function gltpda_times(handles)% GLTPDA_TIMES multiply an array of analysis objects.% % M Hewitson 15-02-07% % $Id: gltpda_times.m,v 1.2 2007/03/14 16:06:10 hewitson Exp $% %% Get selected AOs% get AO arrayaos = getappdata(handles.main, 'aos');% Get selected objectsselected = get(handles.aoList, 'Value');as = aos.objs(selected);%% Add these together using lincomif length(as) < 2 error('### Select at least two analysis objects.');else b = as(1); for j=2:length(as) b = b*as(j); endend%% Add new ao to list % Add to object arrayaos.objs = [aos.objs b];aos.nobjs = aos.nobjs + length(b);% Set arraysetappdata(handles.main, 'aos', aos);% Update object listgltpda_setAOlist(handles);% END