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view m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager/LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager.m @ 31:a26669b59d7e database-connection-manager
Update LTPDAworkbench
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 |
parents | e3c5468b1bfe |
children | 5e7477b94d94 |
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classdef LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager < handle properties(SetAccess=private) connections = {}; credentials = {}; end % private properties properties(Dependent=true) credentialsExpiry; % seconds cachePassword; % 0=no 1=yes 2=ask maxConnectionsNumber; end % dependent properties methods(Static) function reset() % RESET Resets the state of the connection manager. % % This static method removes the LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager % instance data from the appdata storage. Causes the reset of the % credentials cache and the removal of all the connections from % the connection pool. rmappdata(0, LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager.appdataKey); end function key = appdataKey() % APPDATAKEY Returns the key used to store instance data in appdata. % % This is defined as static method, and not has an instance constant % property, to to be accessible by the reset static method. key = 'LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager'; end end % static methods methods function cm = LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager() % LTPDACONNECTIONMANAGER Manages credentials and database connections. % % This constructor returns an handler to a LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager % class instance. Database connections can be obtained trough the % obtained object with the connect() method. % % The purpose of this class it to keep track of open database connections % and to cache database credentials. It must be used in all LTPDA toolbox % functions that required to obtain database connections. Its behaviour can % be configured via LTPDA toolbox user preferences. The object status is % persisted trough the appdata matlab facility. % import credentials class import utils.credentials % load state from appdata acm = getappdata(0, cm.appdataKey()); if isempty(acm) % store state in appdata setappdata(0, cm.appdataKey(), cm); import utils.const.* utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'new connection manager'); else cm = acm; end end function str = disp(cm) disp(sprintf('%s()\n', class(cm))); end function val = get.credentialsExpiry(cm) % obtain from user preferences p = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); val = double(p.getRepoPrefs().getExpiry()); end function val = get.cachePassword(cm) % obtain from user preferences p = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); val = double(p.getRepoPrefs().getCachePassword()); end function val = get.maxConnectionsNumber(cm) % obtain from user preferences p = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); val = double(p.getRepoPrefs().getMaxConnectionsNumber()); end function n = count(cm) % COUNT Returns the number of open connections in the connections pool. % % This method has the side effect of removing all closed connections from % the connections pool, so that the underlying objects can be garbage % collected. import utils.const.* % find closed connections in the pool mask = false(numel(cm.connections), 1); for kk = 1:numel(cm.connections) if cm.connections{kk}.isClosed() utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'connection id=%d closed', kk); mask(kk) = true; end end % remove them cm.connections(mask) = []; % count remainig ones n = numel(cm.connections); end function clear(cm) % CLEAR Removes all cached credentials from the connection manager. cm.credentials = {}; end function conn = connect(cm, varargin) % CONNECT Uses provided credential to establish a database connection. % % CONNECT(hostname, database, username, password) Returns an object % implementing the java.sql.Connection interface handing a connection to % the specified database. Any of the parameter is optional. The user will % be queried for the missing information. % % The returned connection are added to a connections pool. When the number % of connections in the pool exceeds a configurable maximum, no more % connection are instantiated. Closed connections are automatically % removed from the pool. % % CONNECT(pl) Works as the above but the parameters are obtained from the % plist object PL. If the 'connection' parameter in the plist contains an % object implementing the java.sql.Connection interface, this object is % returned instead that opening a new connection. In this case the % connection in not added to the connection pool. import utils.const.* % save current credentials cache cache = cm.credentials; % count open connections in the pool count = cm.count(); % check parameters if numel(varargin) == 1 && isa(varargin{1}, 'plist') % extract parameters from plist pl = varargin{1}; % check if we have a connection parameter conn = find(pl, 'conn'); if ~isempty(conn) % check that it implements java.sql.Connection interface if ~isa(conn, 'java.sql.Connection') error('### connection is not valid database connection'); end % return this connection return; end % otherwise hostname = find(pl, 'hostname'); database = find(pl, 'database'); username = find(pl, 'username'); password = find(pl, 'password'); % if there is no hostname ignore other parameters if ~ischar(hostname) || isempty(hostname) varargin = {}; % if there is no database ignore other parameters elseif ~ischar(database) || isempty(database) varargin = {hostname}; % if there is no username ignore other parameters elseif ~ischar(username) || isempty(username) varargin = {hostname, database}; % password can not be null but can be an empty string elseif ~ischar(password) varargin = {hostname, database, username}; else varargin = {hostname, database, username, password}; end end % check number of connections if count > cm.maxConnectionsNumber error('### too many open connections'); end % connect try conn = cm.getConnection(varargin{:}); % add connection to pool utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'add connection to pool'); cm.connections{end+1} = conn; catch ex % restore our copy of the credentials cache utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'undo cache changes'); cm.credentials = cache; % hide implementation details ex.throw(); end end function close(cm, ids) % CLOSE Forces connections to be closed. % % In the case bugs in other routines working with database connections % produce orphan connections, this method can be used to force the close % of those connections. % % CLOSE(ids) Closes the connections with the corresponding IDs in the % connections pool. If no ID is given all connections in the pool are % closed. if nargin < 2 ids = 1:numel(cm.connections); end cellfun(@close, cm.connections(ids)); % remove closed connections from pool cm.count(); end function add(cm, c) % ADD Adds credentials to the credentials cache. % % This method can be used to initialize or add to the cache, credentials % that will be used in subsequent connections attempts. This method accepts % only credentials in the form of utils.credentials objects. % check input arguments if nargin < 2 || ~isa(c, 'utils.credentials') error('### invalid call'); end % add to the cache cm.cacheCredentials(c); end end % methods methods(Access=private) function conn = getConnection(cm, varargin) % GETCONNECTION Where the implementation of the connect method really is. import utils.const.