line source
+ − function pan8nested(varargin)
+ −
+ − % ========================================================================
+ − % =================== Panel to organize nested loops =====================
+ − % ========================================================================
+ − %
+ − % $Id: pan8nested.m,v 1.3 2008/11/07 17:59:42 nicola Exp $
+ −
+ − scaleX = getappdata(0, 'ltpda_gui_scalefactor');
+ − guiFontSize = round(10*scaleX);
+ − currPanel = varargin{1};
+ − panelDimens = get(currPanel, 'Position');
+ − backColor = get(currPanel, 'BackgroundColor');
+ −
+ − global paramLoop currSys enabledNestedParams
+ − currSys = '';
+ −
+ − alltimers = timerfindall;
+ − stop(alltimers(2));
+ − set(alltimers(2),'TimerFcn',@ContinuousCheck,'Period',1);
+ − start(alltimers(2));
+ −
+ − %%
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function buildNestedPanel(varargin)
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − delete(findobj(gcf,'Parent',currPanel))
+ −
+ − % Check if nested loops execution is enabled or not:
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − if isempty(nestBlock)
+ − nestedStatus = 0;
+ − nestBlock = {''};
+ − elseif isempty(get_param(nestBlock{1},'Description'))
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'Description','0');
+ − nestedStatus = 0;
+ − else
+ − nestedStatus = str2double(get_param(nestBlock{1},'Description'));
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − % Enable nested loops:
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'TooltipString','Enable or disable the execution of nested loops: when disabled the variables won''t be cleared','Units','normalized','Position',[0.2 0.92 0.2 0.040],'String',' Enable nested loops','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'FontWeight','normal','Value',nestedStatus,'Visible','on','Callback',{@enableNested,currPanel,nestBlock{1}},'Style','checkbox');
+ −
+ − % Current system:
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Units','normalized','Position',[0.5 0.92 0.125 0.040],'String','Current system:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − currsystem = bdroot;
+ − if isempty(currsystem) || isempty(find_system(currsystem,'FindAll','on','Type','Annotation','Tag','ltpda model')), currsystem = 'None'; end
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Units','normalized','Position',[0.65 0.92 0.25 0.040],'String',currsystem,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','UserData','currsystem','Style','text');
+ −
+ − if isempty(nestBlock{1})
+ − paramLoop = {};
+ − paramnumb = 0;
+ − enabledNestedParams = [];
+ − else
+ − paramLoop = get_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData');
+ − paramnumb = size(paramLoop,1);
+ − enabledNestedParams = get_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription');
+ − if ~isempty(enabledNestedParams)
+ − eval(enabledNestedParams);
+ − else
+ − enabledNestedParams = ones(1,paramnumb);
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − for i=1:paramnumb %ie, for every row
+ − % Set the proper number to each row:
+ − paramLoop{i,1}=i;
+ − % Check that every parameter has a valid order value:
+ − if isempty(paramLoop{i,2}), paramLoop{i,2}=1; end
+ − % Check that every parameter has a name (not empty):
+ − if isempty(paramLoop{i,3})
+ − ii=1;
+ − while ~isempty(findstr(['loop.var',num2str(ii)],[paramLoop{:,3}])), ii=ii+1; end
+ − paramLoop{i,3}=['loop.var',num2str(ii)];
+ − end
+ − % Check that every parameter has a values array (even empty):
+ − if isempty(paramLoop{i,6}), paramLoop{i,6}={}; end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % % % % Defining the array with the names/handles of all the elements in the GUI:
+ − % % % global AllNames
+ −
+ − % Dimensions of all the objects which can be created inside the Loop Panel:
+ − AddButtDimension = [20 20]; RemButtDimension = [20 20];
+ − LeftArrDimension = [20 20]; RightArrDimension = [20 20];
+ − UpArrDimension = [20 15]; DownArrDimension = [20 15];
+ − Param2ChangeDimension = [150 20]; IterValDimension = [60 20];
+ −
+ − % Legend (static part of the window):
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[40 panelDimens(4)-80 50 30],'String',{'Add /','Remove'},'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize,'Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Position',[110 panelDimens(4)-85 45 30],'String','Position','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize,'Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[195 panelDimens(4)-85 110 30],'String','Parameter name','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize,'Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Position',[360 panelDimens(4)-85 70 30],'String','Iterations','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize,'Visible','on','Style','text');
+ −
+ − % =========================================================================
+ − % This part build the dynamic part of the window:
+ − % =========================================================================
+ − if 40*(paramnumb+3)+20 < panelDimens(4), possible2add = 'on';
+ − else possible2add = 'off';
+ − end
+ −
+ − for i=1:paramnumb
