% Get a list of database fields%% M Hewitson%% $Id: getFields.m,v 1.3 2011/04/08 08:56:36 hewitson Exp $%function fields = getFields(mainfig, conn) % get the selected table tblSel = findobj(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'tableSelect'); tbls = get(tblSel, 'String'); tbl = tbls{get(tblSel, 'Value')}; if ~isempty(conn) % get the databases try q = sprintf('describe %s', tbl); curs = exec(conn, q); curs = fetch(curs); fields = curs.Data(:,1); close(curs); catch disp(sprintf('### Server returned: %s', curs.Message)); warning('!!! Can not read from database'); fields = {'-'}; end else fields = {'-'}; endend