = true; break; end otherwise % ALL OTHER TYPES if isequal(p.val.options{ii}, option) p.val.setValIndex(ii); found = true; break; end end end if ~found % IF the selection mode of the param-object is OPTIONAL then append % this new option to the param.options if (p.val.selection == paramValue.OPTIONAL) newOptions = [reshape(p.val.options, [], 1); {option}]; p.val.setValIndexAndOptions(numel(newOptions), newOptions); else % throw an error if the option is not found in the param-options error('### I couldn''t find the option [%s] in the param-options.', utils.helper.val2str(option)); end endend