+ − AddButtPosition = [45 panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ − RemButtPosition = [67 panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ − LeftArrPosition = [105+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ − UpArrPosition = [125+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)+8-40*(i+2)];
+ − DownArrPosition = [125+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)-8-40*(i+2)];
+ − RightArrPosition = [145+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ − Param2ChangePosition = [180+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ − IterValPosition = [355+30*(paramLoop{i,2}-1) panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)];
+ −
+ − % Checkbox to enable this param:
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'Value',enabledNestedParams(i),'TooltipString','Enable or disable this parameter only','Units','pixels','BackGroundColor',[1 1 1],'Position',[15 panelDimens(4)-40*(i+2)+2 15 15],'Visible','on','Enable',possible2add,'UserData',i,'Callback',{@EnableNestedParam,currPanel,nestBlock{1}},'Style','checkbox');
+ −
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Add another parameter','Units','pixels','Position',[AddButtPosition,AddButtDimension],'String','+','Visible','on','Enable',possible2add,'UserData',i,'Callback', @AddButtCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Remove this parameter','Units','pixels','Position',[RemButtPosition,RemButtDimension],'String','-','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback', @RemButtCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − LeftArrNames{i} = uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Move this parameter to the left','Units','pixels','Position',[LeftArrPosition,LeftArrDimension],'String','<','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback', @LeftArrCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − RightArrNames{i} = uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Move this parameter to the right','Units','pixels','Position',[RightArrPosition,RightArrDimension],'String','>','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback', @RightArrCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − UpArrNames{i} = uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Move this parameter up','Units','pixels','Position',[UpArrPosition,DownArrDimension],'String','','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback', @UpArrCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − DownArrNames{i} = uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','Move this parameter down','Units','pixels','Position',[DownArrPosition,UpArrDimension],'String','','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback', @DownArrCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'Units','pixels','Position',[Param2ChangePosition,Param2ChangeDimension],'String',paramLoop{i,3},'Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback',@ParamNameChange,'Style','edit');
+ − IterValNames{i} = uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'TooltipString','The number of iterations associated to this parameter','Units','pixels','Position',[IterValPosition,IterValDimension],'String','-','Visible','on','Enable','on','UserData',i,'Callback',@SetIterations,'Tag',['iterButton',num2str(i)],'Style','pushbutton');
+ − if ~isempty(paramLoop{i,4}), set(IterValNames{i},'String',num2str(paramLoop{i,4})); end
+ −
+ − if i==1, set(UpArrNames{i},'Enable','off'); end
+ − if i==paramnumb, set(DownArrNames{i},'Enable','off'); end
+ −
+ − if paramLoop{i,2}==paramLoop{i,1}, set(RightArrNames{i},'Enable','off');
+ − else set(RightArrNames{i},'Enable','on');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if paramLoop{i,2}==1, set(LeftArrNames{i},'Enable','off');
+ − else set(LeftArrNames{i},'Enable','on');
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Last button to add a parameter:
+ − paramnumb = paramnumb+1;
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'Units','pixels','Position',[45 panelDimens(4)-40*(paramnumb+2) 20 20],'String','+','Visible','on','Enable',possible2add,'UserData',paramnumb,'Callback', @AddButtCallback,'Tag','lastaddbutton','Style','pushbutton');
+ −
+ − if ~nestedStatus
+ − set([findobj(currPanel,'Style','pushbutton');findobj(currPanel,'Style','edit')],'Enable','off');
+ − set(findobj(currPanel,'Style','text'),'ForegroundColor',[.8 .8 .8]);
+ − set(findobj(currPanel,'Tag','lastaddbutton'),'enable','on')
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − %%
+ −
+ − % ======================================================================
+ − % ======================================================================
+ − % ============================= FUNCTIONS ==============================
+ − % ======================================================================
+ − % ======================================================================
+ −
+ − %%
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ContinuousCheck(varargin)
+ − % This is the function to execute a continuous check on the status
+ − % of the current selection, to verify that a valid LTPDA model is
+ − % selected.
