view m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/repo_retrieve_content.html @ 18:947e2ff4b1b9
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − <p>
+ − Objects can be retrieved from the repository either by specifying an object ID or a collection ID. The LTPDA
+ − Toolbox provides class construtors to retrieve objects. In additon, to retrieve a collection of objects, the <tt>collection</tt> class
+ − can be used.
+ − </p>
+ − <br>
+ − <h2>The retrieval process</h2>
+ − <p>
+ − When an object is retrieved, the following steps are taken:
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>The object type for the requested ID is retrieved from the <tt>objmeta</tt> table</li>
+ − <li>A call is made to the appropriate class constructor</li>
+ − <li>The class constructor retrieves the XML string from the objs table</li>
+ − <li>The XML string is then converted into an XML Xdoc object</li>
+ − <li>The Xdoc object is then parsed to recreate the desired object</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </p>
+ −
+ − <br>
+ − <h2>Retrieving objects</h2>
+ −
+ − <p>
+ − To retrieve an object, you must know its object ID, or the ID of the collection that contains that object. If you don't know the
+ − class of the object, you can use the <tt>collection</tt> class as a container, as follows:
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − >> a = collection(plist('hostname', 'localhost', 'database', 'ltpda_test', 'id', 1))
+ −
+ − ** Connection status:
+ − LWB: Disconnected from localhost/ltpda_test as hewitson
+ − ---- collection 1 ----
+ − name: none
+ − num objs: 1
+ − 01: ao | New Block/tsdataNdata=[10x1], fs=1, nsecs=10, t0=1970-01-01 00:00:00.000
+ − description:
+ − UUID: 9ec7a613-9442-4451-9b40-af18f4afea00
+ − ----------------------
+ − </pre></div>
+ − </p>
+ − <p>
+ − If you already know the class of the object (for example, <tt>ao</tt>), you can directly call the class constructor method:
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − <span class="comment">% Define the hostname and database</span>
+ − hostname = <span class="string">'localhost'</span>;
+ − database = <span class="string">'ltpda_test'</span>;
+ −
+ − <span class="comment">% Retrieve the object</span>
+ − q = ao(plist(<span class="string">'hostname'</span>, hostname, <span class="string">'database'</span>, dbname, <span class="string">'ID'</span>, 12));
+ − </pre></div>
+ − </p>
+ −
+ − <br>
+ − <p>
+ − Multiple objects can be retrieved simultaneously by giving a list of object IDs. For example
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − >> a = ao(plist('hostname', 'localhost', 'database', 'ltpda_test', 'id', [1 2 3]))
+ − </pre></div>
+ − </p>
+ − <br>
+ − <h2>Retrieving object collections</h2>
+ − <p>
+ − Collections of objects can be retrieved by specifying the collection ID. The following script retrieves a collection:
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − >> a = collection(plist('hostname', 'localhost', 'database', 'ltpda_test', 'cid', 1))
+ − </pre></div>
+ − The output is a <tt>collection</tt> object containing the objects retrieved.
+ − </p>
+ −
+ − <h2>Retrieving binary objects</h2>
+ − <p>The retrieval process may be speeded up by taking advantage of the fact that the objects are stored in the databases also in binary form.
+ − This can be achieved by using the parameter 'binary', that will build the object from the corresponding binary representation, if
+ − stored in the database.
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − <span class="comment">% Retrieve the collection</span>
+ − q = ao(plist(<span class="string">'hostname'</span>, hostname, <span class="string">'database'</span>, dbname, <span class="string">'ID'</span>, 12, <span class="string">'binary'</span>, <span class="string">'yes'</span>));
+ − </pre></div>
+ − If the binary representation is not in the database, the object will be built from the xml one.
+ − </p>