% SETSELECTION Sets the property 'selection'.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Set the property 'selection'.%% CALL: obj = obj.setSelection(SELECTION);% obj = setSelection(obj, SELECTION);%% INPUTS: obj - single paramValue object% SELECTION - one of the following values% paramValue.OPTIONAL% paramValue.SINGLE% paramValue.MULTI%% REMARK: This method checks if the index is in range of the options%% VERSION: $Id: setSelection.m,v 1.1 2009/06/17 15:01:53 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = setSelection(varargin) %%% Check number in inputs if nargin ~= 2 error('### This method accepts only two inputs. The first one must be the object and the second one an integer.'); end obj = varargin{1}; selection = varargin{2}; %%% Check the correctness of the inputs if ~isa(obj, 'paramValue') || numel(obj) ~= 1 error('### The first input must be a single paramValue object.'); end if ~isnumeric(selection) error('### Please specify a integer for the value index.'); end obj = copy(obj, nargout); obj.selection = selection; %%% Prepare output varargout{1} = obj;end