view m-toolbox/test/new_plot/test_miplot.m @ 40:977eb37f31cb database-connection-manager

User friendlier errors from utils.mysql.connect
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 18:04:03 +0100
parents f0afece42f48
line wrap: on
line source

clear all

%% Make test AOS

p      = plist('waveform', 'noise', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10);
tsao1  = ao(p);
p      = plist('waveform', 'sine wave', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10, 'f', 1, 'phi', 0);
tsao2  = ao(p);

tsvec = [tsao1 tsao2];
tsmat = [tsao1 tsao2; tsao1 tsao2];

%% Default plot
miplot(tsao1, tsao2)

%% Change colors and line styles

pl = plist('Colors', {'g', 'k', 'm'}, 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'LineWidths', [1 4]);
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to single plots

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'single');
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to subplots

% Also override the second legend text and the first line style
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% Changel ylabel

% Overide the Y-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YLabels', {'signal 1', 'signal 2'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% Changel xlabel

% Overide the X-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XLabels', {'', 'Time-stamps'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% No legends

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'Legends', 'off');
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);

%% Check math functions

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YMaths', 'y.^2', 'XMaths', {'', 'log(x)'});
miplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl);


%% Make test AOs

fsd1 = resp(miir(plist('fs', 100)), plist('f', logspace(-4, log10(50), 1000)));
fsd1 = set(fsd1, 'yunits', 'm/V');
fsd2 = ltpda_pwelch(tsao1+tsao2);
fsd3 = fsd2*10;
fsd4 = resp(miir(plist('type', 'highpass')));
fsd4 = set(fsd4, 'yunits', 'm/V');

%% Default plot

miplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4)

%% Subplots

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots');
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, pl)

%% Single plots

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'single');
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, pl)

%% Use math function on y-data

pl = plist('Ymaths', {'abs(y)'});
miplot(fsd1, pl);

%% Change colors and line styles

pl = plist('Colors', {'g', 'k', 'm'}, 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'LineWidths', [1 4]);
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to subplots

% Also override the second legend text and the first line style
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Changel ylabel

% Overide the Y-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YLabels', {'signal 1 mag', '', 'signal 2'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Changel xlabel

% Overide the X-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XLabels', {'', 'Freq'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% No legends

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'Legends', 'off');
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Set Y scales

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YScales', {'', 'log', 'lin'});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Set X scales

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XScales', {'', 'lin', 'lin'});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Set Y ranges

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {[0.1 10], [], [1e-3 100]});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);

%% Set X ranges

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', [0.001, 10], 'XRanges', {[0.1 10], [0 10], [0.1 10]});
miplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl);


%% Make test AOs

xy1  = ao(xydata(1:100, cos(1:100)));
xy1  = set(xy1, 'xunits', 'NA', 'yunits', 'NA');
xy2  = ao(xydata(1:100, sin(1:100)));
xy2  = set(xy2, 'xunits', 'NA', 'yunits', 'NA');

%% Default plot
miplot(xy1, xy2)

%% Use Math function on y-data

pl = plist('Ymaths', {'abs(y)', 'y.^2'}, 'Xmaths', 'log(x)');
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% Change colors and line styles

pl = plist('Colors', {'g', 'k', 'm'}, 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'LineWidths', [1 4]);
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to single plots

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'single');
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to subplots

% Also override the second legend text and the first line style
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% Changel ylabel

% Overide the Y-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YLabels', {'signal 1', 'signal 2'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% Changel xlabel

% Overide the X-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XLabels', {'', 'Time-stamps'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);

%% No legends

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'Legends', 'off');
miplot(xy1, xy2, pl);


%% Make test AOS

c1  = ao(randn(1,10));
c2  = ao(1:10);

%% Default plot
miplot(c1, c2)

%% Change colors and line styles

pl = plist('Colors', {'g', 'k', 'm'}, 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'LineWidths', [1 4]);
miplot(c1, c2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to single plots

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'single');
miplot(c1, c2, pl);

%% Change arrangement to subplots

% Also override the second legend text and the first line style
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(c1, c2, pl);

%% Changel ylabel

% Overide the Y-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YLabels', {'signal 1', 'signal 2'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(c1, c2, pl);

%% Changel xlabel

% Overide the X-labels
pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'XLabels', {'', 'Time-stamps'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'});
miplot(c1, c2, pl);

%% No legends

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'Legends', 'off');
miplot(c1, c2, pl);


%% Test data
nsecs = 100;
fs    = 100;
p     = plist('waveform', 'noise', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs);
n     = ao(p);
p     = plist('waveform', 'chirp', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f0', 0, 'f1', 50, 't1', nsecs);
s     = ao(p);

a = s+n;

% Make spectrogram

sxx = spectrogram(a, plist('Nfft', 4*fs));
rxx = spectrogram(s, plist('Nfft', 4*fs));

%% Plot

pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YMaths', {'log10(y)', 'log10(y)'}, ...
          'Zmaths', {'20*log10(z)', '20*log10(z)'}, ...
          'Xmaths', {'log10(x)'});

miplot(sxx, rxx, pl)


%% XY and TSDATA
miplot(xy1, tsao1, xy2, tsao2, c1)