+ −
+ − % Clear if nothing's selected
+ − if isempty(bdroot) || strcmp(get_param(bdroot,'BlockDiagramType'),'library') || isempty(find_system(bdroot,'FindAll','on','Type','Annotation','Tag','ltpda model'))
+ − delete(findobj(gcf,'Parent',currPanel))
+ − currSys = '';
+ − paramLoop = [];
+ − enabledNestedParams = [];
+ − return
+ − else
+ − if ~strcmp(gcs,currSys)
+ − % The selection changed: redraw the panel.
+ − currSys = gcs;
+ − enabledNestedParams = [];
+ − buildNestedPanel();
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function enableNested(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback for the 'Enable nested loops' checkbox.
+ −
+ − currStatus = get(hObject,'Value');
+ − currPanel = varargin{2};
+ − nestBlock = varargin{3};
+ − allElements = [findobj(currPanel,'Style','pushbutton');findobj(currPanel,'Style','edit');findobj(currPanel,'Style','checkbox')];
+ − allTexts = findobj(currPanel,'Style','text');
+ −
+ − if isempty(nestBlock)
+ − paramLoop = {1,1,[],[],[],{},[]};
+ − nestBlock = add_block('ltpda_library/Commonly Used Blocks/Globals',[bdroot '/Nested loops']);
+ − annotation = find_system(bdroot,'FindAll','on','Type','Annotation','Tag','ltpda model');
+ − position = get_param(annotation,'Position');
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'LinkStatus','inactive','Showname','off','MaskDisplay','disp(''Nested loops'')','Tag','nestedloops','DropShadow','on','Position',[position(1)+20 position(2)-42 position(1)+150 position(2)-27 ])
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'UserData',paramLoop,'UserDataPersistent','on')
+ − end
+ −
+ − switch currStatus
+ − case 1
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'Description','1');
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − buildNestedPanel();
+ − case 0
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'Description','0');
+ − set(allElements,'Enable','off');
+ − set(hObject,'Enable','on')
+ − set(findobj(currPanel,'Tag','lastaddbutton'),'enable','on')
+ − set(allTexts,'ForegroundColor',[.8 .8 .8]);
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function EnableNestedParam(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback for the 'Enable nested param' checkbox, for EVERY PARAM.
+ −
+ − currStatus = get(hObject,'Value');
+ − currPanel = varargin{2};
+ − nestBlock = varargin{3};
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ −
+ − enabledNestedParams(currParamIndex) = currStatus;
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function AddButtCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Add button: another
+ − % parameter is added BELOW the row where user has clicked.
