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author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:24:37 +0100 (2011-12-07)
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  <title>IFO/Temperature Example - Pre-processing (LTPDA Toolbox)</title>
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  <h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>IFO/Temperature Example - Pre-processing</h1>
  Now we return to the IFO/Temperature example that was started in Topic 1.
<h2>Loading and checking the calibrated data sets from topic2</h2>
  In the last topic you should have saved your calibrated data files as<br>
  <tt>ifo_temp_example/ifo_disp.xml</tt> and <br>
  Now load each file into an AO, and simplify the name of the objects by assigning them the name of the Matlab workspace variable containing them:<br>
<div class="fragment"><pre>
    ifo  = ao(<span class="string">'ifo_temp_example/ifo_disp.xml'</span>);
    temp = ao(<span class="string">'ifo_temp_example/temp_kelvin.xml'</span>);
  Let's see what kind of pre-processing we have to apply to our data prior to further analysis.
  You can have a look at the data by for example displaying the AOs on the terminal and by 
  plotting them, of course. Since the two data series have different Y units, we should plot
  them on subplots. To do that with <tt>iplot</tt>, pass the key 'arrangement' in a plist. For
<div class="fragment"><pre>
    pl = plist(<span class="string">'arrangement'</span>, <span class="string">'subplots'</span>);
  If you plot the two time-series you should see something like the following:<br>
  <img src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic2/ifotempraw.png" alt="ifotempdata" border="1">
  Some points to note:
    <li>The two data streams:
      <li> do not have the same sampling frequency.</li>
      <li> are not of the same length (nsecs).</li>
    <li>The interferometer data has a small transient at the start</li>
  To have a closer look at the samples we plot markers at each sample and only plot a zoomed-in section. You can 
  do this by creating a parameter list with the following key/value pairs (remember the 'key' properties for <tt>plist</tt> entries is not case sensitive):
  <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="50%">
      <col width="35%"/>
      <col width="65%"/>
      <tr valign="top">
        <th class="categorylist">Key</th>
        <th class="categorylist">Value</th>
      <!-- Key 'arrangement' -->
      <tr valign="top">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
          <span class="string">'subplots'</span>
      <!-- Key 'arrangement' -->
      <tr valign="top">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
          {<span class="string">'none'</span>,<span class="string">'none'</span>}
      <!-- Key 'markers' -->
      <tr valign="top">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
          {<span class="string">'+'</span>,<span class="string">'+'</span>}
      <!-- Key 'xranges' -->
      <tr valign="top">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
          {<span class="string">'all'</span>, [200 210]}
      <!-- Key 'yranges' -->
      <tr valign="top">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
        <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">
          {[2e-7 3e-7], [200 350]}
  <table cellspacing="0" class="note" summary="Note" cellpadding="5" border="1">
    <tr width="90%">
        Notice the use of the keyword 'all' in the value for the 'XRANGES' parameter. Many
        of the <tt>iplot</tt> options support this keyword, which tells <tt>iplot</tt> to use
        the same value for all plots and subplots. For the 'YRANGES' we specify different values
        for each subplot.
  <table cellspacing="0" class="note" summary="Note" cellpadding="5" border="1">
    <tr width="90%">
        Please store your parameter lists in 2 different variables. We can reuse them for 
        plotting our results later. If you are working on a pipeline insteaad of a script, you
        can use two <tt>plist</tt> constructor blocks and pass these as an input to an
        <tt>iplot</tt> block.
  Passing such a parameter list to <tt>iplot</tt> together with the two AO time-series should yield
  a plot something like:
<img src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic2/samples.png" alt="samples" border="1">
  From this plot you may be able to see that the temperature data is <bb>unevenly sampled</bb>.
  To confirm this, enter the following (standard) MATLAB commands on the terminal:
<div class="fragment"><pre>
    dt = diff(temp.x);
  <table cellspacing="0" class="note" summary="Note" cellpadding="5" border="1">
    <tr width="90%">
        Don't forget the semicolon at the end of the <tt>diff</tt> calculation; this is a long data series 
        and will be printed to the terminal if you do forget.
  You see that the minimum and maximum difference in the time-stamps of the data is different, showing 
  that the data are not evenly sampled.
  Before we proceed with the later analysis of this data, we need to
    <li>Fix the uneven sampling of the temperature data</li>
    <li>Resample both data streams to the same rate</li>
    <li>Resample both data streams on to the same timing grid</li>
    <li>Select the segment of interferometer data that matches the temperature data</li>
  Each of these steps can, in principle, be done by hand. However, LTPDA provides
  a 'data fixer' method called <tt>ao/consolidate</tt> which attempts to automate this
  process. The call to <tt>consolidate</tt> is shown below:
<div class="fragment"><pre>
    [temp_fixed ifo_fixed] = consolidate(temp, ifo, plist(<span class="string">'fs'</span>,1));
  We tell <tt>consolidate</tt> that we want to have our data resampled to 1 Hz by specifying the 
  parameter key 'fs'.
  Now we can inspect the time-series of these data. The result should look something like 
  the figure below:    
<img src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic2/ifo_temp_consolidated.png" alt="consolidated" border="1">
  <table cellspacing="0" class="note" summary="Note" cellpadding="5" border="1">
    <tr width="90%">
        Note that the time origin above the plots has now changed from zero to 13.105 which 
        was the time of the first sample in the temperature measurement.
  If we also plot the zoomed-in view again, we should see something like:
<img src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic2/samples_conso.png" alt="consolidated samples" border="1">
  As you can see <tt>consolidate</tt> solved all our issues with these two data streams. 
  They now start at the same time and are evenly sampled at the same sampling frequency.
  In the next topic, we will look at the
  spectral content and coherence of the data before and after the pre-processing. For now,
  finish by saving the consolidated data ready for the next topic.
<div class="fragment"><pre>
    save(temp_fixed,<span class="string">'ifo_temp_example/temp_fixed.xml'</span>);
    save(ifo_fixed,<span class="string">'ifo_temp_example/ifo_fixed.xml'</span>);


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