% Fix up the data type according to the users chosen axisfunction bs = fixAxisData(bs, pl) % Set data for ii =1:numel(bs) if (isa(bs(ii).data, 'cdata')) if strfind(pl.find('axis'), 'x') warning('### An AO with cdata doesn''t have a x-axis. Setting the axis to ''y''.'); pl.pset('axis', 'y'); end else xu = bs(ii).xunits; end yu = bs(ii).yunits; switch lower(pl.find('axis')) case 'xy' if bs(ii).data.isprop('x') bs(ii).data = xydata(bs(ii).data.x, bs(ii).data.y); bs(ii).data.setXunits(xu); bs(ii).data.setYunits(yu); else error('### It is not possible to compute on the x-axis of an cdata object.') end case 'x' if bs(ii).data.isprop('x') bs(ii).data = cdata(bs(ii).data.x); bs(ii).data.setYunits(xu); else error('### It is not possible to compute on the x-axis of an cdata object.') end case 'y' bs(ii).data = cdata(bs(ii).data.y); bs(ii).data.setYunits(yu); otherwise error('### shouldn''t happen.'); end % Fix the history to what we actually return bs(ii).hist.plistUsed.pset('axis', pl.find('axis')); endend