% create FIR filter from magnitude of input AO/fsdata%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: mfirFromAO%% DESCRIPTION: create FIR filter from magnitude of input AO/fsdata%% CALL: f = mfirFromAO(a, pli, version, algoname)%% PARAMETER: a: Analysis object% pli: Parameter list object% version: cvs version string% algoname: The m-file name (use the mfilename command)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function filt = fromAO(filt, pli) import utils.const.* VERSION = '$Id: fromAO.m,v 1.25 2011/08/15 11:37:04 hewitson Exp $'; ii = mfir.getInfo('mfir', 'From AO'); % Set the method version string in the minfo object ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]); % Add default values pl = applyDefaults(ii.plists, pli); % Get parameters a = find(pl, 'AO'); N = find(pl, 'N'); win = find(pl, 'Win'); method = find(pl, 'method'); if ischar(win) name = win; wlen = pl.find('length'); % if the plist contains a window length (like history plists do), use % it; otherwise use the filter order N. if isempty(wlen) wlen = N; end if strcmpi(name, 'kaiser') psll = pl.find('psll'); win = specwin(name, wlen, psll); else win = specwin(name, wlen); end end % Check that a.data is a fsdata object if ~isa(a.data, 'fsdata') error('### Please use an analysis object with a fsdata data object to create a mfir object.'); end fs = a.data.fs; f = a.data.getX; xx = abs(a.data.getY); ffm = f/(fs/2); switch lower(method) case 'frequency-sampling' % check window if ischar(win) if strcmpi(win, 'kaiser') win = specwin(win, N+1, win.psll); else win = specwin(win, N+1); end end if length(win.win) ~= N+1 warning('!!! resizing window function to match desired filter order.'); if strcmpi(win.type, 'Kaiser') win = specwin(win.type, N+1, win.psll); else win = specwin(win.type, N+1); end end utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC2, 'designing filter using frequency-sampling method [help fir2]'); mtaps = fir2(N, ffm, xx, win.win); case 'least-squares' error('### this design method is not working properly yet.'); if mod(length(ffm),2) ffm = ffm(1:end-1); xx = xx(1:end-1); end utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC2, 'designing filter using least-squares method [help firls]'); mtaps = firls(N, ffm, xx); case 'parks-mcclellan' error('### this design method is not working properly yet.'); utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC2, 'designing filter using Parks-McClellan method [help firpm]'); mtaps = firpm(N, ffm, xx); otherwise error('### unknown filter design method.'); end % Make mfir object filt.fs = fs; filt.a = mtaps; filt.gd = (filt.ntaps+1)/2; filt.histout = zeros(1,filt.ntaps-1); % Override some properties of the input plist if isempty(pl.find('name')) pl.pset('name', sprintf('fir(%s)', a.name)); end if isempty(pl.find('description')) pl.pset('description', a.description); end % Add history pl.remove('AO'); % because the input AO goes in the history filt.addHistory(ii, pl, [], a.hist); % Set object properties filt.setObjectProperties(pl);end % function f = mfirFromAO(a, pli, version, algoname)