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the index (row) of the clicked button:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − if currParamIndex==1 && isempty(paramLoop)
+ − paramLoop = {1,1,[],[],[],{},[]};
+ − nestBlock = add_block('ltpda_library/Commonly Used Blocks/Globals',[bdroot '/Nested loops']);
+ − annotation = find_system(bdroot,'FindAll','on','Type','Annotation','Tag','ltpda model');
+ − position = get_param(annotation,'Position');
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'LinkStatus','inactive','Showname','off','MaskDisplay','disp(''Nested loops'')','Tag','nestedloops','DropShadow','on','Position',[position(1)+20 position(2)-42 position(1)+150 position(2)-27 ])
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'Description','1','UserData',paramLoop,'UserDataPersistent','on')
+ − enabledNestedParams = 1;
+ − set_param(nestBlock,'MaskDescription','enabledNestedParams = 1;')
+ −
+ − else
+ − if currParamIndex > size(paramLoop,1), currParamIndex = size(paramLoop,1); end
+ − paramLoop = [paramLoop(1:currParamIndex,:);cell(1,7);paramLoop(currParamIndex+1:end,:)];
+ − currParamIndex = currParamIndex+1;
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,1} = currParamIndex;
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,2} = paramLoop{currParamIndex-1,2};
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'Description','1','UserData',paramLoop);
+ − enabledNestedParams = [enabledNestedParams , 1];
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function RemButtCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Remove button
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the index of the clicked button:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ −
+ − if currParamIndex==1 && size(paramLoop,1)==1
+ − clear paramLoop enabledNestedParams
+ − delete_block(nestBlock{1})
+ − else
+ − xx = size(paramLoop,1);
+ − ii = currParamIndex+1;
+ − while ii <= xx && paramLoop{ii,2} > paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}
+ − paramLoop{ii,2} = paramLoop{ii,2}-1;
+ − ii = ii+1;
+ − end
+ − paramLoop = [paramLoop(1:currParamIndex-1,:);paramLoop(currParamIndex+1:end,:)];
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − enabledNestedParams(currParamIndex) = [];
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ − end
+ −
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function LeftArrCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Left Arrow button
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ −
+ − xx = size(paramLoop,1);
+ − ii = currParamIndex+1;
+ − while ii <= xx && paramLoop{ii,2} > paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}
+ − paramLoop{ii,2} = paramLoop{ii,2}-1;
+ − ii = ii+1;
+ − end
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,2} = paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}-1;
+ −
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function RightArrCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Right Arrow button
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ −
+ − % Move to the right the parents parameters:
+ − ii=currParamIndex;
+ − if ii>1 && paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}<paramLoop{currParamIndex,1}
+ − while paramLoop{ii-1,2}==paramLoop{ii,2}-1
+ − % ie, till when the previous parameters are parents:
+ − ii=ii-1;
+ − if ii==2, break; end
+ − end
+ − % ii is the first parent parameter
+ − if paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}<=paramLoop{currParamIndex,1}
+ − for i=ii:currParamIndex, paramLoop{i,2}=paramLoop{i,2}+1; end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function UpArrCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Up Arrow button
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − xx = size(paramLoop,1);
+ −
+ − % Move to the left the parameters children:
+ − ii=currParamIndex;
+ − if ii<xx
+ − while paramLoop{ii+1,2}==paramLoop{ii,2}+1
+ − % ie, till when the next parameters are children:
+ − ii=ii+1;
+ − if ii==xx, break; end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − % ii is the last children parameter
+ − for i=currParamIndex+1:ii, paramLoop{i,2}=paramLoop{i,2}-1; end
+ −
+ − % We move up the selected row:
+ − paramLoop([currParamIndex-1,currParamIndex],:) = paramLoop([currParamIndex,currParamIndex-1],:);
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex-1,2} = paramLoop{currParamIndex,2};
+ − enabledNestedParams([currParamIndex-1,currParamIndex]) = enabledNestedParams([currParamIndex,currParamIndex-1]);
+ −
+ − for i=1:xx, paramLoop{i,1}=i; end
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function DownArrCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user click on the Down Arrow button
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − xx = size(paramLoop,1);
+ −
+ − % Move to the left the parameters children:
+ − ii=currParamIndex;
+ − if ii<xx
+ − while paramLoop{ii+1,2}==paramLoop{ii,2}+1
+ − % ie, till when the next parameters are children:
+ − ii=ii+1;
+ − if ii==xx, break; end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − for i=currParamIndex+1:ii, paramLoop{i,2}=paramLoop{i,2}-1; end
+ −
+ − % We move down the selected row:
+ − paramLoop([currParamIndex,currParamIndex+1],:) = paramLoop([currParamIndex+1,currParamIndex],:);
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,2}=paramLoop{currParamIndex+1,2};
