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view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@bin/fil.m @ 16:91f21a0aab35 database-connection-manager
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Update utils.jmysql.getsinfo
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05) |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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% FIL a wrapper for the LISO fil executable. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DESCRIPTION: FIL a wrapper for the LISO fil executable. % % CALL: utils.bin.fil('foo.fil') % utils.bin.fil('foo.fil', 'foo2.fil', 'foo3.fil', ...) % utils.bin.fil('foo.fil', 'foo2.fil', 'foo3.fil', '-c', ...) % % >> a = utils.bin.fil('foo.fil') % get result as AO % >> f = utils.bin.fil('foo_iir.fil') % get result as MIIR % % >> utils.bin.fil % get fil help % % INPUTS: % 'filename' - one or more .fil filenames % 'option' - pass options to fil % % VERSION: $Id: fil.m,v 1.6 2011/03/24 19:57:39 ingo Exp $ % % HISTORY: 07-10-08 M Hewitson % Creation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function varargout = fil(varargin) % Get my location p = mfilename('fullpath'); p = p(1:end-length(mfilename)); switch computer case 'MACI' LISO = fullfile(p, 'liso/maci'); % Point to fil binary FIL = ['LISO_DIR="' LISO '" ' fullfile(LISO, 'fil')]; case 'PCWIN' LISO = fullfile(p, 'liso/win32'); % Point to fil binary FIL = ['LISO_DIR="' LISO '" ' fullfile(LISO, 'fil.exe')]; otherwise error('### I do not have a binary for LISO on %s', computer) end if nargin == 0 system(FIL); return end % Loop for any options first opts = ''; for jj=1:nargin if ischar(varargin{jj}) if varargin{jj}(1) == '-' opts = [opts ' -n ' varargin{jj}]; end end end % Now loop over input files outs = {}; for jj=1:nargin if ischar(varargin{jj}) % is this a filename or an option? if varargin{jj}(1) ~= '-' % Check the file filename = varargin{jj}; [path, name, ext] = fileparts(filename); if ~strcmp(ext, '.fil') error('### The input filename does not appear to be a fil file. [%s]', filename); end % run FIL cmd = [FIL ' ' opts ' ' filename]; disp(['*** running: ' cmd]); [status, result] = system(cmd); disp(result) if status else % try to load the output file outfile = fullfile('.', path, [name '.out']); if exist(outfile, 'file') % What type of LISO output do we get here? min = textread(filename,'%s'); % look for keywords in file tfoutput = false; iir = false; fit = false; if any(strcmp('tfoutput', min)), tfoutput = true; end if any(strcmp('iir', min)), iir = true; end if any(strcmp('fit', min)), fit = true; end if iir % we have an IIR filter so we load that instead of the .out % file filt = miir(filename); if ~isempty(filt.a) if nargout == 0 iplot(resp(filt)); else outs = [outs {filt}]; end end elseif fit || tfoutput % load data fid = fopen(outfile, 'r'); % Look for the first line of data comment_char = '#'; while ~feof(fid) f = strtrim(fgetl(fid)); if ~isempty(f) if f(1) ~= comment_char break; end end end % Scan it to find how many columns we have in the file c = regexp(f, ' +', 'split'); nc = numel(c); scanformat = repmat('%f ', 1, nc); % rewind file fseek(fid, 0, 'bof'); % Read all data din = textscan(fid, scanformat, 'CommentStyle', comment_char, 'CollectOutput', 1); % close file fclose(fid); % did we get data? if ~isempty(din{1}) din = din{1}; if tfoutput % what kind of columns do we have? dbdeg = false; reim = false; absdeg = false; if any(strcmp('db:deg', min)), dbdeg = true; end if any(strcmp('re:im', min)), reim = true; end if any(strcmp('abs:deg', min)), absdeg = true; end if dbdeg disp('-- TF is in db:deg'); amp = 10.^(din(:,2)/20) .* exp(1i*din(:,3)*pi/180); elseif reim disp('-- TF is in re:im'); amp = complex(din(:,2), din(:,3)); elseif absdeg disp('-- TF is in abs:deg'); amp = din(:,2) .* exp(1i*din(:,3)*pi/180); else error('### unknown data format. I only understand: abs:deg, db:deg, re:im, at the moment'); end else % we need to look for nout: dbdeg = false; reim = false; absdeg = false; abs = false; db = false; re = false; im = false; if any(strcmp('nout:db:deg', min)), dbdeg = true; end if any(strcmp('nout:re:im', min)), reim = true; end if any(strcmp('nout:abs:deg', min)), absdeg = true; end if any(strcmp('db', min)), db = true; end if any(strcmp('re', min)), re = true; end if any(strcmp('im', min)), im = true; end if any(strcmp('abs', min)), abs = true; end if dbdeg amp = 10.^(din(:,2)./20) .* exp(1i*din(:,3)*pi/180); disp('-- Fit is in db:deg'); elseif reim amp = complex(din(:,2), din(:,3)); disp('-- Fit is in re:im'); elseif absdeg amp = din(:,2) .* exp(1i*din(:,3)*pi/180); disp('-- Fit is in abs:deg'); elseif abs || re || im amp = din(:,2); elseif db amp = 10.^(din(:,2)/20); else error('### unknown data format. I only understand: abs:deg, db:deg, re:im, at the moment'); end end % build output AO a = ao(din(:,1), amp); a.setName(name); a.setXunits('Hz'); outs = [outs {a}]; end else warning('### unknown output type'); end % End switch over output type end % If output file exists end % If command suceeded end % If is a fil file end % char argument end % loop over args if nargout == 0 % do nothing elseif nargout == numel(outs) varargout{:} = outs{:}; elseif nargout == 1 allSame = true; for jj=2:numel(outs) if ~strcmp(class(outs{1}), class(outs{jj})) allSame = false; end end if allSame varargout{1} = [outs{:}]; else varargout{1} = outs; end else error('### Unknown outputs'); end end