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view m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDAworkbench/rebuildLibrary.m @ 18:947e2ff4b1b9 database-connection-manager
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05) |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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% REBUILDLIBRARY rebuilds the library on the workbench by processing the % ltpda_versions cell-array. % % CALL: wb.rebuildLibrary % % M Hewitson 11-10-08 % % $Id: rebuildLibrary.m,v 1.17 2011/04/28 13:26:26 hewitson Exp $ % function varargout = rebuildLibrary(varargin) % setup library lib = mpipeline.jltpda.LTPDAlibrary('LTPDA'); % Get current verbose level prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); vl = double(prefs.getDisplayPrefs.getDisplayVerboseLevel); prefs.getDisplayPrefs.setDisplayVerboseLevel(java.lang.Integer(-1)); % Add each user class ucls = utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses; % Add any user-class subclasses from extension modules searchPaths = prefs.getExtensionsPrefs.getSearchPaths; for kk=0:searchPaths.size-1 % path to the new classes path = fullfile(char(searchPaths.get(kk)), 'classes'); % get a list of class directories classdirs = utils.prog.dirscan(path, '@.*'); for jj=1:numel(classdirs) parts = regexp(classdirs{jj}, '@', 'split'); cldir = parts{end}; md = meta.class.fromName(cldir); if utils.helper.isSubclassOf(md, 'ltpda_uo') fprintf('+ adding user-object class %s from extension %s\n', md.Name, path); ucls = [ucls {md.Name}]; end end end cats = utils.const.categories.list; cats = cats(~strcmp(cats, 'Internal')); cats = cats(~strcmp(cats, 'GUI function')); warning off %% Build the infrastructure first for jj=1:numel(ucls) clcat = mpipeline.jltpda.LTPDAcategory(ucls{jj}); lib.addCategory(clcat); end % Now go through and add the contents for jj=1:numel(ucls) clcat = lib.getCategoryByName(ucls{jj}); disp(sprintf('** Building: %s', ucls{jj})); % add each algorithm for this class/category [clmethods, infos] = getPublicMethods(ucls{jj}); % add each method to its subcategory for ll=1:numel(clmethods) ii = infos(ll); mthCategory = ii.mcategory; cat = clcat.getCategoryByName(mthCategory); if isempty(cat) if ~strcmp(mthCategory, 'Internal') && ~strcmp(mthCategory, 'GUI function') cat = mpipeline.jltpda.LTPDAcategory(mthCategory); clcat.addSubCategory(cat); end end % else if ~isempty(cat) disp(sprintf(' + adding method %s/%s to category %s', ucls{jj}, clmethods{ll}, char(cat.getName))) a = LTPDAworkbench.minfo2algo(ii); a.setParamsHTML(html(ii)); cat.addAlgorithm(a); end end end warning on if nargin > 0 wb = varargin{1}; awtinvoke(, 'setLibrary', lib); awtinvoke(, 'refreshLibraryTree'); end % set verbose level again prefs.getDisplayPrefs.setDisplayVerboseLevel(java.lang.Integer(vl)); if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = lib; end end function [mths, infos] = getPublicMethods(cl) disp(sprintf(' collecting methods for %s class...', cl)); mths = {}; cms = eval(['?' cl]); infos = []; for ll=1:numel(cms.Methods) mt = cms.Methods{ll}; if ~mt.Static && ... ~mt.Hidden && ... strcmpi(mt.Access, 'public') && ... ~strcmpi(cms.Methods{ll}.DefiningClass.Name, 'handle') % get category try cmd = sprintf('%s.getInfo(''%s'');', cl, mt.Name); ii = eval(cmd); % disp([' found method: ' mt.Name]); mths = [mths {ii.mname}]; infos = [infos ii]; catch warning('### could not get info about: %s', mt.Name); end end end [mths,i,j] = unique(mths); infos = infos(i); end % Make an html table of the minfo object suitable for display on the GUI % help pane. function txt = html(ii) txt = ''; % Table of the minfo object txt = [txt sprintf(' <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="2" border="1" width="60%%">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th class="categorylist" colspan="2">Some information of the method %s/%s are listed below:</th>\n', ii.mclass, ii.mname)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tbody>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#f3f4f5">Class name</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">%s</td>\n', ii.mclass)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#ffffff">Method name</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#ffffff">%s</td>\n', ii.mname)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#f3f4f5">Category</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">%s</td>\n', ii.mcategory)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#ffffff">CVS Version</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#ffffff">%s</td>\n', ii.mversion)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#f3f4f5">Min input args</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">%d</td>\n', ii.argsmin)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#ffffff">Max input args</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#ffffff">%d</td>\n', ii.argsmax)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#f3f4f5">Min output args</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#f3f4f5">%d</td>\n', ii.outmin)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#ffffff">Max output args</td>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#ffffff">%d</td>\n', ii.outmax)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tbody>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </table>\n')]; % Table of the sets for ll=1:numel(ii.sets) set = ii.sets{ll}; pl = ii.plists(ll); txt = [txt sprintf(' <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="4" summary="" width="100%%" border="2">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <thead>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th bgcolor="#B9C6DD" colspan="4"><h3>%s</h3></th>\n', set)]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th width="15%%" bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Key</th>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th width="25%%" bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Default Value</th>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Options</th>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Description</th>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </thead>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <tbody>\n')]; for kk=1:pl.nparams txt = [txt sprintf(' <tr valign="top">\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="15%%" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">%s</td>\n', pl.params(kk).key)]; ptxt = display(pl.params(kk)); txt = [txt sprintf(' <td width="25%%" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">%s</td>\n', strtrim(strrep(ptxt{3}, 'val:', '')))]; if numel(pl.params(kk).getOptions) > 1 opts = pl.params(kk).getOptions; optlist ='<ul>'; for oo=1:numel(opts) optlist = [optlist '<li><font color="#1111FF">' utils.helper.val2str(opts{oo}) '</font></li>']; end optlist = [optlist '</ul>']; txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">%s</td>\n', optlist)]; else txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><i>none</i></td>\n')]; end txt = [txt sprintf(' <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">%s</td>\n', char(strrep(pl.params(kk).desc, '\n', '<br></br>')))]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </tr>\n')]; end txt = [txt sprintf(' </tbody>\n')]; txt = [txt sprintf(' </table>\n')]; end end