line source
+ − % COMPUTE performs the given operations on the input AOs.
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: COMPUTE performs the given operations on the input AOs.
+ − %
+ − % This is a transparent wrapper for the user selected operations and as such
+ − % doesn't add history.
+ − %
+ − % CALL: b = compute(a)
+ − % b = compute(a, pl)
+ − % b = compute(a, 'a(1) + a(2)./a(3)')
+ − % b = compute(a, {'a(1) + a(2)./a(3)', 'log10(a(1))'})
+ − %
+ − % PARAMETERS: 'Operations' - a string array describing the operations to
+ − % be performed. The input AOs are collected
+ − % together into a vector called 'a' and as
+ − % such should be so represented in your
+ − % operation description.
+ − %
+ − % If no operation is input, then the output is just a copy of the inputs.
+ − %
+ − % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'compute')">Parameters Description</a>
+ − %
+ − % EXAMPLES: 1) Add the two AOs, x and y, together
+ − % >> b = compute(x,y, plist('Operations', 'a(1) + a(2)'))
+ − % or
+ − % >> b = compute(x,y, 'a(1) + a(2)')
+ − %
+ − % 2) Perform two operations such that the output, b, contains two AOs
+ − % >> b = compute([x y], z, plist('Operations', {'2.*a(3)./a(1)', 'a(2)-a(1)'}))
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: compute.m,v 1.21 2011/04/08 08:56:18 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = compute(varargin)
+ −
+ − % Check if this is a call for parameters
+ − if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+ − varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − import utils.const.*
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+ −
+ − % Collect input variable names
+ − in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+ − for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+ −
+ − % Collect all AOs and plists
+ − [as, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names);
+ − [pl, pl_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist', in_names);
+ −
+ − if nargout == 0
+ − error('### compute cannot be used as a modifier. Please give an output variable.');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Decide on a deep copy or a modify
+ − a = copy(as, nargout);
+ −
+ − % combine plists
+ − pl = parse(pl, getDefaultPlist());
+ −
+ − % Look for plist of input char
+ − ops = '';
+ − if ischar(varargin{end})
+ − ops = varargin{end};
+ − elseif iscell(varargin{end})
+ − ops = varargin{end};
+ − else
+ − ops = find(pl, 'Operations');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Check we have a cell array
+ − if ischar(ops)
+ − ops = {ops};
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Loop over operations
+ − bs(length(ops),1) = ao;
+ − for jj=1:length(ops)
+ − % evaluate this operation
+ − if ops{jj}(end) ~= ';'
+ − ops{jj}(end+1) = ';';
+ − end
+ − bs(jj) = eval(ops{jj});
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Set outputs
+ − varargout{1} = bs;
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Info Object
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+ − if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+ − sets = {};
+ − pl = [];
+ − else
+ − sets = {'Default'};
+ − pl = getDefaultPlist;
+ − end
+ − % Build info object
+ − ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.sigproc, '$Id: compute.m,v 1.21 2011/04/08 08:56:18 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
+ − ii.setModifier(false);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Default Plist
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+ − persistent pl;
+ − if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
+ − pl = buildplist();
+ − end
+ − plout = pl;
+ − end
+ −
+ − function pl = buildplist()
+ − pl = plist({'Operations', 'A string describing the operations on the vector ''a'' of AOs'}, {1, {'a'}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+ − end
+ − % END
+ −
+ −