% FFT_CORE Simple core method which computes the fft.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Simple core method which computes the fft.%% CALL: ao = fft_core(ao, type)%% INPUTS: ao: Single input analysis object% type: The fft type% 'plain' - complete non-symmetric% 'one' - from zero to Nyquist% 'two' - complete symmetric%% VERSION: $Id: fft_core.m,v 1.7 2011/02/04 17:42:29 luigi Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function bs = fft_core(bs, type) % Which data type do we have switch class(bs.data) case {'tsdata', 'cdata', 'xydata'} % Check we have a sample rate if strcmp(class(bs.data), 'tsdata') fs = bs.data.fs; fmin = 0; else warning('!!! Data has no sample rate: setting to %g', 2+length(bs.data.y)); fs = 2+length(bs.data.y); fmin = 1; end % make FFT of data xunits = 'Hz'; nfft = length(bs.data.y); ft = fft(bs.data.y); f = utils.math.getfftfreq(nfft,fs,type); switch lower(type) case 'plain' % get true matlab fft f = reshape(f,size(ft)); case 'one' ft = ft(1:floor(nfft/2)+1); f = reshape(f,size(ft)); case 'two' if size(ft, 1) == 1 ft = fftshift(ft); else ft = fftshift(ft); if rem(nfft,2) % odd number of data f = f.'; else % even number of data f = f.'; end end otherwise error('### unknown fft type.'); end % Make new fsdata object fsd = fsdata(f, ft, fs); fsd.setXunits(xunits); fsd.setYunits(bs.data.yunits); % make output analysis object bs.data = fsd; % clear errors bs.clearErrors; otherwise error('### You can only fft tsdata, cdata, or xydata AOs.'); endend