+ − enabledNestedParams([currParamIndex,currParamIndex+1]) = enabledNestedParams([currParamIndex+1,currParamIndex]);
+ −
+ − for i=1:xx, paramLoop{i,1}=i; end
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'MaskDescription',['enabledNestedParams = ',mat2str(enabledNestedParams),';'])
+ − buildNestedPanel()
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ParamNameChange(hObject, varargin)
+ − % Callback function: run when the user changes the name of the variable
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ −
+ − newName = get(hObject,'String');
+ − oldName = paramLoop{currParamIndex,3};
+ −
+ − if isempty(newName) || ismember(newName,paramLoop(:,3)), set(hObject,'String',oldName), return; end
+ − if numel(newName)<6 || ~strcmp(newName(1:5),'loop.'), newName = ['loop.',strrep(newName,'.','')]; set(hObject,'String',newName); end
+ −
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,3} = newName;
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %%
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function SetIterations(hObject,varargin)
+ −
+ − existingFig = findobj('Name','Set iterations');
+ − if ~isempty(existingFig), close(existingFig); end
+ −
+ − % Retrieve the number of the modified parameter:
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − if ~isempty(paramLoop{currParamIndex,5}) % then there are range settings
+ − range = paramLoop{currParamIndex,5};
+ − min = num2str(range(1)); step = num2str(range(2)); max = num2str(range(3));
+ − range = 1;
+ − else % there are just direct values settings
+ − min = ''; step = ''; max = '';
+ − range = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
+ − backColor = [1 1 1];
+ − setIterSize = [570, 280];
+ − position = [(screenSize(3)-setIterSize(1))/2 , (screenSize(4)-setIterSize(2))/2 , setIterSize];
+ − setIterFig = figure('Position',position,'Name','Set iterations','Tag','setiterations','Resize','off','NumberTitle','off','Toolbar','none','Menubar','none');
+ − % Texts
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[30 position(4)-40 80 20],'String','Default:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+3,'FontWeight','bold','Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[30 position(4)-80 80 20],'String','Iterations:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+3,'FontWeight','bold','Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − % Radio buttons:
+ − rangeORvalues = uibuttongroup('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'visible','on','SelectionChangeFcn',@enableRangeOrValues);
+ − uicontrol('Parent',rangeORvalues,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'UserData',0,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[150 position(4)-80 100 20],'String','Range:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'Visible','on','Value',range,'Style','radiobutton');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',rangeORvalues,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'UserData',1,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[150 position(4)-110 100 20],'String','Values:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'Visible','on','Value',~range,'Style','radiobutton');
+ −
+ − % Default:
+ − defVal = paramLoop{currParamIndex,7};
+ − if isempty(defVal), defVal = ''; end
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[140 position(4)-40 100 20],'String',defVal,'TooltipString','This value will be used whenever this variable isn''t looping, or nested loops are disabled','Enable','on','Tag','defaultvalue','Style','edit');
+ −
+ − % GUI elements for range settings:
+ − inputExamples = {'Insert only';...
+ − 'scalar';...
+ − 'numbers:'};
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[270 position(4)-250 80 170],'String',inputExamples,'Visible','on','Tag','range','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[350 position(4)-85 50 20],'String','Min:','Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','range','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[400 position(4)-80 50 20],'String',min,'Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','rangemin','Style','edit');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[350 position(4)-115 50 20],'String','Step:','Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','range','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[400 position(4)-110 50 20],'String',step,'Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','rangestep','Style','edit');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[350 position(4)-145 50 20],'String','Max:','Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','range','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[400 position(4)-140 50 20],'String',max,'Visible','off','Enable','on','Tag','rangemax','Style','edit');
+ − % Apply button:
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9],'Units','pixels','Position',[250 15 60 25],'String','Apply >','Visible','off','Enable','on','Callback',@calcIterRange,'UserData',0,'Tag','range','Style','pushbutton');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','left','Position',[325 17 200 20],'String','---','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'Visible','off','Tag','rangeIter','Style','text');
+ −
+ − % GUI elements for direct values settings:
+ − listInput = paramLoop{currParamIndex,6};
+ − inputExamples = {'Examples:';...
+ − ' 1';...
+ − ' 2';...
+ − ' ';...
+ − ' or:';...
+ − ' ''one''';...
