line source
Library {
Name "ltpda_library"
Version 7.2
MdlSubVersion 0
SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252"
LibraryType "BlockLibrary"
SaveDefaultBlockParams on
ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000
OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
DisableAllScopes off
Created "Mon Feb 04 16:58:18 2008"
Creator "MoonElf"
UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"
ModifiedByFormat "%<Auto>"
LastModifiedBy "MoonElf"
ModifiedDateFormat "%<Auto>"
LastModifiedDate "Mon Dec 01 20:46:02 2008"
RTWModifiedTimeStamp 0
ModelVersionFormat "1.%<AutoIncrement:187>"
ConfigurationManager "None"
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ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace"
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ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
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ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
Array {
Type "Handle"
Dimension 1
Simulink.ConfigSet {
$ObjectID 1
Version "1.5.1"
Array {
Type "Handle"
Dimension 8
Simulink.SolverCC {
$ObjectID 2
Version "1.5.1"
StartTime "0.0"
StopTime "10.0"
AbsTol "auto"
FixedStep "auto"
InitialStep "auto"
MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
MaxOrder 5
ZcThreshold "auto"
ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
ExtrapolationOrder 4
NumberNewtonIterations 1
MaxStep "auto"
MinStep "auto"
MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
RelTol "1e-3"
SolverMode "SingleTasking"
Solver "ode45"
SolverName "ode45"
ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
SolverResetMethod "Fast"
PositivePriorityOrder off
AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
SignalSizeVariationType "Allow only fixed size"
Simulink.DataIOCC {
$ObjectID 3
Version "1.5.1"
Decimation "1"
ExternalInput "[t, u]"
FinalStateName "xFinal"
InitialState "xInitial"
LimitDataPoints on
MaxDataPoints "1000"
LoadExternalInput off
LoadInitialState off
SaveFinalState off
SaveFormat "Array"
SaveOutput on
SaveState off
SignalLogging on
InspectSignalLogs off
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StateSaveName "xout"
TimeSaveName "tout"
OutputSaveName "yout"
SignalLoggingName "logsout"
OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
OutputTimes "[]"
Refine "1"
Simulink.OptimizationCC {
$ObjectID 4
Version "1.5.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 4
Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
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BufferReuse on
EnhancedBackFolding off
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ExpressionFolding on
EnableMemcpy on
MemcpyThreshold 64
ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647
FoldNonRolledExpr on
LocalBlockOutputs on
RollThreshold 5
SystemCodeInlineAuto off
StateBitsets off
DataBitsets off
UseTempVars off
ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
InitFltsAndDblsToZero off
NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
EfficientFloat2IntCast off
EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
LifeSpan "inf"
BufferReusableBoundary on
SimCompilerOptimization "Off"
AccelVerboseBuild off
Simulink.DebuggingCC {
$ObjectID 5
Version "1.5.1"
RTPrefix "error"
ConsistencyChecking "none"
ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
SignalInfNanChecking "none"
SignalRangeChecking "none"
ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "none"
CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
TimeAdjustmentMsg "none"
MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error"
SolverPrmCheckMsg "none"
InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning"
DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
MultiTaskDSMMsg "error"
MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"
BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
EnableOverflowDetection off
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ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
StateNameClashWarn "warning"
StrictBusMsg "Warning"
LoggingUnavailableSignals "error"
BlockIODiagnostic "none"
Simulink.HardwareCC {
$ObjectID 6
Version "1.5.1"
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TargetBitPerInt 32
TargetBitPerLong 32
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TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
TargetWordSize 32
TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
TargetUnknown on
ProdEqTarget on
Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
$ObjectID 7
Version "1.5.1"
UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
Simulink.SFSimCC {
$ObjectID 8
Version "1.5.1"
SFSimEnableDebug on
SFSimOverflowDetection on
SFSimEcho on
SimUseLocalCustomCode off
SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build"
Simulink.RTWCC {
$BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
$ObjectID 9
Version "1.5.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 6
Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
Cell "GenerateTraceInfo"
Cell "GenerateTraceReport"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportSl"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportSf"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportEml"
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GenCodeOnly off
MakeCommand "make_rtw"
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TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
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TLCCoverage off
TLCAssert off
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ConfigurationMode "Optimized"
ConfigAtBuild off
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LaunchReport off
TargetLang "C"
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IncludeERTFirstTime off
GenerateTraceInfo off
GenerateTraceReport off
GenerateTraceReportSl off
GenerateTraceReportSf off
GenerateTraceReportEml off
GenerateCodeInfo off
RTWCompilerOptimization "Off"
Array {
Type "Handle"
Dimension 2
Simulink.CodeAppCC {
$ObjectID 10
Version "1.5.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 17
Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
Cell "IgnoreTestpoints"
Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
Cell "DefineNamingRule"
Cell "SignalNamingRule"
Cell "ParamNamingRule"
Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"
PropName "DisabledProps"
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PreserveNameWithParent off
ShowEliminatedStatement off
IncAutoGenComments off
SimulinkDataObjDesc off
SFDataObjDesc off
IncDataTypeInIds off
MangleLength 1
CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M"
CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F"
CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M"
DefineNamingRule "None"
ParamNamingRule "None"
SignalNamingRule "None"
InsertBlockDesc off
SimulinkBlockComments on
EnableCustomComments off
InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
ReqsInCode off
UseSimReservedNames off
Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
$BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
$ObjectID 11
Version "1.5.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 16
Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant"
Cell "CPPClassGenCompliant"
Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
Cell "SupportNonFinite"
Cell "SupportComplex"
Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
Cell "PortableWordSizes"
PropName "DisabledProps"
TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"
TargetLibSuffix ""
TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
TargetFunctionLibrary "ANSI_C"
UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"
ERTMultiwordTypeDef "System defined"
ERTMultiwordLength 256
MultiwordLength 2048
GenerateFullHeader on
GenerateSampleERTMain off
GenerateTestInterfaces off
IsPILTarget off
ModelReferenceCompliant on
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ERTCustomFileBanners off
SupportAbsoluteTime on
LogVarNameModifier "rt_"
MatFileLogging on
MultiInstanceERTCode off
SupportNonFinite on
SupportComplex on
PurelyIntegerCode off
SupportContinuousTime on
SupportNonInlinedSFcns on
EnableShiftOperators on
ParenthesesLevel "Nominal"
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ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
CPPClassGenCompliant off
AutosarCompliant off
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ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000
ExtModeTransport 0
ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
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GenerateASAP2 off
PropName "Components"
PropName "Components"
Name "Configuration"
CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
ConfigPrmDlgPosition " [ 200, 85, 1080, 715 ] "
PropName "ConfigurationSets"
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BlockParameterDefaults {
Block {
BlockType Constant
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "fixdt(1,16,0)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
LockScale off
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Demux
Outputs "4"
DisplayOption "none"
BusSelectionMode off
Block {
BlockType Display
Format "short"
Decimation "10"
Floating off
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType From
IconDisplay "Tag"
TagVisibility "local"
Block {
BlockType Goto
IconDisplay "Tag"
Block {
BlockType Ground
Block {
BlockType Inport
Port "1"
UseBusObject off
BusObject "BusObject"
BusOutputAsStruct off
PortDimensions "-1"
SampleTime "-1"
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OutMax "[]"
DataType "auto"
OutDataType "fixdt(1,16,0)"
OutScaling "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
LockScale off
SignalType "auto"
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LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
Interpolate on
Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
FunctionName "mlfile"
DisplayMFileStacktrace on
Block {
BlockType Mux
Inputs "4"
DisplayOption "none"
UseBusObject off
BusObject "BusObject"
NonVirtualBus off
Block {
BlockType Outport
Port "1"
UseBusObject off
BusObject "BusObject"
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PortDimensions "-1"
SampleTime "-1"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
DataType "auto"
OutDataType "fixdt(1,16,0)"
OutScaling "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
LockScale off
SignalType "auto"
SamplingMode "auto"
SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog"
OutputWhenDisabled "held"
InitialOutput "[]"
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
Permissions "ReadWrite"
PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
TreatAsAtomicUnit off
CheckFcnCallInpInsideContextMsg off
SystemSampleTime "-1"
RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
SimViewingDevice off
DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
Block {
BlockType Terminator
System {
Name "ltpda_library"
Location [448, 269, 924, 627]
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Commonly\nUsed Blocks"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [30, 30, 95, 90]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDisplay "disp('Common\\nBlocks')"
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MaskIconOpaque on
MaskIconRotate "none"
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System {
Name "Commonly\nUsed Blocks"
Location [201, 188, 673, 636]
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BlockType Inport
Name "In1"
Position [305, 58, 335, 72]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
IconDisplay "Port number"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Clean\nInput Obj"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [130, 254, 135, 301]
BackgroundColor "gray"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription "Removes from memory the object produced by the block (A)\nconnected to the second inport.\nPleas"
"e, connect the 2 inports to:\n- the data: this input is passed unmodified to the output towards block B.\n- the lin"
"k to the block A."
MaskDisplay "text(6,10,'Export')"
MaskIconFrame on
MaskIconOpaque on
MaskIconRotate "none"
MaskIconUnits "pixels"
System {
Name "Clean\nInput Obj"
Location [390, 402, 666, 592]
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BlockType Inport
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Position [25, 43, 55, 57]
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Block {
BlockType Inport
Name "In2"
Position [25, 83, 55, 97]
BackgroundColor "black"
Port "2"
IconDisplay "Port number"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "cleaninput"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [80, 29, 160, 111]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "g_cleaninput"
Block {
BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [190, 63, 220, 77]
BackgroundColor "black"
IconDisplay "Port number"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
Line {
SrcBlock "In2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "cleaninput"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "In1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "cleaninput"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "cleaninput"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Out1"
DstPort 1
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Copy\nparameters"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [50, 254, 55, 301]
BackgroundColor "gray"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription "Copy the parameters of block A into block B.\n2 inputs:\n- the data: this input is passed unmodi"
"fied to the output towards block B.\n- the link to the block A."
MaskDisplay "text(6,10,'Export')"
MaskIconFrame on
MaskIconOpaque on
MaskIconRotate "none"
MaskIconUnits "pixels"
System {
Name "Copy\nparameters"
Location [390, 402, 666, 592]
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BlockType Inport
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Position [25, 43, 55, 57]
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IconDisplay "Port number"
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OutScaling "2^0"
Block {
BlockType Inport
Name "In2"
Position [25, 83, 55, 97]
BackgroundColor "black"
Port "2"
IconDisplay "Port number"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "copyparam"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [80, 29, 160, 111]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "g_copyparams"
Block {
BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [190, 63, 220, 77]
BackgroundColor "black"
IconDisplay "Port number"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
Line {
SrcBlock "copyparam"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Out1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "In1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "copyparam"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "In2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "copyparam"
DstPort 2
Block {
BlockType Demux
Name "Demux"
Tag "demux"
Ports [1, 2]
Position [135, 26, 140, 99]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
Outputs "2"
DisplayOption "bar"
Block {
BlockType Display
Name "Display"
Ports [1]
Position [200, 160, 290, 190]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
Decimation "1"
Lockdown off
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From"
Tag "from"
Position [120, 167, 160, 183]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
GotoTag "A"
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Globals"
Tag "globals"
Ports []
Position [40, 364, 139, 380]
BackgroundColor "[0.874510, 0.874510, 0.874510]"
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',6);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDisplay "disp('Globals')\n"
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BlockType Goto
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Position [35, 167, 75, 183]
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GotoTag "A"
TagVisibility "local"
Block {
BlockType Mux
Name "Mux"
Tag "mux"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [50, 25, 55, 100]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
Inputs "2"
DisplayOption "bar"
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Subsystem"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [335, 149, 435, 191]
BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
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RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription "A generic subsystem, with an input and an output."
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Name "Subsystem"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "arithmetic"
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "hollow"
Tag "method ao"
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Constructor"
Tag "subsystem"
Ports []
Position [130, 30, 195, 90]
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/SubSystName"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_GETAOSINTIMESPAN performs high-level queries to retrieve AOs from an LTPDA repository.\n"
" \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('getAOsInTimeSpan')"
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Name "ltpda_getAOsInTimeSpan"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Input"
Ports []
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "Constructor"
Tag "method ltpda_gui"
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDA"
"GUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription "GUI Constructor to add scalar/vector/matrix/string objects to the LTPDA\nworkspace, to be passed"
" among blocks.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('GUI\\nconstructor')"
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Name "Constructor"
Location [164, 470, 515, 644]
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BlockType Ground
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "g_constructor"
Tag "g_constructor"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
BackgroundColor "red"
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BlockType Outport
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Position [255, 63, 285, 77]
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Object from list"
Tag "input"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [50, 35, 100, 65]
BackgroundColor "green"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription "Input block: send a LTPDA object from the input list, in the main panel of the LTPDA GUI, into t"
"he Simulink analysis diagram."
MaskDisplay "disp('Input Obj')"
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BlockType Outport
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "MDC01"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/SubSystName"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_MDC1_C returns a frequency-domain model of the controllers for MDC1.\n \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('mdc1_C')"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "ltpda_mdc1_C"
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Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
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FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "mdc1_actuator"
Tag "function"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [190, 110, 240, 140]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_MDC1_ACTUATOR returns a frequency-domain model of the actuators for MDC1.\n \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('mdc1_actuator')"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "mdc1_dynamics"
Tag "function"
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Position [270, 110, 320, 140]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_MDC1_DYNAMICS returns a frequency-domain model of the dynamics for MDC1.\n \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('mdc1_dynamics')"
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Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "ltpda_mdc1_dynamics"
Tag "ltpda_mdc1_dynamics"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "mdc1_ifo2acc_fd"
Tag "function"
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Position [270, 30, 320, 60]
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_MDC1_IFO2ACC_FS calculates the external acceleration in the frequency-domain.\n \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('mdc1_ifo2acc_fd')"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "ltpda_mdc1_ifo2acc_fd"
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BlockType SubSystem
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Tag "function"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2);if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPDAG"
"UI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LTPDA_MDC1_IFO2ACC_INLOOP calculates the inloop acceleration in the time-domain.\n \n "
MaskDisplay "disp('mdc1_ifo2acc_inloop')"
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MaskDescription " MDC1_IFO2ACC_FS calculates the external acceleration in the frequency-domain.\n \n "
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MaskDescription " MDC1_IFO2ACC_INLOOP calculates the inloop acceleration in the time-domain.\n "
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MaskDescription " MDC1_X2ACC converts the input time-series to acceleration with a time-domain filter\n "
" taking in to account the given spring stiffness.\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " CTRANSPOSE overloads the ' operator for Analysis Objects.\n "
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Opaque off
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MaskDescription " DET overloads the determinant function for Analysis objects.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('det')"
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System {
Name "det"
Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " DIAG overloads the diagonal operator for Analysis Objects.\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDisplay "disp('eig')"
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Name "eig"
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Opaque off
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MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " EXP overloads the exp operator for Analysis objects. Exponential.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('exp')"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " IMAG overloads the imaginary operator for Analysis objects.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('imag')"
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Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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Name "inv"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " INV overloads the inverse function for Analysis Objects.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('inv')"
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Name "inv"
Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "ln"
Tag "method ao"
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Position [30, 240, 80, 270]
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LN overloads the log operator for Analysis objects. Natural logarithm.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('ln')"
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Name "ln"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "log"
Tag "method ao"
Ports [1, 1]
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LOG overloads the log operator for Analysis objects. Natural logarithm.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('log')"
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Name "log"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "log10"
Tag "method ao"
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Position [170, 240, 220, 270]
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " LOG10 overloads the log10 operator for Analysis objects. Common (base 10) logarithm.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('log10')"
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BlockType Outport
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " TRANSPOSE overloads the .' operator for Analysis Objects.\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDisplay "disp('char')"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/output"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " INTERP interpolate the values in the input AO(s) at new values.\n "
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Position [170, 450, 220, 480]
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " INTERPMISSING interpolate missing samples in a time-series.\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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BlockType SubSystem
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDisplay "disp('eq')"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
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MaskDescription " RESP Make a frequency response of the filter.\n "
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BlockType SubSystem
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " RESP returns the complex response of a parfrac as an Analysis Object.\n "
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OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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".\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
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RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " kalman applies Kalman filtering to a discrete ssm with given i/o\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('kalman')"
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BlockType Outport
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Statespace"
Tag "subsystem"
Ports []
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/SubSystName"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " assembles embedded subsytems, with exogenous inputs\n "
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Name "assemble"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
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Tag "assemble"
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Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
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FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
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Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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SrcBlock "assemble"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "bode"
Tag "method ssm"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "copy"
Tag "method ssm"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " COPY Make copy of ssm objects depending of the second input\n "
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Name "copy"
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SrcBlock "copy"
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "double"
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AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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Name "double"
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BlockType Outport
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BlockType SubSystem
Name "getParamValues"
Tag "method ssm"
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Position [30, 100, 80, 130]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " GETPARAMVALUES returns parameter values for the given names.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('getParamValues')"
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Name "getParamValues"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
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Tag "getParamValues"
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BlockType Outport
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SrcBlock "getParamValues"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "minreal"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [100, 100, 150, 130]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
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Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " minreal gives a minimal realization of a ssm object by deleting state variables\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('minreal')"
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FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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SrcBlock "minreal"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "modifparams"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [170, 100, 220, 130]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " modifparams enables to modifyy and substitute parameters\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('modifparams')"
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Name "modifparams"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
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FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
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Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
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SrcBlock "modifparams"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "modiftimestep"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [240, 100, 290, 130]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
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RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " modiftime modifies the timestep of a ssm object\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('modiftimestep')"
MaskIconFrame on
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Name "modiftimestep"
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BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "modiftimestep"
Tag "modiftimestep"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "ltpdasim"
Block {
BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
IconDisplay "Port number"
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SrcBlock "In1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "modiftimestep"
DstPort 1
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SrcBlock "modiftimestep"
SrcPort 1
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DstPort 1
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "modify"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [30, 170, 80, 200]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " modify allows to exectue a string to modify a ssm object\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('modify')"
MaskIconFrame on
MaskIconOpaque on
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MaskIconUnits "pixels"
System {
Name "modify"
Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "modify"
Tag "modify"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "ltpdasim"
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BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
IconDisplay "Port number"
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SrcBlock "In1"
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SrcBlock "modify"
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Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "reduce"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [100, 170, 150, 200]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
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FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " reduce enables to do model simplification\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('reduce')"
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Name "reduce"
Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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Block {
BlockType "M-S-Function"
Name "reduce"
Tag "reduce"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [180, 55, 230, 85]
BackgroundColor "red"
FunctionName "ltpdasim"
Block {
BlockType Outport
Name "Out1"
Position [260, 63, 290, 77]
IconDisplay "Port number"
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SrcBlock "In1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "reduce"
DstPort 1
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SrcBlock "reduce"
SrcPort 1
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DstPort 1
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "reduce_model"
Tag "method ssm"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [170, 170, 220, 200]
BackgroundColor "red"
AncestorBlock "libraryBase/function"
OpenFcn "ltpdagui('callback',1,'redraw',2); if (~strcmp(bdroot,'ltpda_library') && ~isempty(findobj('Tag','LTPD"
"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
Opaque off
RequestExecContextInheritance off
MaskHideContents off
MaskDescription " REDUCE_MODEL enables to do model simplification\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('reduce_model')"
MaskIconFrame on
MaskIconOpaque on
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System {
Name "reduce_model"
Location [546, 498, 897, 672]
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " REBUILD rebuilds the input objects using the history.\n "
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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"AGUI'))), figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI')); end"
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MaskDescription " FORMAT Returns the time in specified format.\n "
MaskDisplay "disp('format')"
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