% APPENDPLIST appends the input plist to the plist of the given block.%% CALL: wb.appendPlist(blockname, pl)%% M Hewitson 13-11-08%% $Id: appendPlist.m,v 1.2 2010/08/06 19:10:48 ingo Exp $%function appendPlist(wb, blockname, varargin) % Parse inputs if isa(varargin{1}, 'plist') apl = varargin{1}; else error('### Unknown inputs.'); end % get the block with this name b = awtinvoke(wb.mp, 'getBlockByName', blockname); % Convert the plist to a java plist pl = LTPDAworkbench.jpl2mpl(b.getPlist()); pl.combine(apl); % Convert the plist to a java plist jpl = LTPDAworkbench.mpl2jpl(pl); % set the plist b.setPlist(jpl);end