view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@mysql/connect.m @ 51:9d5c88356247 database-connection-manager

Make unit tests database connection parameters configurable
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:24:37 +0100
parents 977eb37f31cb
line wrap: on
line source

function conn = connect(hostname, database, username, password)
% CONNECT Opens a connection to the given database.
%   conn = utils.mysql.connect(hostname, database, username, password)
% This function returns a Java java.sql.Connection object.
% On authetication error an utils:mysql:connect:AccessDenied exception
% is thrown. On other errors an utils:mysql:connect:ConnectionError
% exception is thrown.

  % informative message
  import utils.const.*
  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'connection to mysql://%s/%s username=%s', hostname, database, username);

  % connection credential
  uri = sprintf('jdbc:mysql://%s/%s', hostname, database);
  db = javaObject('com.mysql.jdbc.Driver');
  pl = javaObject('java.util.Properties');
  pl.setProperty(db.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, username);
  pl.setProperty(db.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, password);

    % connect
    conn = db.connect(uri, pl);
  catch ex
    % exceptions handling in matlab sucks
    if strcmp(ex.identifier, 'MATLAB:Java:GenericException')
      % extract exception class and message
      lines = regexp(ex.message, '\n', 'split');
      p = strfind(lines{2}, ': ');
      id = lines{2}(1:p(1)-1);
      message = lines{2}(p(1)+2:end);
      % some notable cases
      switch id
        case 'java.sql.SQLException'
          throwAsCaller(MException('utils:mysql:connect:AccessDenied', '### access denied: %s', message))
        case 'com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException'
          throwAsCaller(MException('utils:mysql:connect:ConnectionError', '### connection error: %s. check database name', message))
        case 'com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException'
          throwAsCaller(MException('utils:mysql:connect:ConnectionError', '### connection error: %s. check hostname', message))
      % user friendlier exception
      throwAsCaller(MException('utils:mysql:connect:ConnectionError', '### connection error: %s: %s', id, message))