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view m-toolbox/m/gui/ltpdalauncher/ltpdalauncher.m @ 50:7d2e2e065cf1 database-connection-manager
Update unit tests
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:24:37 +0100 |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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function varargout = ltpdalauncher(varargin) % LTPDALAUNCHER presents the user with a control panel from which they can % launch other LTPDA GUIs. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DESCRIPTION: LTPDALAUNCHER presents the user with a control panel from % which they can launch other LTPDA GUIs. % % CALL: ltpdalauncher % % % % VERSION: $Id: ltpdalauncher.m,v 1.13 2009/09/28 08:12:05 hewitson Exp $ % % HISTORY: 07-03-08 M Hewitson % Creation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Check if I exist already hs = findall(0); found = -1; for j=1:length(hs) h = hs(j); if strcmp(get(h, 'Tag'), 'LTPDAlauncher') found = h; end end if found ~= -1 figure(found); return end % id = findobj('Tag', 'LTPDAlauncher'); % if ~isempty(id) % figure(id) % return % end %% Some initial setup Gproperties.Gcol = [240 240 240]/255; Gproperties.Gwidth = 400; Gproperties.Gheight = 400; Gproperties.Gborder = 10; fontsize = getappdata(0, 'ltpda_repo_gui_fontsize'); Gproperties.Screen = get(0,'screensize'); Gproperties.Gposition = [150 ... 150 ... Gproperties.Gwidth... Gproperties.Gheight]; % Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed. mainfig = figure('Name', 'LTPDA Launch Bay',... 'NumberTitle', 'off',... 'Visible','off',... 'Position',Gproperties.Gposition,... 'Color', Gproperties.Gcol,... 'Toolbar', 'none',... 'Resize', 'off',... 'ToolBar', 'none', ... 'NextPlot', 'new', ... 'HandleVisibility', 'callback', ... 'MenuBar', 'none',... 'Tag', 'LTPDAlauncher'); % Set mainfig callbacks set(mainfig, 'CloseRequestFcn', {'ltpda_launcher_close', mainfig}); % Set Application data setappdata(mainfig, 'Gproperties', Gproperties); %% Add Logo M = 0.01; ax = axes('Position', [M M 1-2*M 1-2*M], 'Parent', mainfig); logo = imread('images/ltpda_blue.jpg'); image(logo, 'Parent', ax) set(ax,'Visible', 'on', 'Box', 'off', 'Xtick', [], 'Ytick', []); axis(ax, 'off'); %% Add launch buttons BtnHeight = 20; BtnWidth = Gproperties.Gwidth - 20; BtnLeft = 10; BtnBottom = Gproperties.Gheight - BtnHeight - 10; %-- LTPDA GUI BtnBottom = BtnBottom - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','LTPDA Workbench',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'LTPDAworkbench'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_launcher_workbench'}); %-- preferences pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','LTPDA Preferences',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'LTPDA_preferences'); set(pbh, 'Callback', 'LTPDAprefs'); %-- workspace browser pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Workspace Browser',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'workspaceBrowser'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {@start_workspaceBrowser}); %-- LTPDA Repogui % pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); % BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; % pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','LTPDA REPO GUI',... % 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... % 'Tag', 'ltpda_launcher_repogui'); % set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_launcher_launch_repogui'}); %-- PZmodel helper pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Pole/Zero Model Helper',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'ltpda_launcher_pzmodel'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_launcher_launch_pzmodel'}); %-- specwin helper pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Spectral Windows GUI',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'ltpda_launcher_specwin'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_launcher_specwinViewer'}); %-- constructor helper pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Constructor Helper',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'ltpda_constructor_helper'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_launcher_constructor'}); %-- object explorer pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Object Explorer',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'ltpda_object_explorer'); set(pbh, 'Callback', {@call_explore_ao}); % %-- quicklook % pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); % BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; % pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Quicklook',... % 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... % 'Tag', 'ltpdaquicklook'); % set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpdaquicklook'}); %-- signal builder pos = get(pbh, 'Position'); BtnBottom = pos(2) - BtnHeight - 10; pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Signal Builder',... 'Position',[BtnLeft BtnBottom BtnWidth BtnHeight ],... 'Tag', 'SigBuilder'); set(pbh, 'Callback', 'sigBuilder'); %-- version string v = ver('LTPDA'); sth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','text',... 'String',sprintf('%s %s', v.Name, v.Version),... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'BackgroundColor', [130 190 250]/255, ... 'ForegroundColor', 'w', ... 'Position',[10 10 120 25]); %% Start the GUI % Make the GUI visible. set(mainfig,'Visible','on') function start_workspaceBrowser(varargin) workspaceBrowser; end function call_explore_ao(varargin) ltpda_explorer; end end