* % handle variable number of arguments switch numel(varargin) case 0 % find credentials [hostname, database, username] = cm.selectDatabase([cm.credentials{:}]); conn = cm.getConnection(hostname, database, username); case 1 % find credentials cred = cm.findCredentials(varargin{:}); if numel(cred) == 0 cred = utils.credentials(varargin{:}); end [hostname, database, username] = cm.selectDatabase(cred); conn = cm.getConnection(hostname, database, username); case 2 % find credentials cred = cm.findCredentials(varargin{:}); switch numel(cred) case 0 conn = cm.getConnection(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, []); case 1 conn = cm.getConnection(cred.hostname, cred.database, cred.username); otherwise [hostname, database, username] = cm.selectDatabase(cred); conn = cm.getConnection(hostname, database, username); end case 3 % find credentials cred = cm.findCredentials(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}); switch numel(cred) case 0 % no credentials found usernames = { varargin{3} }; if isempty(varargin{3}) % use usernames for same hostname tmp = cm.findCredentials(varargin{1}); if ~isempty(tmp) usernames = { tmp(:).username }; end end % build credentials objects tmp = {}; for kk = 1:numel(usernames) tmp{kk} = utils.credentials(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, usernames{kk}); end % convert from cell array to array cred = [tmp{:}]; case 1 % credentials in cache utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'use cached credentials'); otherwise % we should not have more than one credentials set error('### more than one credentials set matching'); end cache = false; if (numel(cred) > 1) || ~cred.complete % ask for password [username, password, cache] = cm.inputCredentials(cred); % cache credentials cred = utils.credentials(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, username); cm.cacheCredentials(cred); % add password to credentials cred.password = password; end % try to connect try conn = utils.mysql.connect(cred.hostname, cred.database, cred.username, cred.password); catch ex % look for access denied errors if strcmp(ex.identifier, 'utils:mysql:connect:AccessDenied') % ask for new new credentials utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, ex.message); conn = cm.getConnection(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}); else % error out throw(ex); end end % cache password if cache utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'cache password'); cm.cacheCredentials(cred); end case 4 % connect conn = utils.mysql.connect(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}, varargin{4}); if cm.cachePassword == 1 % cache credentials with password cred = utils.credentials(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}, varargin{4}); else % cache credentials without password cred = utils.credentials(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}); end cm.cacheCredentials(cred); otherwise error('### invalid call') end end function ids = findCredentialsId(cm, varargin) % FINDCREDENTIALSID Find credentials in the cache and returns their IDs. import utils.const.* ids = []; for kk = 1:numel(cm.credentials) % invalidate expired passwords if expired(cm.credentials{kk}) utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'cache entry id=%d expired', kk); cm.credentials{kk}.password = []; cm.credentials{kk}.expiry = 0; end % match input with cache if match(cm.credentials{kk}, varargin{:}) ids = [ ids kk ]; end end end function cred = findCredentials(cm, varargin) % FINDCREDENTIALS Find credentials in the cache and returns them in a list. % default cred = []; % search ids = findCredentialsId(cm, varargin{:}); % return a credentials objects array if ~isempty(ids) cred = [cm.credentials{ids}]; end end function cacheCredentials(cm, c) % CACHECREDENTIALS Adds to or updates the credentials cache. import utils.const.* % find entry to update ids = findCredentialsId(cm, c.hostname, c.database, c.username); % set password expiry time if ischar(c.password) c.expiry = double(time()) + cm.credentialsExpiry; end if isempty(ids) % add at the end utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'add cache entry %s', char(c)); cm.credentials{end+1} = c; else for id = ids % update only if the cached informations are less than the one we have if length(c) > length(cm.credentials{id}) utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'update cache entry id=%d %s', id, char(c)); cm.credentials{id} = c; else % always update expiry time cm.credentials{id}.expiry = c.expiry; end end end end function [username, password, cache] = inputCredentials(cm, cred) % INPUTCREDENTIALS Queries the user for database username and password. % build a cell array of usernames users = {}; for id = 1:numel(cred) if ~isempty(cred(id).username) users = [ users { cred(id).username } ]; end end users = sort(unique(users)); parent = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance().getMainFrame(); dialog = javaObjectEDT('connectionmanager.CredentialsDialog', ... parent, cred(1).hostname, cred(1).database, users, cm.cachePassword);; if dialog.cancelled throw(MException('utils:mysql:connect:UserCancelled', '### user cancelled')); end username = char(dialog.username); password = char(dialog.password); cache = logical(dialog.cache); end function [hostname, database, username] = selectDatabase(cm, credentials) % SELECTDATABASE Makes the user choose to which database connect to. parent = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance().getMainFrame(); dialog = javaObjectEDT('connectionmanager.DatabaseSelectorDialog', parent); for c = credentials dialog.add(c.hostname, c.database, c.username); end; if dialog.cancelled throw(MException('utils:mysql:connect:UserCancelled', '### user cancelled')); end hostname = char(dialog.hostname); database = char(dialog.database); username = char(dialog.username); if isempty(username) username = []; end end end % private methods end % classdef