+ − ' ''two''';...
+ − ' ';...
+ − ' or:';...
+ − ' [1:5]';...
+ − ' [10:10:50]'};
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','left','Position',[270 position(4)-230 140 170],'String',inputExamples,'Visible','on','Tag','values','Style','text');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[360 position(4)-210 150 150],'String',listInput,'Max',10,'FontSize',guiFontSize,'Visible','on','Enable','on','Callback',@valuesListCallback,'Tag','valuesList','UserData',currParamIndex,'Style','edit');
+ − % Apply button:
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9],'Units','pixels','Position',[250 15 60 25],'String','Apply >','Visible','on','Enable','on','Callback',@calcIterRange,'UserData',1,'Tag','values','Style','pushbutton');
+ − uicontrol('Parent',setIterFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','left','Position',[325 17 200 20],'String','---','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'Visible','on','Tag','valuesIter','Style','text');
+ −
+ − if ~isempty(paramLoop{currParamIndex,6}) % then there are values
+ − numbIter = numel(paramLoop{currParamIndex,6});
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesIter'),'String',[num2str(numbIter),' iterations'])
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangeIter'),'String',[num2str(numbIter),' iterations'])
+ − end
+ −
+ − if range, enableRangeOrValues(-1,0)
+ − else enableRangeOrValues(-1,1)
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function enableRangeOrValues(hObject,varargin)
+ −
+ − if hObject==-1, rangeORvalue = varargin{1};
+ − else rangeORvalue = get(get(hObject,'SelectedObject'),'userdata');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if rangeORvalue % value
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'-regexp','Tag','^range'),'visible','off')
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'-regexp','Tag','^values'),'visible','on')
+ − else % range
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'-regexp','Tag','^range'),'visible','on')
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'-regexp','Tag','^values'),'visible','off')
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function calcIterRange(hObject,varargin)
+ −
+ − rangeORvalue = get(hObject,'userdata');
+ − defaultVal = findobj(gcf,'Tag','defaultvalue');
+ − if isempty(get(defaultVal,'String'))
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesIter'),'String','Please insert a default value')
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − if rangeORvalue % value
+ − try
+ − listField = findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesList');
+ − valuesList = get(listField,'String');
+ − currParamIndex = get(listField,'UserData');
+ − numbIter = size(valuesList,1);
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,4} = numbIter;
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,5} = [];
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,6} = valuesList;
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ −
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangemin'),'String','')
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangestep'),'String','')
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangemax'),'String','')
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesIter'),'String',[num2str(numbIter),' iterations'])
+ − set(findobj('Tag',['iterButton',num2str(currParamIndex)]),'String',num2str(numbIter))
+ − catch
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesIter'),'String','Error')
+ − end
+ − else % range
+ − try
+ − minVal = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangemin'),'String'));
+ − stepVal = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangestep'),'String'));
+ − maxVal = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangemax'),'String'));
+ − valuesList = num2cell([minVal:stepVal:maxVal]'); %#ok<NBRAK>
+ − if ~iscell(valuesList) && isnan(valuesList), error(''); end
+ − listField = findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesList');
+ − currParamIndex = get(listField,'UserData');
+ − numbIter = size(valuesList,1);
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,4} = numbIter;
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,5} = [minVal,stepVal,maxVal];
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,6} = valuesList;
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ −
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','valuesList'),'String',valuesList)
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangeIter'),'String',[num2str(numbIter),' iterations'])
+ − set(findobj('Tag',['iterButton',num2str(currParamIndex)]),'String',num2str(numbIter))
+ − catch
+ − set(findobj(gcf,'tag','rangeIter'),'String','Error')
+ − end
+ − end
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,7} = get(defaultVal,'String');
+ −
+ − nestBlock = find_system(bdroot,'SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','SubSystem','Tag','nestedloops');
+ − set_param(nestBlock{1},'UserData',paramLoop);
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function valuesListCallback(hObject, varargin)
+ −
+ − valuesList = get(hObject,'String');
+ − currParamIndex = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − paramLoop{currParamIndex,6} = valuesList;
+ −
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − end