view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@helper/callerIsMethod.m @ 31:a26669b59d7e
Update LTPDAworkbench
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − % CALLERISMETHOD(varargin) checks if a method was called by another LTPDA method.
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: CALLERISMETHOD(varargin) checks if the method it is inserted in,
+ − % was called by another LTPDA method
+ − %
+ − % CALL: callerIsMethod = utils.helper.callerIsMethod()
+ − % [callerIsMethod, className] = utils.helper.callerIsMethod()
+ − % [callerIsMethod, className, methodName] = utils.helper.callerIsMethod()
+ − %
+ − % The name of the caller function is retrieved from a call to dbstack
+ − %
+ − % The name of the higher level caller function, if any is tested against the structure
+ − % /../../classes/@class_name/method_name.m
+ − %
+ − % If the higher level caller is found to be a method of LTPDA classes, out is TRUE
+ − % If the caller is found not to be a method of LTPDA classes, out is FALSE
+ − %
+ − % Optional outputs:
+ − % className the name of the class the caller methods is associated
+ − % methodName the name of the caller method is associated
+ − %
+ − % HISTORY: 09-02-11 M Hueller
+ − % Creation
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: callerIsMethod.m,v 1.16 2011/04/09 06:58:47 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = callerIsMethod(varargin)
+ −
+ − % This is just some thinking about make a scheme that can override the
+ − % behaviour of callerIsMethod. The idea is to create a variable called
+ − % 'callerIsMethod' in the calling function and pass it in here. We would
+ − % have to pass varargin and inputnames down the chain always. It almost
+ − % works but will be too much work for the moment.
+ − % if nargin == 2
+ − %
+ − % inputs = varargin{1};
+ − % names = varargin{2};
+ − %
+ − % idx = strcmpi('callerIsMethod', names);
+ − % if any(idx)
+ − % varargout{1} = inputs{idx};
+ − % return
+ − % end
+ − % end
+ −
+ − persistent exceptions;
+ −
+ − if isempty(exceptions)
+ − exceptions = {'compute', 'rebuild', 'collect_values', 'generic_getInfo', 'executeCommands'};
+ − end
+ −
+ − stack = dbstack('-completenames');
+ − index = 2;
+ −
+ − if size (stack, 1) < index
+ − error('### This utility can only be used inside other functions!');
+ − end
+ −
+ − if size (stack, 1) == index
+ −
+ − % This is the highest level function call.
+ − % The caller is not a method
+ − callerIsMethod = false;
+ − className = [];
+ − methodName = [];
+ −
+ − else
+ − % This is not the highest level function call.
+ −
+ − % Serching for class methods assuming the folder/files structure is:
+ − % /../../classes/@class_name/method_name.m
+ −
+ − % In the case that we are inside a nested function, we need to climb up
+ − % until we get out of the calling file.
+ − firstFile = stack(index).file;
+ − firstName = stack(index).name;
+ −
+ − while index < length(stack) && strcmp(firstFile, stack(index).file) && ~strcmp(firstName, stack(index+1).name)
+ − index = index+1;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % capture method name
+ − methodName = stack(index).name;
+ −
+ − if index == length(stack) && length(stack)>3
+ − callerIsMethod = false;
+ − className = '';
+ − else
+ − % filesep is quite slow, so we cache the value and use it three times.
+ − % The \ character is also a command in regexp, so we need to go for a trick
+ − if strncmp(computer, 'PC', 2)
+ − fs = '\\';
+ − else
+ − fs = '/';
+ − end
+ −
+ − % capture class name
+ − tokenStr = regexp(stack(index).file, ['.*' fs '@(\w+)' fs '\w+.m$'], 'tokens');
+ −
+ − % *********
+ − % At the moment this bit of code is a bad thing because models which
+ − % create objects in their default plists (AOs for example) can't be
+ − % rebuilt because the objects have no history. An example of this is
+ − % smodel_model_psd_feeps.
+ − % *********
+ −
+ − % % If we are being called deep inside a built-in model constructor,
+ − % % then the stack will contain fromModel and we are called from a
+ − % % method.
+ − % if utils.helper.ismember('fromModel', {stack(:).name})
+ − % callerIsMethod = true;
+ − % className = 'ltpda_uo';
+ − % methodName = 'fromModel';
+ − %
+ − % % If the method is a unit test (test_*) then we add history
+ − % else
+ −
+ −
+ − if strncmp(methodName, 'test_', 5)
+ − callerIsMethod = false;
+ − if ~isempty(tokenStr)
+ − className = tokenStr{1}{1};
+ − end
+ −
+ − % if we get a match and if the caller is not in the exception list
+ − % then we were called by a method.
+ − elseif ~isempty(tokenStr) && ~any(strcmp(stack(index).name, exceptions))
+ − callerIsMethod = true;
+ − className = tokenStr{1}{1};
+ − else
+ − callerIsMethod = false;
+ − className = '';
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Assigning outputs
+ − switch nargout
+ − case 0
+ − case 1
+ − varargout{1} = callerIsMethod;
+ − case 2
+ − varargout{1} = callerIsMethod;
+ − varargout{2} = className;
+ − case 3
+ − varargout{1} = callerIsMethod;
+ − varargout{2} = className;
+ − varargout{3} = methodName;
+ − otherwise
+ − error('### Incorrect number of outputs');
+ − end
+ − end